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The religious right has followed a lie

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Steven Spence

Aug 2, 2004, 12:44:24 AM8/2/04

Religious Right is Wrong

In their attempts to be proved right the religious right have
overlooked the smallest of points. The rightness of God has nothing to
do with having the right interpretation; it is coming to know the
spirit of God in such a way that your intentions are MADE RIGHT. Many
who were banished by traditional religion for having experiences that
were not in line with the accepted interpretation are beginning to
show others that the true intention of the heart of Jesus was to end
religion as we know it by trapping the fearful that come to religion
to hide behind the veil of interpretation.
They will follow a lie: This is talking about the religious who love
their interpretation more than they love each other and have never
come to know the spirit. Interpretation gained through religion leads
to misinterpretation. A life coming to know the spirit leads to "my
moments with "YOU", my life, I treasure. Consider that the religious
right has backed a leader that is leading astray. (George W. Bush) and
that the interpretation they based their reasoning on is coming to be
seen as a lie. The intelligence frenzy leading to this lie is part of
the deluding influence.
To be continued:


Aug 3, 2004, 1:07:02 AM8/3/04
>t the true intention of the heart of Jesus was to end

And the true intention of Marxism was to end all government. If you believe
these, then you'll believe anything.

"I came that you might have Life and have it in abundance." And Life means
being in Jesus. That's the point of all Christianity; to gather together the
Body of Christ and to make Jesus present through each of us.

We are called, formed and sent forth. That's essentially what Christian
churches do; that's what Jesus did. I don't see your conflict between Jesus
and religion, unless you've got a very unusual definition of what "religion"

Steve Hayes

Aug 3, 2004, 11:12:55 PM8/3/04
On Mon, 02 Aug 2004 04:44:24 GMT, (Steven Spence)

>Religious Right is Wrong
>In their attempts to be proved right the religious right have
>overlooked the smallest of points. The rightness of God has nothing to
>do with having the right interpretation; it is coming to know the
>spirit of God in such a way that your intentions are MADE RIGHT.

Does this refute any specific belief of the "religious right"?

"Religious right" seems to me to be a very vague term, and before you try to
refute their beliefs perhaps you shoudl define them, so that we know who you
are writing about.

I'm saying this from the point of view of a member of the "religious left", as
members of the "religious right" might put it.

Though as someone once put it: We talk a great deal about having God on our
side, but perhaps we need to think a bit more about whether we are opn his.

And as someone else once put it: Jesus has not come to take sides, but to take

The unworthy deacon,
Stephen Methodius Hayes
Orthodox mission pages:

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