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Getting Out Of Deception

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Jan 28, 2010, 9:31:53 AM1/28/10

Getting out of deception is not easy.
In fact, that is impossible unless Christ
brings people out.
So difficult is deception to detect,
that people do not even know,
in fact, can hardly believe,
that they are in deception.
The prisons holding them
do not appear as prisons,
but as quite the opposite,
as freedom from deception.
But the captives are held
by false religions, false "gospels",
false claims, counterfeit doctrines,
feelings, impressions, experiences,
counterfeit assurances and miracles.

There is layer upon layer of deception
in this world, and most people
stay in the layer they are in,
while some escape one layer
only to go into another.
There have been centuries
where the real unclouded Gospel
has not even been publicly displayed.
But the real Gospel is the only gospel
that shows people how to be saved.
The counterfeit "gospels" claim
to do so, but do not, and cannot.

The Reformation Gospel,
the Scriptural Gospel that Christ showed
to enable the Protestant Reformation,
was quickly afterwards clouded up
by carryovers from Catholicism,
such as, infant baptism,
and glorification of
baptism and Communion as
though means of grace,
and glorification of repentance
as though needed before justification.
The result was that increasingly people
trusted in their so-called "righteousness",
rather than in Christ to impute
his own righteousness to them
as revealed only by the real Gospel.

Eventually, a false "gospel" of
"salvation" by surrender,
not based on the imputed righteousness
of Christ at all, became the predominant
"gospel" in Protestantism,
though still professing to be
"the gospel of grace"
as well as "faith alone in Christ alone",
though neither faith alone, nor Christ alone,
nor by grace at all.

The real Scriptural Gospel,
the Reformation Gospel as it was
the moment Christ showed it to Luther,
before it became clouded up by carryovers,
is posted on my website along with
numerous articles so that people
can see what has happened.

Christ gives people faith by the real Gospel
to trust him to be their Righteous Substitute,
their imputed righteousness for salvation,
so that they have eternal life.


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Jan 29, 2010, 3:11:33 PM1/29/10

On Jan 28, 9:31=A0am, "Frank" <> wrote:
> Getting out of deception is not easy.
Wise words, and I'd like to ask: what do you mean by "Christ showed it
to Luther"?

> The real Scriptural Gospel,
> the Reformation Gospel as it was
> the moment Christ showed it to Luther

What leads you to believe that Luther was any more inspired by Christ
-- or any more correct -- than any ordinary theologian? What do you
think of him calling the Book of James "an epistle of straw"? Do you
reject the Book of James? on any grounds besides the say-so of

Peter Nyikos

Bart Goddard

Jan 30, 2010, 4:13:45 PM1/30/10

pnyikos <> wrote in

> What leads you to believe that Luther was any more inspired by Christ
> -- or any more correct -- than any ordinary theologian? What do you
> think of him calling the Book of James "an epistle of straw"? Do you
> reject the Book of James? on any grounds besides the say-so of
> Luther?

How did you make that enormous illogical leap from "Epistle
of straw" to "Reject"? Don't answer, because 1. you can't
possibly have a sensible reason and 2. I sure don't want to
be taken down the winding, convoluted path of what you call

Luther called James an epistle of straw for a reason, and
before you start flapping your gums you should know 1.
what the phrase means, and 2. what Luther's reasons were.

That's probably beyond you, but at least know this: At
no point did Luther propose or even entertain the notion
of "rejection James." So take your slander and go pound

Bart (I'm gonna miss this group.)

Cheerfully resisting change since 1959.


Jan 31, 2010, 8:52:08 PM1/31/10

"pnyikos" <> wrote in message

> On Jan 28, 9:31=A0am, "Frank" <> wrote:
>> Getting out of deception is not easy.
> Wise words, and I'd like to ask: what do you mean by "Christ showed it
> to Luther"?
>> The real Scriptural Gospel,
>> the Reformation Gospel as it was
>> the moment Christ showed it to Luther
> What leads you to believe that Luther was any more inspired by Christ
> -- or any more correct -- than any ordinary theologian? What do you
> think of him calling the Book of James "an epistle of straw"? Do you
> reject the Book of James? on any grounds besides the say-so of
> Luther?
> Peter Nyikos

Thank you Peter for your interest in the article.
As the new article just posted (Battle For The Gospel) details:
Christ foretold showing the Gospel to the world with the emphasis on him
being the righteousness, as occurred in the Reformation. (John 16:10)
Christ before gave that Gospel (verse 9) by revelation to Paul, and that
is the standard by which all Scripture is to be interpreted. (Galatians


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