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Looking for article re: abortion and non-violence (fiction)

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John Brooking

Jul 12, 1993, 3:49:49 PM7/12/93
Hi all,

I hope you don't mind me butting in on your list here. I'm in search of a
piece of fiction which I saw a few years back on the bitnet mailing list
ACTIV-L, but it precedes the current ACTIV-L archives and I'm having just a
hell of a time finding it again. I'm hoping someone on this group may
remember it and has a copy, or can tell me who wrote it, or something. If
so, please EMAIL TO AA...@CLEVELAND.FREENET.EDU, and I would be very

The piece concerned abortion, and was a fictional account set in the early
21st century where abortion clinic picketing had reached the point where both
sides were required by law to receive nonviolence training before going out.
In this particular case, one group's trainers had cancelled and they were
forced to take their training with the opposing group, which led to actually
talking with people from the opposing group and finding things in common, at
which some people from both sides actually got together to work on the issue
in ways they both agreed with. The idea of reconciliation between the two
groups with very different views appealed to me a lot, and I would like to
try to work on it this summer, where here in Cleveland it is rumored that we
are imminently one of Operation Rescue's targets.

Thanks for reading this, and especially for any help.

- John Brooking
"If you want peace, work for justice." Pope Paul VI | Don Cole aa563
----------------------------------------------------- Jim Laird aa723
Cleveland Freenet Peace Network | Sysops: Rich Ceaser aa771
FN Community Center, or type "go peace" | John Brooking aa713

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