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Arms-Discussion Digest V11 #10

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Rob Gross

Sep 26, 1993, 9:19:00 PM9/26/93
Subject: Arms Discussion Digest V11 #10

From: Rob Gross (moderator)
Sunday, September 26, 1993, 21:13 EDT
Arms Discussion Digest
Volume 11 : Issue 10

All submissions to ARM...@BUACCA.BU.EDU (ARM...@BUACCA.BITNET)
Please do not post articles, as they have a high probability
of being lost.

Today's topics:

Re: Arms-Discussion Digest V11 #9 ("G. Simon Harak, S. J.)
introduction and cold war ("Trish Barker")

Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1993 00:08 EST
From: "G. Simon Harak, S. J. <HA...@LOYVAX.BITNET>
Subject: Re: Arms-Discussion Digest V11 #9

Dear People!

Glad to see my statements have stirred such commentary.

Have just moved to Baltimore.

A few things: What I was arguing against, was the reductionistic
analysis that "we had spent the Soviet Union into the ground,"
and that that (alone, or even majorly) was the cause of the
collapse. I was arguing that there were many more factors, not
the least of which was the courageous resistance of peoples
throughout the years to the dictatorship. It's always much
easier to deal with figures than with human factors, and that is
why, I assume, no one took me up on the rather intriguing (to me)
invitation to reflect more deeply on those other factors. Things
like that ARE discussed, for example, in Glen Stassen's JUST

The figure of 3% comes not from me, but from CIA reports through
the years (also, I believe, discussed in Stassen's book). Again,
I am NOT arguing that Soviet military spending was
inconsequential in their collapse.

There WAS a brief article in the NEW YORK TIMES some years ago on
how (even with the 3% figure), the CIA inflated Soviet military
spending figures. I think I must've thrown it away -- sorry --
during my move here, since I looked for it (SEE how conscientious
I am!) but couldn't find it. It was entitled something like "How
the CIA Inflates Soviet Defense Expenditures." I haven't the
time right now to look it up in the library on-line [I'm trying
to finish an article on the new mininukes, which some of you have
helped me on with references], but I'm sure any one who wanted
to, could. [Or, if the clamor gets absolutely clamorous, I'd try
to find the time for the TIMES search]. Alternatively, the
alternate press (THE NATION, stuff from the Center for Defense
Information, etc.) can give ongoing (even BEFORE the collapse)
analyses of Soviet military spending.

Another point: I've kind of gotten beyond "conspiracy" theories
in trying to understand why we spend so much money on the
military. Too much "intentionality" to be proven. Am presently
trying out new structural theories, like addictive structures, to
explain why, for example, we spend some 50% of our discretionary
budget on the military. Mr. Altman is right when he says that
military needs pale in regard to welfare needs. But welfare
spending pales in respect to military spending. Unless we want
to attribute a "conspiracy" theory to POLITICIANS (instead of the
military), it seems to me we would have to look more deeply for
the sources of these anomolies than just military or just
politics. And that gets back to my "other factors than military
spending" idea about trying to control arms (and arms spending).

So I WOULD like to re-issue what may have been too subtle an
invitation: a discussion of factors other than military spending
and threatening that can or could diffuse inimical postures
between nations -- or arms races WITHIN nations.

In the meantime, thanks for all the feedback...

G. Simon Harak, S. J.


Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1993 14:41:06 -0600 (CST)
From: "Trish Barker" <>
Subject: introduction and cold war

Hello! My name is Trish Barker and I am an undergraduate student
at Illinois State University majoring in Political Science and
Journalism. I'm new to e-mail, so I hope you will correct me if
I screw up.

I have been reading Noam Chomsky's book "Deterring Democracy" and
I'm intrigued by his view of the Cold War. If I understand
correctly, Chomsky believes that the Soviet threat was
predominantly a boogeyman manufactured by the American government
to justify its policies in the Third World. I'm interested in
hearing any opinions you have to offer on this topic. Thanks.

Trish Barker
Illinois State University
Walker 202
Normal Il 61761
pithy quote of the day: "What fresh Hell is this?" D. Parker


Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1993 16:14:14 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Chris Scheurweghs <>

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This list will distribute public data from the North
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- Press Releases.
- Communiques
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*** The North Atlantic Treaty Organization ***

Filename : ftpindex.txt
Update : 9 September 1993

* DIRECTORY OF pub/history/military/nato
communique Subdir: NATO Communiques
factsheet Subdir: NATO Fact Sheets
fellowship Subdir: NATO Fellowship Programmes
focus Subdir: NATO Focus on
handbook Subdir: NATO Handbook
military Subdir: NATO Military Press
misc Subdir: NATO Miscellaneous
naa Subdir: North Atlantic Assembly
naa/general Subdir: NAA General info
naa/cc Subdir: NAA Civilian Affairs Committee
naa/dsc Subdir: NAA Defence and Security Committee
naa/ec Subdir: Economic Committee
naa/pc Subdir: Political Committee
naa/stc Subdir: Scientific & Technical Committee
speech Subdir: NATO Speeches
press Subdir: NATO Press Releases
review Subdir: NATO Review

disclaim NATODATA Disclaimer
ftpindex.txt This file
telnet.ftp NATODATA telnet & ftp site
update 19 August 1993

-------------------- TOTAL OF FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY: 3

* DIRECTORY OF pub/history/military/nato/communique
cms.txt The Alliance's Strategic Concept,
November 1991
synopses.2 Synopses NATO communiques 1992
complete.2 Statement issued at the extraordinary
meeting of the NACC, NATO HQ, 10 March 1992
complete2.1 Work plan or Dialogue, Partnership and
Cooperation - NACC, NATO HQ, 10 MARCH 1992
complete.3 Statement issued at the meeting of Defence
Ministers, NATO HQ, 1 April 1992
complete.4 Defence Planning Committee and Nuclear
Planning Group - Final Communique,
27 May 1992
complete.5 Ministerial meeting of the NAC Council in
Oslo, Final Communique, 4 June 1992
complete.6 Statement issued at the meeting of the NACC,
Oslo, 5 June 1992
complete.7 Statement on NATO Maritime operations issued
by NAC meeting in Ministerial Session in
Helsinki on 10 July 1992
complete.8 NATO Nuclear Planning Group, Final
Communique, Gleneagles, Scotland,
21 October 1992
dpc102.92 Ministerial Session of Defence Planning
Committee, Final communique, M-DPC-2(92)102,
11 December 92
nac106.92 Ministerial mtg NAC, NATO HQ,
17 December 1992
nacc108.92 Statement on former Yugoslavia, NACC
NATO HQ, Brussels, 17 December 1992
nacc109.92 Statement issued at the mtg of the NACC,
NATO HQ, Brussels, 18 December 1992
nacc110.92r Work plan for dialogue, partnership and
cooperation 1993, 18 December 1992
dmcp93.28 Statement issued at the mtg of Defence
NATO HQ, Brussels, 29 March 1993
dpcnpg1.93 Final communique, M-DPC/NPG-1(93)36,
26 May 1993
nac38.93 Final communique, M-NAC-1(93)38, 10 June
nacc8.93 Statement issued at mtg NACC, Athens,
11 June 1993
nacc9.93 Reports to Ministers by NACC ad hoc group on
Cooperation in peacekeeping, Athens,
11 June 1993
nac208.93 Press Statement by the SecGen following the
special Mtg. of the NAC in Brussels on
2 August 1993

-------------------- TOTAL OF FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY: 21

* DIRECTORY OF pub/history/military/nato/factsheet
factsh.1 The North Atalantic Cooperation Council
factsh.2 NATO works with cooperation partners on
environmental problems
factsh.3 The European security and defence indentity
factsh.4 NATO's role in crises management and
factsh.5 NATO's new Force Structure

-------------------- TOTAL OF FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY: 5

* DIRECTORY OF pub/history/military/nato/fellowship
fellow1.94 NATO Fellowship Programmes 1994-1196
fellow2.94 NATO Fellowship Programmes 1994-1196
Democtratic Institutions

-------------------- TOTAL OF FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY: 2

* DIRECTORY OF pub/history/military/nato/focus
focus.1 Permanent representative of the
Federal Republic of Germany
focus.2 Permanent representative of The
focus.3 Mr.Manfred Worner, Secretary General of NATO
focus.4 Permanent representative of the United
focus.5 Permanent representative of the Italy

-------------------- TOTAL OF FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY: 5

* DIRECTORY OF pub/history/military/nato/handbook
natpre NATO Handbook Edition 1992 part 0
natdat.1 NATO Handbook Edition 1992 part 1
natdat.2 NATO Handbook Edition 1992 part 2
natdat.3 NATO Handbook Edition 1992 part 3
natdat.4 NATO Handbook Edition 1992 part 4
natdat.5 NATO Handbook Edition 1992 part 5
natdat.6 NATO Handbook Edition 1992 part 6
natdat.7 NATO Handbook Edition 1992 part 7
natdat.8 NATO Handbook Edition 1992 part 8
natdat.9 NATO Handbook Edition 1992 part 9
natdat.10 NATO Handbook Edition 1992 part 10
natdat.11 NATO Handbook Edition 1992 part 11
natdat.12 NATO Handbook Edition 1992 part 12
natdat.13 NATO Handbook Edition 1992 part 13
natdat.14 NATO Handbook Edition 1992 part 14
natdat.15 NATO Handbook Edition 1992 part 15
natdat.16 NATO Handbook Edition 1992 part 16
natdat.17 NATO Handbook Edition 1992 part 17
natdat.18 NATO Handbook Edition 1992 part 18
natdat.19 NATO Handbook Edition 1992 part 19

-------------------- TOTAL OF FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY: 20

* DIRECTORY OF pub/history/military/nato/military
af2004.1 OPERATION maritime guard
af2104.1 Operation deny flight
af2204.1 Operation deny flight
af2304.1 Operation deny flight
af2504.1 Operation deny flight
af2804.1 Operation deny flight
af2904.1 Operation deny flight
af0105.1 Operation deny flight
af0305.1 Operation deny flight
af0605.1 Operation deny flight
cmcalban93 Chairman NATO Military Committee to visit
prag2206 Chairman NATO Military Committee to visit
The Zcech Republic
ace2104.1 ACE news 21 April 1993 on Arena Exchange 93
- exercise
ims1208.93 Chairman of the NATO Military Committee to
visit Romania and the Republic of Moldova
ims0209.93 Military Committee to visit Turkey, Greece
and Italy

-------------------- TOTAL OF FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY: 15

* DIRECTORY OF pub/history/military/nato/misc
euro2405.93 Statement by Eurogroup Ministers on
European institutional change
startii The START II Agreement

-------------------- TOTAL OF FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY: 2

* DIRECTORY OF pub/history/military/nato/naa

* DIRECTORY OF pub/history/military/nato/naa/general
readme.naa Intro paper
aan_info NAA Information Document - September 1993

-------------------- TOTAL OF FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY: 2

* DIRECTORY OF pub/history/military/nato/naa/cc

* DIRECTORY OF pub/history/military/nato/naa/dsc
ak231dsc.e A new European Security Architecture:
Reflections on Bosnia, Russia and the
Hungarian case for membership in NATO -
Draft Special Report: Mr. Tamas Wachsler

-------------------- TOTAL OF FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY: 1

* DIRECTORY OF pub/history/military/nato/naa/ec

* DIRECTORY OF pub/history/military/nato/naa/pc
ak244pc.e European and Transatlantic security in
a revolutionary age. - Draft Special
Report - Mr. Bruce George (UK)
ak246pc.e Sub-Committee on the Southern Region.
Emerging security challenges, NATO Rapid
Reaction Force - Draft Interim Report -
Mr. Miguel Herrero (Spain)
ak247pc.e Working Group on the New European Security
Order - From Stockholm to Budapest: CSCE
and the challange of change - Draft
Interim Report - Mr. Loic Bouvard (France)
and Mr. Bruce George (UK)
ak248pc.e Working Group on the New European Security
Order - Aview from Russia on the creation
and strengthening of the New European
Security Order - Draft Special Report -
Mr. Yevgeni Kozhokin (Russia)
ak249pc.e Working Group on the New European Security
Order - A view from Poland on the creation
and strengthening of the New European
Security Order - Mr. Longin Pastusiak

-------------------- TOTAL OF FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY: 5

* DIRECTORY OF pub/history/military/nato/naa/stc

* DIRECTORY OF pub/history/military/nato/speech
sp931903 Albanian parliament speech by Sec.Gen.,
19 March 1993
sp931903.1 Sec.Gen.: "The Alliance is one of the
foundation stones of the democratic comm. Of
free nations",
Albanian parliament, 19 March 1993
opst.393 Meeting Defence Ministers, 29 March 1992,
Sec.Gen. opening statement
forum.asc Sec.Gen. speech to 'Forum du Futur', Paris
April 1993 (French text)
rome.asc Speech by sec.Gen. at The Centro Alti Studi
Difesa, Rome, 10 May 1993
venice.asc Sec.Gen. speech : "NATO may have lost an
enemy but it has not lost its raison
d'etre", Venice, 10 May 1993
secath10.93 Opening statement by Sec.Gen. to the NAC
Ministerials in Athens, 10 June1993
shevard.asc Welcoming remarks by the Sec.Gen. to
Chairman Shevardnadze 23 June 1993
csce.asc Speech by the Assistant Secretary General
for Political Affairs to CSCE Parliamentary
Assembly, Helsinki, 8-9 July 1993
iiss1009.93 Speech from the Secretary General of NATO
to the IISS, Brussels, 10 September 1993

-------------------- TOTAL OF FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY: 10

* DIRECTORY OF pub/history/military/nato/press
pr26.93 First joint multinational inspection under
the CFE Treaty, 16 March 1993
pr27.93 Visit to NATO by the Defence Ministers of
the Czech Republic Mr. Antonin Baudys, 19
March 1993
pr29.93 NATO starts operation of No-Fly Zone
enforcement, 12 April 1993
pr31.93 Letter of condolences from the Secretary
General of NATO to Mrs. Turgut Ozal, 19
April 1993
pr33.93 Statement by Sec.Gen. on UN Peace plan by
Mr.Karadzic, 2 May 1993
pr37.93 NATO Research Fellowship Programme
1993-1994, 24 May 1993
pr41.93 Joint session of the NAC and the Council
of WEU - Brussels 8 June 1993
pr43.93 Visit by the Chairman of Parliament and Head
of State of Georgia, Mr.Eduard Shevernadze
to NATO on 23 June 1993
pr44.93 Appointment of NATO Spokesman, 23 June 1993
pr45.93 NACC High Level Seminar on Peacekeeping
30 June 2 July 1993, 25 June 1993
pr47.93 1993 NATO Economique Colloquium
"Economic developments in Cooperation
Partners countries from a sectoral
pr49.93 SecGen Condolences to Belgian Queen,
Government and people
pr50.93 Denial
pr51.93 Congratualations to new Belgium King,
9 August 1993
pr52.93 Decisions taken at the meeting of the NAC,
on 9th August 1993
pr53.93 NATO Secretary General to meet with United
Nations Secretary-General
pr56.93 Release of General John M. Shalkashvili as
Supreme Allied Commander, Europe

-------------------- TOTAL OF FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY: 17

* DIRECTORY OF pub/history/military/nato/review
README Editorial info
9206-1 Manfred Worner
A vigorous Alliance - a motor for
peaceful change in Europe
9206-2 John Weston
The challenges to NATO : a British view
9206-3 Ferenc Gazdag
Does the West understand Central and East
9206-4 Theodore Christodoulides
The European security order : a Greek view
9206-5 Otmar Lahodynsky
The changing face of Austrian neutrality
9301-1 Andrei Kozyrev
The new Russia and the Atlantic Alliance
9301-2 Audrius Butkevicius
The Baltic region in post-Cold War Europe
9301-3 Jaakko Blomberg
Finland's evolving security policy
9301-4 Gregory L.Schulte
NATO's nuclear forces in a changing world
9301-5 Keith L.Gardner
Technology development in NATO
9302-1 President Bill Clinton
Letter to NATO Review readers
9302-2 Salvo Ando
Preparing the ground for an Alliance
peacekeeping role
9302-3 Boyke Noev
More optimism for the Balkans
9302-4 Gregor Schollgen
Putting Germany's post-unification foreign
policy to the test
9302-5 Robin Beard
NATO armaments cooperation in the 1990s
9302-6 Ying-jeou Ma
Taipei-Beijing relations and East Asian
stability: Implications for Europe
9303-1 Hanna Suchocka
Poland's European perspective
9303-2 Douglas Hurd
Russia after the Referendum
9303-3 Volker Ruhe
Europe and the Alliance:
key factors for peace and stability
9303-4 John Kriendler
NATO's changing role - opportunities and
constraints for peacekeeping
9303-5 Victor-Yves Ghebali
The CSCE Forum for Security Cooperation:
the opening gambits
9303-6 Alberto Miguez
Argentina's budding relations with NATO
9304-1 Warren Christopher
Towards a NATO Summit
9304-2 Eduard Shevardnadze
Georgia's security outlook
9304-3 Anatoly Zlenko
Ukrainian security and the nuclear dilemma
9304-4 Douglas Stuart
NATO's future as a pan-European security
9304-5 Daniel George
NATO's economic cooperation with NACC
9304-6 Herpert van Foreest
Shared civil/military usage of NATO

-------------------- TOTAL OF FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY: 29

---------------------------------- TOTAL OF ALL FILES: 132



In addition to the information on various topics though
NATODATA, NATO will shortly make available through NATOSCI
information on the NATO Science Programme and the
Environmental projects of the CCMS (Committee on the
Challenges of Modern Society). It is planned to introduce
this service around 27th September.

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newsletter and tri-annual list of scientific meetings will be

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End of Arms-Discussion Digest

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