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Prophets today?

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Jan 17, 2005, 7:13:49 PM1/17/05

I've been having a series of theological discussions with a group of
people and I was wondering if people in here could helpe resolve
a certain difficulty.

According to Christianity, is it possible for human beings to receive
revelation from God? Is it possible that there can be prophets similar
to the Old Testament prophets today?




Brenda G. Kent

Jan 18, 2005, 10:46:49 PM1/18/05
Yes...I believe they are and continuing to every day. Where else do our
revelations come from?



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Jan 18, 2005, 10:46:54 PM1/18/05
Jesus said: You will know them by their works, not by how religious
they seem to be or how much of the bible they seem to quote.
As for prophecy, the religious are veiled by their following book/ idol
without having the original spirit. Get ready for the wild ride!

Jan 18, 2005, 10:46:55 PM1/18/05
Actually, the word "prophet" or "prophecy" does not so much have to do
with new inspired revelation as it does with expounding what has
already be revealed.

But to answer you as you have defined the word, for the Church,
prophecy was given for a couple of reasons. One it was given because
the NT had not yet be completed in either its giving or its writing.
Toward the end of the 1st C, this aspect of prophecy ceased. Two,
prophecy, like tongues, was given as a sign.

1 Cor. 14:22 So then tongues are for a sign, not to those who believe,
but to unbelievers; but prophecy is for a sign, not to unbelievers, but
to those who believe.

It was a sign gift. "Sign" usually refers to an exhibition to the Jews
to indicate that the Spirit of God had again left them and that OT
promises concerning the Gentiles had begun to take place. This aspect
also ceased at the end of the 1st C.

God as the Logos, the Scriptures as being the Logos of God, that
scripture is the only Divinely recognized, authoratative "special"
revelation. The canon is closed meaning that the covers of the Bible
are as inspired by God as the text within. The providence of God
extends especially to His word.

As you define it, prophecy has ceased. Even in Rev, we do not see the
witness with a new gospel but rather witness the gospel of the NT.

Chris Smith

Jan 18, 2005, 10:46:55 PM1/18/05
<> wrote:
> According to Christianity, is it possible for human beings to receive
> revelation from God? Is it possible that there can be prophets similar
> to the Old Testament prophets today?

Yes, of course it is possible. Questions begin to arise, though, when
you ask what authority is sufficient to establish that it has occurred.

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Jan 18, 2005, 10:46:55 PM1/18/05

There aren't any scriptures which actually say there wont be any more
prophets. In fact quite the opposite is true, the new testament and
specifically the book of revelation of John speak of offerings of knowledge
from the heavens.

The problem here is that Christianity is no longer the cult, it is the
establishment. An establishment doesn't like the idea that what they know
might change. A prophet is very dangerous to that form of thinking, so many
scriptures are manipulated to make it seem like "all knowledge is given" and
"all scripture is given" even though when you read the whole new testament,
you get the feeling that the church used to be one large living hand of
Jesus Christ on earth, but clearly isn't any longer. Now men decide what
the scriptures mean and the idea of listening for Gods direct word is both
crazy and treated as blasphemy.

Think of it logically:
There were prophets before Christ.
The apostles were also called prophets (and in Johns case certainly
acted the part)
Christ said the church was built upon Peter's rock, but peter is dead.

A living church has living prophets, a dead church has dead prophets.


Steve Hayes

Jan 19, 2005, 11:46:05 PM1/19/05

Yes, though it is more common to find people similar to the New Testament

The unworthy deacon,
Stephen Methodius Hayes
Orthodox mission pages:

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