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Let's stop attacks and shootings of Sikhs in America

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Nov 5, 2003, 11:07:30 PM11/5/03
Senseless attacks and killings of Sikh Americans continues…
due to ignorance and fear …
It MUST Stop …for the sake of the children.
MSTKEN IDENTITY's goal is to display leadership in America's diversity
and encourage renewed commitment to encourage tolerance
and understanding for the Sikh Identity …
Let's educate America ... on TV nationwide

"Mistaken Identity" has received three major American film festivals awards:
The Golden Lion Award, in Florence, AL; the Remi Gold Statuette for "creative
excellency" at the WOLRDFEST-Houston, TX competing with over 4,500 film
entries. Most recently, the New York International Independent Film & Video
Festival (NYIIFV) proudly announced the awards from their highly successful Los
Angeles event, (10-28 September 2003: Best Directorial Debut: Documentary -
Vinanti Sarkar for "Mistaken Identity: Sikhs in America"

With this positive acceptance by Americans, let's work together by writing
checks of $100 or more to help finance the major United Nations screening in
January 2004 to celebrate Guru Gobind Singhji's birthday and the creation of the
Kalsas.. We need to raise $10,000-$25,000, (with 100 to 250 Sikhs @ $100) to
get the film broadcast on American Television nationwide, including design/
print/mailing invitations and recepiton for the UN screening, and duplicating
professional broadcast copies to the TV channels. We are in touch with about
70 channels.

REWARD: Your check of $100 payment will give you personal recognition with a
letter mailed in your name, business/or home address to your U.S. State
Senator, Mayor, and Chief of Police or your children's school or public library with
3-4 VHS/DVD copies.

Please visit website: (designed by two young Sikh gentlemen
purely out of Seva to Wahe Sat Guruji). Place your order for $100 or more via
Pay Pal for credit card holders. Or send checks in the name of MISTAKEN
IDENTITY, Attn: V. Castellarin, 425 East 51st Street, Suite 7E, New York, NY 10022.
Tel: 212-759-4568.

Since Baisaki celebrations, there has been a great demand for "free"
screenings of MISTAKEN IDENTITY from Human Rights, Amnesty & Multicultural, Hate Free
organizations, major US universities: Harvard University (MA); George
Washington University (DC); University of Pennsylvania (PA); University of New Orleans
(LA); California State University (CA), University of North Alabama (AL);
University of Colorado (CO); New York University, Columbia University, etc,
including in Canada, with schools and smaller colleges. We are working with Sikh
Student Associations (SSA) around the country and Canada.

The film is presented as "a celebration of cultural diversity in America" for
more understanding and tolerance of Sikh Americans for the sake of the Sikh
children's future in this country.

Looking forward to your favorable support to get the film on American TV,

V. Castellarin, Manager, MISTAKEN IDENTITY: Sikhs in America
425 East 51st Street, Suite 7E, New York, NY 10022. Tel: 212-759-4568

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