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new pagan/Platonist ebooks

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Hermes Trismegistus

Mar 16, 2015, 11:40:03 PM3/16/15
New Gnostic, Hermetic, Apollonian, Pythagorean, Classical-based,
Platonist, Leibnizian, etc., pagan mathematicist rationalist
idealist philosophy ebooks (in the 'God Series' not about any creator
'God', but mathematics-theism, also resulting in evolutionary
polytheism, autotheism, and in a sense, mathematical panendeism), have
been published (also with reference/commentary to Mediaeval &
Renaissance and Modern mysticism/esoterism--including German
Idealism--and far Eastern philosophy). I used to post on them soon
after publication but got behind, and also, some posts were moderated
out here (so you would have to check the author page for
missed desccriptions).

Remember, various philosophy is important to various pagans, such as
formal ethics/values (such as in NW European paganism) or, when one
considers early civilized pagans--such as India, China, Greece--then
any aspect of philosophy, as they developed the most in-depth. These
ebooks could be called Hellenist, referring to likely all Greek pagan
cultural philosophy, related polytheism, but also getting into later
European (and other) pagan and related philosophy (commenting what
differences would be in the later, or instances when thinkers had to
appear non-pagan, often were executed anyway, and what their real ideas
may have been). The ebooks get into pagan topics, such as magic,
Hellenic and other worldviews, and mention pagan gods in about every
book. The ebooks are additionally relevant for ideas incompatible with
non-paganism (i.e. 'heresy') and the authors want people to evolve past
backwards/violent non-pagan ideologies of cruel initiation/
brainwashing, to a more rational world, keeping diverse pagan ideas for
psychological, symbolical, whatever aspects (since not against society)
people want.

They can be found under Mike Hockney's page, and are also on (catching up) and some by associated authors
(Michael Faust, Adam Weishaupt) at those sites and . Before even reading the first eight ebooks
I mentioned earlier, they may expect you to have read their website
(for terminology) named after Hockney's earlier novel, . Ebooks have had excerpts added
upwards on the site article list down to the left after the
introduction (all above the original article basically on the Platonic
enlightened ones).

I list the next books I had not mentioned, in order, so you can see if
certain ones are more interesting. All are about a mathematicist
rationalist idealist philosophy, i.e. that everything is mathematics
and that math explains everything. Some will be of more interest to
some pagans, and others perhaps to others, and you can tell by the

_The Omega Point_
_All The Rest Is Propaganda_
_World, Overworld, Underworld, Dreamworld_
_The Mathematical Universe__
_The Mathmos_
_Richard Dawkins: Pope of Unreason_
_Free Will And Will to Power_
_Why Math Must Replace Science_
_Mind And Life, Form And Content_
_Magic, Matter, And Qualia_
_Causation And The Principle of Sufficient Reason_
_The Sam Harris Delusion_
_Black Holes Are Souls_
_The Science of Monads_
_Transcendental Mathematics_

_The Omega Point_

What is history's biggest lie? It's that there's one "God", that he
Created the universe out of nothing and made Adam from the dirt of the
Garden of Eden, with Eve then being generated from one of Adam's ribs!
Nothing has done more damage to the human psyche than monotheism - the
doctrine of an all-powerful "Spy God" who watches what everyone does
(the divine peeping Tom) and sentences to perpetual pain in his cosmic
torture chamber of hell anyone who doesn't slavishly worship and obey him .

In fact, the universe is a mathematical "God factory" and creates
infinite Gods over eons of time, via the optimization of the cosmic
equation (the universal wavefunction), which is entirely mathematical.

The universe, via dialectical ontological mathematics, is converging on
the perfect answer to everything. This condition is known as the
Absolute or the Omega Point.

The universe travels, mathematically, from Alpha to Omega, from perfect
potential to perfect actualization. Even now, on this Earth, people are
transforming into Gods.

The ancient and controversial secret society known as the Illuminati
has, for thousands of years, waged a war against Abrahamic monotheism
and promoted the doctrine of "becoming God". No matter who you are, you
can attain divinity if you get off your knees and stop mindlessly and
slavishly worshiping a non-existent "Creator".

Mathematics is the Philosopher's Stone that can transmute base metal
(ordinary humans) into gold (Gods). You too can attain your own divine
Omega Point, and complete your cosmic journey - across countless
reincarnations - from alpha to omega.

Are you ready to become an Omega Human?


Humanity is a single biological species but has split into two different
mental species labelled Mythos and Logos. The Mythos species is driven
by emotional stories, not by facts, evidence or rational arguments.
Christians believe that the all-powerful Creator of the universe, rather
than simply sort out Earths problems, chose to be born of a 14-year-old
Jewish virgin, have himself arrested by the Romans and crucified, then
resurrect himself, while taking great care to be seen only by his most
fanatical supporters and not by anyone who didnt believe in him. The
Jews believe that Moses went up a mountain and received two stone
tablets of the Ten Commandments, written by Gods fiery finger. The
Muslims believe that the illiterate prophet Mohammed went into a cave
and had the Word of God dictated to him by the Angel Gabriel.

These are all staggeringly far-fetched claims, more or less comically
absurd, that would surely require the strongest possible evidence before
anyone could take them seriously. Yet they are not supported by any
facts or evidence at all, and they wholly contradict reason. You are
required to have faith in them.

The Enlightenment the Age of Reason was when a new human mental
species came to the fore Logos humanity. It was born in ancient Greece
but proved unable to beat the endarkened forces of faith. Its hour
finally came when reason gained traction in the world through the
unarguable success of science. However, only a fraction of the human
race benefited from the Enlightenment. Most of the world is as benighted
as ever, locked into Mythos and faith. Islam has had no Enlightenment
and continues to reject more or less all knowledge generated since the
appearance of the Koran. Who needs knowledge when you have the
infallible truth written by God himself?

Another force of irrationalism has now conquered the world. Its not a
religious Mythos but an economic Mythos free-market capitalism. Its
advocates have absolute faith that irrational markets reflecting
ineradicable selfishness and self-interest generate an invisible hand
(i.e. God or, more accurately, Mammon) that miraculously resolves all
of the problems of the world.

Even scientific materialism is a Mythos the sensory Mythos which
asserts that rational unobservables, undetectable by the senses,
simply cannot exist. Thus science, though it's based on mathematics,
irrationally accepts only the positive real numbers subset of
mathematics while rejecting imaginary numbers entirely, barely
tolerating negative real numbers and absolutely forbidding zero and
infinity. Scientists provide no sufficient reason why reality should
miraculously choose to be expressed only through positive real numbers,
and that all other numbers are somehow unreal and fantastical.

HyperHumanity is the upgrade of Logos humanity that advocates
Hyperrationalism. The next Great Age will be that of Hyperreason when
Mythos is finally cast down. Abrahamism and free-market capitalism will
both fall. Moreover, the half-baked, incomplete, irrational subset of
mathematics known as scientific materialism will also perish, and be
replaced by ontological mathematics.

The Ultimate Enlightenment the Age of Hyperreason led by higher
humanity (the HyperHumans) will power humanity ahead to a Star Trek
future where we travel the physical galaxies in starships, and thence
to mental galaxies that we traverse in vessels of the purest light.

Old Humanity, stuck in its irrational Mythos past, will become
extinct. The future is about the new human race HyperHumanity. Do you
belong to the Illuminated Ones, the Shining Ones, the Divine Ones, or
are you on your knees to some story-book God, an irrational market or
irrational devotion to your physical senses?

HyperHumanity is not here to help Old Humanity. It is here to replace
it! We are the true human race, that which seeks to claim its rightful
prize divinity.

_All The Rest Is Propaganda_

The world is always forcing its propaganda on you. Everyone is
"selling" you something. At the very least, they're selling you their
story, their version of events, their view of the world, the way they
want things to be. You're at it too, of course. Facebook and Twitter
are not social networking platforms. Rather, they're personal
propaganda vehicles, which is why they're so successful and why people
lavish so much time on them. They're cyber self-portraits, and people
will endlessly keep airbrushing them, trying to perfect them. What's
the secret of making money? Pander to people's narcissism. Make it all
about them - their favourite subject.

We're saturated with propaganda. We're bombarded with religious,
political, economic, social and psychological propaganda. The media and
advertising industries have no other function than to mass produce
propaganda. Where is the truth in all this? What and whom can you
trust? What propaganda techniques should you be looking out for? How
can you protect yourself?

This book is the gospel of anti-propaganda. This is the expose of all
the propagandists out to manipulate and exploit you. By the time you've
finished this, you'll know exactly what to believe. It's a short list!

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary
act." - George Orwell

In a time of universal propaganda, knowing what the truth is in the
first place is revolutionary.

Learn the truth. Join the Revolution. Be a heroic soldier in the war of
the Second and Final Enlightenment: the war to end Abrahamism, Karmism
and free-market capitalism once and for all, the war to place
humanity's irrational past behind it and advance into the glorious,
divine future.

_World, Overworld, Underworld, Dreamworld_

Ancient cultures were faced with two immense problems. Why is there
something rather than nothing and why is the universe ordered rather
than chaotic? To answer these questions, they invented cosmologies,
which were also the basis of their religious beliefs. A persons
cosmological and religious beliefs are always interdependent. If you
have an atheistic (scientific materialist) cosmology, you will be an
atheist. If you have a Creator God cosmology, you will be an
Abrahamist. If you have a pantheistic cosmology equating God and
Nature, you are likely to follow an Eastern religion. If you have an
ontological mathematical cosmology, you will be an advocate of the
rational soul (dimensionless mathematical monad Fourier frequency
domain singularity).

The ordered universe of the ancients was divided into four: 1) the
World (that we inhabit), 2) the Overworld (the sky and heavens that the
gods inhabit), 3) the Underworld (that the dead inhabit), and 4)
Dreamworld (the mysterious zone between sleep and death that connects
the living, dead and the gods). This is the incredible story of these
four worlds and how they have influenced the development of all human
thought, right up to the present day.

_The Mathematical Universe__

The universe is a mathematical hologram. Its made of ontological
mathematics. Its a living, thinking, self-optimising holographic
organism composed of immortal, indestructible, ontological mathematical
units called monads, defined by the most powerful and beautiful
equation in the whole of mathematics: Eulers Formula.

Monads have a much more resonant name: souls. We all inhabit Soul
World, a wondrous Singularity outside space and time. Our souls are
individual mathematical singularities: autonomous, uncaused, uncreated,
dimensionless frequency domains. Via Fourier mathematics, these
imperishable, immaterial monadic souls can collectively create the
spacetime domain of the material world. Where each soul is a single
frequency domain, the material world of space and time is their
collective Fourier output. What is matter? Its simply dimensional
energy: energy existing in the Fourier spacetime domain rather than in
the Fourier dimensionless frequency domain.

Souls are immense mathematical vibrations, based on precise, analytic
cosine waves and imaginary sine waves (hence are defined by complex
numbers rather than the real numbers of scientific materialism). From
these waves, we get wave mechanics (quantum mechanics) and holography,
i.e. a complete explanation of the material world.

Fourier mathematics solves the previously intractable problem of
Cartesian dualism (the famous mind-body problem), i.e. how unextended
minds can interact with extended matter. Minds are just Fourier
frequency domains and bodies Fourier spacetime domains. Bodies are
nothing but an alternative mathematical way of representing mental
information. They are mental constructs or projections, and have no
independent existence.

What was the Big Bang? It was a purely mathematical operation in which
a frequency domain of mathematical souls (a Singularity), outside space
and time, generated a Fourier spacetime domain: a cosmic hologram
grounded in quantum mechanics. It really is as simple as that.

As Plato recognised, true reality belongs to the intelligible domain
(which, mathematically, is an eternal, immutable frequency domain based
on Eulers Formula). Illusory, contingent reality constitutes the
sensible domain studied by scientists.

Its the rational mind, not sensory experiments, that reveals the
eternal, intelligible truths of reason. The sensible world is all
about truths of fact, which have no eternal necessity.
Reality is defined by a single mathematical law: the God Equation,
derived from Eulers Formula. This single equation generates and
controls the entire universe. Its the True God an all-powerful
ontological equation, but its certainly not a person. Its outside
space and time and yet can create space and time. Its the uncaused
cause of everything, the Prime Mover.

What, at root, are mind and life? They are simply the eternal flow of
structured information mathematical waves. Consciousness is what
arises when this information flow becomes self-aware and can attach I
to itself. Information is all about numbers. As Pythagoras said, All
things are numbers; number rules all. He was asserting that we inhabit
a universe of information, of ontological mathematics.

Leibniz was the greatest of all the inheritors of Pythagorass
mathematical legacy. His principle of sufficient reason is the
quintessence of ontological mathematics. With this principle and the
Leibnizian doctrine of compossibility, it can be shown that Max
Tegmarks Mathematical Multiverse and indeed all Multiverse theories
are fallacious.
Ontological mathematics shows how quantum indeterminacy can be overcome
and replaced with deterministic quantum mechanics of the kind of which
Einstein dreamt. There are no such things as randomness and acausality
in a universe of cause and effect: everything has a precise reason why
it is thus and not otherwise. The dice-playing God is abolished and the
God of Reason and causality is restored.

_The Mathmos_

The universe is nothing like how it appears to us. So, what's it really
like? What is it in itself? Neither our senses nor any experiments can
reveal the ultimate truth of existence. Fortunately, one thing can:
reason. We inhabit the Mathmos: the mathematical cosmos. This book
reveals the compelling secrets of the hidden reality that we will never
once "see", but we can surely know - thanks to mathematics.

David Hume asked devastating questions about causality, and whether it
even existed. This book provides the answer to what causality actually
is, and where it is. If you dont know these things, how can you claim
to know anything at all?

The origin of causality goes to the core of existence. Science has now
abandoned causality and claims that things ultimately happen randomly
for no reason at all, with the "Big Bang" being the most egregious
example of science's repudiation of causality. According to science,
the universe itself was born of a random fluctuation in nothing!
Scientists arent even embarrassed by this claim.

So, do we live in a rational universe or a random universe? This is the
choice between a mathematical universe and a scientific universe. The
mathematical universe has a rational ultimate answer, the scientific
universe does not. The scientific universe is magicked out of
non-existence, as if out of a magician's top hat.

Are you a member of the magicians cult of science? Nothing is more
alchemical than modern science. You can generate a cosmos out of
randomness in nothingness, which is a much greater trick than merely
manufacturing gold from lead.

_Richard Dawkins: Pope of Unreason_

A book attacking the ideology of Richard Dawkins is invariably assumed
to be a defence of religious faith. Nothing could be further from the
truth in this case. This book equates faith with insanity. Instead, it
argues that we live in the hyperrational reality of ontological
mathematics. We attack the scientific dogma of Dawkins and his fellow
travellers for being incompatible with ontological mathematics, and, in
fact, constituting a quasi-religious (hence mad) faith in empiricism,
materialism, randomness and meaninglessness (nihilism), all of which
are refuted by ontological mathematics, which reflects the principle of
sufficient reason. Are you rational enough for the truth? Are you
intelligent enough to be an ontological mathematician? Many are called,
few are chosen.

_Free Will And Will to Power_

Are you free, or are you a machine that suffers from a delusion that
its free? Free will is perhaps the most important subject of all
because if we are authentically free, scientific materialism is ipso
facto false, and the world is in urgent need of a revolutionary
paradigm shift. This book shows that free will has a most unexpected
advocate mathematics. Only in a mathematical universe can we be free.
Only in a mathematical universe can we have a soul. And in a
mathematical universe, free will is much better understood as will to
power, and to have an intimate connection with cosmic symmetry and
God. Its all in the math!

_Why Math Must Replace Science_

The greatest catastrophe in intellectual history was to regard physics
as real and mathematics as an unreal abstraction. In fact, mathematics
is noumenal (true) reality, and physics is phenomenal (illusory)
reality. Mathematics tells you what things are in themselves, and
physics tells you how they appear to us. Mathematics is the perfect
ground of existence, defined by the God Equation. Its the source of
causation, determinism and objective reality; all of the things now
formally denied by physics, which claims that observable reality is
indeterministically born of unreal, probabilistic wavefunctions.

Its time to replace the scientific method with the mathematical
method. Its time to recognize that true reality is intelligible, not
sensible; noumenal, not phenomenal; unobservable, not observable;
metaphysical, not physical; hidden, not manifest; rationalist, not
empiricist; necessary, not contingent. Physics is literally incapable
of detecting true reality since true reality is an eternal,
indestructible, dimensionless mathematical Singularity, outside space
and time. The Singularity is a precisely defined Fourier frequency
domain. Theres nothing woo woo about it. It's pure math.

Physicists suffer from a disorder of the mind that causes them to
believe that sensible, temporal objects have more reality than eternal,
immutable Platonic mathematical objects, and to place more trust in
their senses than in their reason, more trust in the scientific method
of evidence than the mathematical method of eternal proof.

Never forget that sensory objects are just ideas in the mind. According
to quantum physics, objects are just the observable entities produced
by the collapse of unreal wavefunctions, and dont formally exist when
they are not being observed. Niels Bohr, in response to Einstein,
literally denied that the moon existed when it wasnt being observed.

The subject that comes after physics is metaphysics, and the true
language of metaphysics is ontological mathematics. Physics is the
phenomenal expression of noumenal mathematics.

Mathematics has one final wonder to confer on us. It provides a
complete definition of the human soul, which is, like the universe in
tself, just an immaterial, dimensionless mathematical singularity
defined by the God Equation. As above, so below. The soul is the
microcosm and the universe the macrocosm.

Anyone who denies that reality is 100% mathematical is simply too
stupid for the truth. Truth is not a democracy. Its not for everyone,
only for humanitys smartest individuals. As Robert Heinlein said,
Democracy cant work. Mathematicians, peasants, and animals, that's
all there is so democracy, a theory based on the assumption that
mathematicians and peasants are equal, can never work. Wisdom is not
additive; its maximum is that of the wisest man in a given group.

This book comprehensively exposes the diabolical philosophical
illiteracy, ignorance, bankruptcy and irrationalism of modern
scientific thinking, most spectacularly evident in the paradox of
Schrdingers cat, the standard interpretation of which is more or less
indistinguishable from insanity, yet is taught as fact (but is
nothing but an extremist expression of empiricist philosophy).

Ontological mathematicians are vastly more intelligent than physicists.
Its all in the math!

Wisdom is sold in the desolate market where none come to buy.
William Blake

The God Series is entirely ignored by all but a handful of audacious
souls with open minds. You should always be proud of yourself if you
study new ideas without being told to do so by popes, priests, gurus,
celebrities, authorities, or the mob. Scientists would never dream of
reading the God Series. Yet they would all read it if Stephen Hawking
or Richard Dawkins told them to. They are little sheep. Most people in
the world belong to flocks and herds. Don't follow the crowd. Think for

_Mind And Life, Form And Content_

What is form? What is content? You cannot understand what life and mind
are unless you can answer these two fundamental questions of ontology.

_Magic, Matter, And Qualia_

Magic illusions are all about misdirection: making sure that the
audience is looking away from whats really going on. For humanity,
both religious faith and scientific materialism misdirect us away from
truth and reality.

Magicians claim to pull rabbits out of empty hats. The God of Abraham
pulls a whole universe out of nothing whatsoever, while scientific
materialism performs the greatest magic trick of all by abolishing God
and pulling the entirety of existence out of its opposite non-
existence through nothing other than a random accident, with no
conceivable explanation or sufficient reason.

Scientific materialism puts all magicians to shame. It manages to magic
life out of lifeless atoms, and mind out of mindless atoms. Thats some

_Causation And The Principle of Sufficient Reason_

The cleverest people in the world are those most capable of making the
least expected connections between apparently disparate things. This
book explains how light, life, mind, souls, causation, motion, energy,
ontological mathematics and ontological reason are all synonymous.

Are you one of the rare few capable of seeing the light? Can you see
the hidden mathematical order beneath the Grand Illusion presented to
our senses? Only those on the verge of Enlightenment have any hope of
understanding ontological mathematics, the science of the soul, the
science of the unseen light of the Universal Mind.

Its all in the math.

"If then you do not make yourself equal to God, you cannot apprehend
God; for like is known by like." - Hermes Trismegistus

_The Sam Harris Delusion_

There are two kinds of intellectual: Philosophers and Sophists. The
former seek the absolute truth while the latter seek the practical
truth that brings them worldly prestige and success.

The Philosophers develop positions that rely on the highest
intelligence and are as far removed as possible from the common sense
of the mob. The common herd hold Philosophers in more or less complete
contempt. The greatest Philosopher of all was Leibniz, a man unknown to
the general public, and relatively obscure even within intellectual

Sophists are those who are forever invoking common sense arguments,
making direct appeals to the mob, producing arguments based on sensory
evidence (which they regard as unarguable truth rather than highly
arguable interpretation), and who rubbish all reference to an invisible
noumenal world of things in themselves underlying the phenomenal world
of appearances. Precisely for these reasons, the weak-minded are far
more influenced by Sophists than Philosophers, to the severe detriment
of the intellectual progress of humanity.
Philosophers have a position based on rationalism, idealism,
metaphysics and mathematics, while Sophists hold a position reflecting
empiricism, materialism, physics and science.

One of the most prominent Sophists in todays world is Sam Harris, an
American controversialist who supports scientism, atheism, and the
claim that free will is illusory. All of his positions are closely
connected, and the purpose of this book is to expose the fallacies that
lie at the heart of the Sophists worldview, and Harriss in particular.
Ultimately, the difference between Philosophy and Sophistry reduces to
the difference between mathematics and science, and how each relates to
ultimate reality.

_Black Holes Are Souls_

Any theory any theory at all that begins with false assumptions
will produce false results. Therefore, the most fundamental task of all
is to examine and get right the assumptions that underlie a theory. How
do sciences fundamental assumptions stand up to scrutiny? Science
falls apart at a particular aspect of existence that can be defined
exactly at singularities. The whole logic of science collapses when
singularities are encountered. This is fantastically problematic for
science given that black holes are centred on singularities, photons
are singularities, and the whole of the Big Bang Universe came from a

What, ontologically, are singularities? Descartes gave us the answer
hundreds of years ago. Singularities are minds, and from that single
fact, science is turned on its head. Mind does not come from matter;
matter comes from mind.

_The Science of Monads_

If a scientific materialist were asked to sum up his belief system, he
might reflect exactly what Richard Feynman, a pope of science, said:
If, in some cataclysm, all of scientific knowledge were to be
destroyed, and only one sentence passed on to the next generation of
creatures, what statement would contain the most information in the
fewest words? I believe it is the atomic hypothesis (or the atomic
fact, or whatever you wish to call it) that all things are made of
atoms little particles that move around in perpetual motion,
attracting each other when they are a little distance apart, but
repelling upon being squeezed into one another. In that one sentence,
you will see, there is an enormous amount of information about the
world, if just a little imagination and thinking are applied.

Scientific materialism isnt the only type of science. Leibniz, the
great German genius, was a champion of scientific idealism. The atoms
in his system werent physical, but mental, and he named them monads.
To counter Feynmans position, a present-day Leibniz might say, All
things are made from mental atoms, which are simple mathematical
substances from which all compounds are mathematically derived via the
laws of ontological mathematics. Monads are expressed through constant
motion, and that mental motion is what we call thinking. Pure thinking
takes place in an immaterial, mathematical frequency domain outside
space and time. By virtue of Fourier mathematics, frequency functions
can be represented in a spacetime domain, and this domain is what is
known as the physical world of matter. It is not 'physical' in any true
sense. Its just a certain mode of mental functionality. There is no
such thing as scientific matter. There is only mind. A mind is a monad,
and monads are all there are. Everything is an expression of monadic,
mental mathematics.

Well, whos right between Feynman and the modern Leibniz? Both are
scientists, but Feynman is a materialist who believes in material atoms
in spacetime as the basis of our reality, while the modern Leibniz is
an idealist who posits mental, mathematical atoms in an immaterial
frequency domain as the ground of existence. Feynman is an empiricist
who believes in sensory experiments as the source of reliable evidence,
while the modern Leibniz is a rationalist who advocates mathematical
reason as the source of provable Truth. These are two wholly opposed
worldviews, at war with each other.

Scientific materialists imagine themselves clear thinkers opposed to
believers in silly Mythos religions, but those are not their real
enemies. Their true opponents are mathematical rationalists who
advocate reason and intellect over the senses and experience. The
Truths of reality are not sensory, contingent, empirical truths of
fact. They are non-sensory, eternal, necessary, non-empirical truths of
reason. Only one subject can capture the eternal truths of reason:
ontological mathematics. Scientific materialism wont help you one jot.

_Transcendental Mathematics_

Science is about the mundane, visible world. Religion is about the
transcendent, invisible world. Atheists believe that science is the
only way to explain the world. Agnostics think its the best way. But
is science actually a system of explanation at all, or merely a good
problem-solving tool and method that achieves practical success in the
observable world? Isnt science, like God, in need of an explanation?
What is its ontological and epistemological basis? What limitations
does it have? How does it define Truth?

Immanuel Kant, via his philosophy of transcendental idealism, attempted
to explain science within a philosophical and even religious context.
This attempt ultimately failed, but the project itself need not be
abandoned. This book shows, via a detailed investigation of Kants
philosophy, that the only way to make sense of science is via
transcendental mathematics.

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