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Arms-Discussion Digest V12 #6

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Rob Gross

May 11, 1994, 1:54:00 PM5/11/94
Subject: Arms Discussion Digest V12 #6

From: Rob Gross (moderator)
Wednesday, May 11, 1994, 13:48 EDT
Arms Discussion Digest
Volume 12 : Issue 6

All submissions to ARM...@BUACCA.BU.EDU (ARM...@BUACCA.BITNET)
Please do not post articles, as they have a high probability
of being lost.

Today's topics:

UN weapons (Marcus Ewert-Johns)
UN highlights (Marcus Johns)
Online Political Journal (DerekD2049)
Terrorism List (Carl Anthony Wege)
Peace Camp Update (fwd) (Weisfeld Abraham-Harvey)
Re: Arms-Discussion Digest V12 #5 ("G. Simon Harak, S. J. HA...@LOYOLA.EDU")
M-1A2 (Ken Boyd)
Hiroshima/Nagasaki - 50 years (Sheffield CAM)
Aust'n College of Defence and Strategic Studies (fwd) (Anna Papoulis)
SECRET Russian Military maps (Four One)

Date: Fri, 1 Apr 94 15:41:17 CST
From: umjo...@CC.UManitoba.CA (Marcus Ewert-Johns)
Subject: UN weapons

My past posting was about the cruise missile debate between
Canada and the US but I would like to relate it anyways to Mr.
Dante's remark about weapons limitations for UN peace-keepers.

The UN claims that each peace-keeper is allowed to have one small
caliber rifle with a single magazine. This is appropriate for
situations such as "verifying compliance with cease-fires,
supervising troop withdrawls and patrolling buffer zones."
UNFICYP in Cyprus is a good example. Traditionally peace-keepers
are lightly armed and only permitted to use their weapons in

As the role of peace-keepers becomes more obscured they are
forced to adapt. Somalia shows how far the envelope of
peace-keeping can be stretched. Bosnia (UNPROFOR) is defined as
a humanitarian aid mission not a peace-keeping operation.
Different rules apply and in some cases ignored. The Canadian
Army was allowed to ship Armoured Personnel Carriers to Sarajevo
with missle launchers attached but were not allowed to bring the
requisite missiles along. Canada, and the other nations
contributing troops, have the best interest of their soldiers in
mind. Canada decided to ship the missle anyways. The US had all
kinds of weapons unacceptable to traditional peace-keeping in
Somalia. Les Aspen in all rights could not have sent tanks to
aid the troops on the ground.

The time has come for the UN to re-evaluate its peace-keeping
role. If it is going to accept non traditional peace-keeping
duties (peace-making), like intervention in a civil war, it is
going to have to make new provisions not just for weapons. The
UN is going to have to consider the moral, poltical and legal
implications of its future actions and to what degree it becomes
involved in a new crisis.

Marcus Ewert-Johns


Date: Fri, 1 Apr 1994 21:24:37 -0600 (CST)
From: Marcus Johns <umjo...@CC.UManitoba.CA>
Subject: UN highlights

Prepared by Central News DH/1614
31 March 1994


+ Citing need to consolidate recent progress in former Yugoslavia,
Security Council extends UNPROFOR mandate to 30 September; authorizes
increase of up to 3,500 troops in Force's strength, and says it will act
on further needs by 30 April.

In unanimously adopting resolution 908 (1994), the Council
stressed that a strong and viable UNPROFOR was needed to
consolidate recent progress in the former Yugoslavia.

The resolution approved UNPROFOR's plans for the reopening of
Tuzla airport for humanitarian purposes and authorized the
additional resources requested by the Secretary-General for that

******Here is the important part that goes with what I posted********

The Council said that Member States, acting nationally or through
regional organizations, could take, under the authority of the
Secretary-General and in coordination with UNPROFOR, all
necessary measures to extend close air support to Croatian
territory, in defence of UNPROFOR personnel.


Extracted from UN Daily Highlights of Thursday March 31

Marcus Ewert-Johns


Date: 2 Apr 1994 12:52:02 -0500
From: (DerekD2049)
Subject: Online Political Journal

This posting is for anyone interested in an Online Political
Journal. I am trying to set one up however I need more articles.

The journal is a scholarly political journal that has no biases
when it comes to ideology. All submissions are given the same
weight and importance regardless of the political perspective.
Too often today real political debate is stifled because the
editors only pick articles that they agree with. This journal is
going to do it's best not to fall into the same trap.

The journal will contain three or four articles as well as a
section where people can write in and agree, disagree, or add
anything to previous articles. Flaming will be allowed only to a
point. This will be the only moderating that the editor will do.

The articles hopefully will have something to do with current
political debate in some way. At first most will not, but if
enough people contribute hopefully it will become a source of
current political discourse.

Eventually if enough people send in articles and subscribe, then
an election would be held to name the journal. The readers could
submit names and all names will be publicized and voted on.

If you are interested in getting a copy of this journal all you
need to do is submit an article and the journal is yours free.

Send submissions no longer than 10 pages single spaced to:

I promise all articles will be considered. Also all reactions to
articles will be included as letters to the editor.

Thanks for your time I hope to hear from you soon.



Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1993 22:53:56 -0500 (EST)
From: "Carl Anthony Wege" <we...@s1500.bc.PeachNet.EDU>
Subject: Terrorism List

I do academic research in the area of sub-national political
violence ("terrorism") and I am collecting net sources. Anyone
know of any lists addressing this topic?
Carl Anthony Wege IIIII
Assistant Professor of Political Science 0 I 0 \_^_/


Date: Wed, 13 Apr 94 13:46:33 EDT
From: Weisfeld Abraham-Harvey <>
Subject: Peace Camp Update (fwd)

Peace Camp Civil Suit Proceeds to
Federal Court of Appeal
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Parliament Hill Camp of Ottawa (1983-1985) is continuing its
civil suit in the Federal Court of appeal May 31, 1994 10:00am in
the Supreme Court Building, Wellington Street, Ottawa.

The lawyer acting on behalf of the Peace Camp is Mark Edwards of
the Ottawa firm Nelligan-Power with the support of Legal Aid.
The suit is based on the compensation demanded for the violation
of Charter Rights in the freedom of association to demonstrate
political and social views. The amount demanded for compensation
is 200,000 $ plus damages and costs.

The suit is based upon the violations that occurred when the
Peace Camp shelter was destroyed and the activists arrested under
the Trespass to Private Property Act of Ontario. Abraham (eibie)
Weizfeld one of the arrested is carrying the suit forward, naming
The Queen and Minister of Public Works (Rock LaSalle) as

Further information is available in an upcoming article in the
Peace magazine by Darrel Rankin of the Ontario Disarmament
Coalition, or by contacting the Peace Camp at the addresses

It is vital that the issue of US testing of the offensive Stealth
Cruise missile be taken up at this time when the continuation of
the Weapons Testing Agreement is in question as part of the
Defense Policy review that is currently taking place by the
Liberal federal government.


Date: Mon, 02 May 1994 14:59:08 -0500 (EST)
From: "G. Simon Harak, S. J. HA...@LOYOLA.EDU" <HA...@LOYVAX.BITNET>
Subject: Re: Arms-Discussion Digest V12 #5

Dear People!

Time for me to get to work some more!

Does anyone know anything about how I could get some research
information on the new "nonlethal weapons" as reported in the
_Detroit Free Press_, 3/7/94, pp. 1A, 10A??

These are, of course, highly secret, but folks are thinking of
using them not only in war, but against the country's own

And info anybody knows about?


G. Simon Harak, S. J.


Date: Thu, 05 May 94 16:50:09 EDT
Subject: M-1A2

This is my first "contribution" to the group, so I shall
introduce myself. I am Ken Boyd, and am a computers major at
Grand Rapids community college. I am a soldier, and have been
for almost five years, 3 of them were active army. 1 in reserve,
and 1 in Nat'l Guard, were I am now. The main reason for this
message, however, is the M-1A2 tank. I am a very big fan of the
M-1 family tanks, but this M-1A2 is the king of armor. I widh to
hear form people who have first hand knowledge of this beast.
Knowledge drawn from experience beats the tar out of book
knowledge any day. If any body would like to know of radios and
computers in the army, I can tell about some of them, seing as
how I am a 31C, a single channel radio operator. I am also
fluent in movement control and computers. I beleive in peace
through superior firepower! This, by the way, is my first time
on a discussion group-does it show? Heck yes.

Kenneth L. Boyd \ Choose a greeting:
Jack of all trades, \ A. Have a day
master of nothing. \ B. God be with you
1313 Thomas \ C. Pray for me
Grand Rapids, MI 49506 \ D. Go away
GRCC...@MUSIC.FERRIS.EDU\ E. You really smell!
(616) 246-6468 \


Date: 9 May 94 11:26:19
From: Sheffield CAM <>
Subject: Hiroshima/Nagasaki - 50 years

To all anti-war organisations

>From Kate Margam of the Campaign Against Militarism to everyone
who wants to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Hiroshima and
Nagasaki bombings.

I would like to hear from anyone who is planning or thinking
about commemorative events to expose the horrors of militarism.
The next year is a vital period for all of us to collaborate in
getting our message across and exposing the war-like trends of

The initiative to organise events leading up to August 1995 was
born out of the international conference, War Drums and Peace
Talks in London, March 1994. I am now anxious to reach all
groups who would like to be involved in an international effort
so that we can start to co-ordinate our activities.

You can contact me by phone: 44 71 278 9908,
by fax: 44 71 278 9844,
by mail: BM CAM, London WC1N 3XX
or by e-mail:


Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 14:10:19 +1000 (EST)
From: Anna Papoulis <>
Subject: Aust'n College of Defence and Strategic Studies (fwd)

My name is Anna Papoulis and I am a reference librarian with the
Australian Department of Defence. I am in need of assistance to
publicise the message below for our new Australian College of
Defence and Strategic Studies as they do not have access to the
internet. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


The Australian College of Defence and Strategic Studies (ACDSS)
has recently been established in Canberra as an international,
strategic-level college to prepare selected leaders of the
defence forces and the civil community for increased
responsibility through a program of studies in national defence
and regional security. The College, which is an initiative of
the Australian Government, will commence its first annual
academic program in January 1995.

Contributing to the quality of this program in full measure will
be the involvement of Visiting Fellows and Distinguished

Up to two Visiting Fellows will be present at the College at any
time. They will be distinguished persons with a detailed
knowledge of Asia and the Pacific, or strategic studies, or both.
Their presence is aimed at giving College participants the
opportunity to meet and discuss issues with in the Fellow's field
of expertise through seminars, discussions and other appropriate
means. At the same time, the College' research facilities will
be available to the Visiting Fellow, who will be asked to
contribute to the College's series of occasional papers. There
is no set length of stay for such visitors and their time at the
College could vary from days to months.

Participants will also be given the opportunity to interact with
policy makers and leaders in national and regional affairs
invited to the College as Distinguished Visitors. The timetable
is structured to provide ample time for these activities, with
the fifth day of each working week reserved for interaction with
Distinguished Visitors.

The College wishes to be informed, with a view to offering the
opportunity to join its academic program as Visiting Fellows or
Distinguished Visitors, of planned visits to Australia by
suitable persons. They would be pre-eminent in the fields of
strategy, international security, defence planning, leadership,
organisation and management and may be coming to Australia for
Conferences, Seminars, Discussions etc. or as part of a more
extensive tour. This could also extend to spouses in some
circumstances. Please contact:

Ross Cottrill
Director of Studies - Australian College of Defence and Strategic Studies
Telephone: 61 6 2662171
Facsimile: 61 6 2663275


Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 12:34:00 -0400
From: four...@DT-CAN.COM (Four One)
Subject: SECRET Russian Military maps

The cold war is over and some of its secrets are coming out!

The Cartographic Division of Four One Company Ltd. in London, Canada has
just obtained a limited number of sheets of:

SECRET Soviet General Staff
Topographic City Plans (Scales 1:10,000 and 1:25,000)

for a variety of Central and East European cities.

These maps were never sold to the public and as far as I can tell
may not have even been shared with their Warsaw pact allies. The
level of detail is quite extraordinary and what I find to be very
interesting, is that all of the Party & Administrative
structures, Military Industrial complex factories, and military
bases are all clearly colour coded distinct from the remaining

Included in these Russian maps are a list of "Major military
objectives" in each city. These maps were not meant for tourists!

For more information on the above and a complete list of cities
available you may write to:

Four One Company Ltd.
523 Hamilton Road
London, ON N5Z 1S3

ph: 519-433-1351 fax: 519-433-5903

Thank you for your cooperation.


Randal Eastman


End of Arms-Discussion Digest

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