From: Rob Gross (moderator)
Saturday, April 10, 1993, 15:36 EDT
Arms Discussion Digest
Volume 11 : Issue 3
All submissions to ARM...@BUACCA.BU.EDU (ARM...@BUACCA.BITNET)
Please do not post articles, as they have a high probability
of being lost.
Today's topics:
naval history (n miceli)
Current events ("W. Pentecost")
info (NAME)
New Subscriber/Info and Queries (Paul Carroll)
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 93 18:14 CST
From: n miceli <BA0...@UOKMVSA.BITNET>
Subject: naval history
are any members of this list aware of
any forums for discussion of naval
history, strategy, tactics, or
related matters?
n. s. miceli
Date: 21 Feb 93 16:28:22 EST
From: "W. Pentecost" <7620...@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: Current events
Does anyone know of an internet mailing list that provides news of current
military events? e.i. Somalia, Bosnia, etc.
Thanks ahead of time.
Bill Pentecost
W. Pentecost<>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1993 14:01 EST
Subject: info
Is it possible for me to access a Database of military sales in the past
decade or so ?
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 93 10:44:00 PDT
From: Paul Carroll <>
Subject: New Subscriber/Info and Queries
Hello, gang. I am a new subscriber to Arms-D. I am currently
working on a study at the Office of Technology Assessment called
"Managing Materials from Warhead Dismantlement." We are attempting to
examine the environmental, safety, and health issues associated with
the disassembly and disposition of nuclear warheads and the nuclear
materials and other components contained in them.
The study is broad in its focus, however, several issues are
prominent: the ultimate disposition of tens of tons of plutonium-239
(the "pits" of thermonuclear weapons), hundreds of tons of
uranium-235, protection of workers at disassembly and interim storage
sites, opportunities to aid and cooperate with the former Soviet Union
in its dismantlement efforts, and the political and technical issues
to be solved in deciding U.S. national policy regarding dismantlement.
The basic story, and forgive me if I am speaking below you, is
that we have created a colossal mess over the last fifty years by
producing nuclear weapons and weapon systems: production rates were
given priority over all other concerns. Today, we realize the
daunting legacy of the cold war, and would like to avoid the same
mistakes in our efforts to reverse the arms race. Thus, the Senate
Government Affairs Committee requested that OTA study the issues
surrounding nuclear weapons dismantlement and identify challenges.
Today, we are in the final phase of the task, and the report is
being written and will be made public sometime this fall. However, I
thought Arms-D might be a good resource in finding out new
information, or simply sparking a dialogue about these issues.
I would like to extend an invitation to all to ask any questions
you may have about the study or what we have learned, and also ask
that you contribute any thoughts or knowledge you may have on the
ANYTHING may be useful. And, again, the study is quite broad: we
deal with institutional actors from the DOE to the IAEA to local
citizens groups concerned about impacts from new operations; we follow
developments in Russia and US-fSU coopeartive efforts (such as the
arrangment to purchase some 500 metric tons of HEU from Russia);
disposition options for Pu-239 from burning it in reactors to shooting
it into the sun, etc, etc.; proliferation is also a concern a la'
Japan's pu reactor plans, North Korea, etc.
Please feel free to ask and/or contribute. Thanks in advance.
Paul Carroll Research Analyst OTA
End of Arms-Discussion Digest