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Arms-Discussion Digest V11 #6

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Rob Gross

Aug 18, 1993, 5:56:58 PM8/18/93
to Multiple recipients of list ARMS-L
Subject: Arms Discussion Digest V11 #6

From: Rob Gross (moderator)
Wednesday, August 18, 1993, 17:54 EDT
Arms Discussion Digest
Volume 11 : Issue 6

All submissions to ARM...@BUACCA.BU.EDU (ARM...@BUACCA.BITNET)
Please do not post articles, as they have a high probability
of being lost.

Today's topics:

Hummer vehicle (Keith D. Wolfe)
Re: Arms-Discussion Digest V11 #5 (Keating Willcox)
"Fall" of the East (Mike Cobb)

Date: Tue, 03 Aug 93 15:06:23 EDT
From: "Keith D. Wolfe" <KWO...@UGA.BITNET>
Subject: Hummer vehicle

Hi, I am new to the list, and I was hoping to see if anyone out
there had ever heard of the Hummer vehicle. It is produced by AM
General Int'l and is an all-terrain tank-like vehicle. I am
searching for information on it. If anyone knows where I can
find some, please write me back. Thanks.


Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1993 21:42:14 -0400 (EDT)
From: (Keating Willcox)
Subject: Re: Arms-Discussion Digest V11 #5

1.Did anyone notice the threat by Bosnia to use Chlorine Gas?

2.Did anyone notice that Japan is now going to become a nuclear
power, and has more than enough Plutonium to do it?

3.Is the Ukraine's insistance on remaining a nuclear power bode
ill for other countries in that area of the world?

Let's talk about it.
Keating Willcox


Date: 16 Aug 1993 14:34:37 GMT
From: Mike Cobb <>
Subject: "Fall" of the East
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana

Simple question

Did the US pro-military pro-defense stance have much of an impact
or any impacy on the "fall" of the East?

DId we win the cold war? If so, why?

1)Capitalism is better than communism

2)Our expenditures on defense caused paranoid "easterners" to keep high
payments for their defense

3)A combination of one and two. Namely, that a weak economic system such as
socialism could not stand the strain of excessive defense spending.

Mike Cobb
Michael A. Cobb
"...and I won't raise taxes on the middle University of Illinois
class to pay for my programs." Champaign-Urbana
-Bill Clinton 3rd Debate


End of Arms-Discussion Digest

Rob Gross

Aug 18, 1993, 5:57:00 PM8/18/93
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