From: Rob Gross (moderator)
Thursday, March 31, 1994, 15:55 EST
Arms Discussion Digest
Volume 12 : Issue 5
All submissions to ARM...@BUACCA.BU.EDU (ARM...@BUACCA.BITNET)
Please do not post articles, as they have a high probability
of being lost.
Today's topics:
Re: Arms-Discussion Digest V12 #4 (Michael Dante 70637)
Re: M-16 and the British Army's equivalent (G T Clark)
arms control in European governments (esp. Spain) (Alberto RIO)
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 1994 09:26:51 -0500 (EST)
From: Michael Dante 70637 <>
Subject: Re: Arms-Discussion Digest V12 #4
>Canada hesitates in agreeing to more cruise missile test flights
>because Canada is trying to promote its UN peace-keeping forces.
>Canada does not wish to seen as a hypocrite. I am sure that
>future flights will be allowed after certain trade disputes are
Marcus Ewert-Johns raises an interesting point for
discussion. What should be the role and armaments of UN
Peace-keeping Forces? The implication of the quoted posting
seems to be that cruise missiles are not appropriate. Why not?
For example, if the U.N. forces in Bosnia come under attack by
Serbian Artillery, why not allow the peace-keepers to call in
cruise missiles to stop the attack? Clearly there should be some
limits on the weapons allowed to U.N. forces -- I doubt that
anyone would want to arm peacekeepers with nuclear weapons -- but
what should those limits be?
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 1994 11:01:38 GMT
From: G T Clark <>
Subject: Re: M-16 and the British Army's equivalent
>It's called the SA-80 by its developer (or the SA-80 Endeavour),
>was bought by the army and referred to as the L-72 (I think) and
No, it wasn't. That should be L-85, or L-85A1. My mistake, sorry.
> [minor objection: I didn't write the quoted article.--rg]
Sorry, again. I don't often post to moderated groups.
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 94 11:50:28 HOE
From: Alberto RIO <>
Subject: arms control in European governments (esp. Spain)
Dear sirs, interested as I am in arms control would like to know
whether there is some organization for which I could do
something; for instance, control of export/import companies
through public records, submitting of press news, etc., all of
them about European companies, of course.
Here in Spain there is from time to time some political turmoil
because Spanish government does not fulfill their duties in arms
control. As in Spain there is a high unemployment rate, the
government tries to sell as many arms as it can, even chemical
components used in the production process of toxic gases. Also,
there is high interest in biological research and nobody can
assure at all that Spanish military is not involved in this type
of biology-linked activities.
Spanish pacifist groups lack professionalism, at least at some
degree, so I ask you how can I help.
I am more interested in USA-based groups than European ones
because of my contacts there. Last summer I did visit USA and I
plan the same this year (it could be Denver, CO, or NYC, NY, or
Seattle, WA).
Thank you very much,
Alberto RIO Fax.: +34 1 397-8599
Servicio de Cartografia, modulo de Geografia Phone: +34 1 397-3894
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid e-mail:
Campus de Cantoblanco
E-28049 Madrid, Spain riogaral at emduam11
End of Arms-Discussion Digest