From: Rob Gross (moderator)
Wednesday, August 25, 1993, 22:09 EDT
Arms Discussion Digest
Volume 11 : Issue 7
All submissions to ARM...@BUACCA.BU.EDU (ARM...@BUACCA.BITNET)
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of being lost.
Today's topics:
Re: Arms-Discussion Digest V11 #6 (G. Simon Harak, SJ)
Re: Hummer vehicle (bullard morgan j)
Re: Arms-Discussion Digest V11 #6 ("Robert L. Perry")
Hummer vehicle (MALLEN)
Date: 20 Aug 1993 01:53:29 -0500 (EST)
From: (G. Simon Harak, SJ)
Subject: Re: Arms-Discussion Digest V11 #6
Just a short reflection on the fall of the Soviet Union.
I think it may be a bit simplistic to say that we "spent
them into the ground." [We surely have done that to OURSELVES as
far as military spending.] For one thing, the CIA figures
throughout the cold war show that Soviet military spending
increased about 3% every year, pretty much no matter what we did
or didn't do. They stayed pretty much consistent in that.
Figures on their spending, we now know, were highly exaggerated
in the typical "worst case scenario," in the bad conversion we
did from rubles to dollars, and from just plain lying.
The other thing that I think we should think about is
that looking at things sheerly from our own point of view
overlooks the incredible COURAGE of the hundreds of thousands who
stood up to the Soviet system, from perhaps even before
Solidarity, up to the resistance of the Russian coup under
Gorbachev. It would probably be good to recall, too, that, with
the exception of Bulgaria, where several dozen Russian soldiers
were killed, the "revolution" was NONVIOLENT (which is another
reason we should be careful of our military's attempt to "co-opt"
the revolution by calling it a military victory).
I was in Russia in May and spent much time talking with
those people involved in the nonviolent revolution. A good
English book on this is Glenn Stassen's JUST PEACEMAKING.
Also, a friend of mine has just returned from a trip to
Russia, this time to explore the environmental disasters of the
former Soviet Union. HE claims that we can begin the account of
the fall of the Soviet Union from the "wake up" that the people
did around Chernobyl.
In short, although there is much to be said for a weaker
(command, and lack-of-distribution, in a country that spans EIGHT
time zones!) economy, I believe we have to be more nuanced, and
respectful of the Russian (and Lithuanian, and Latvian, and
Polish, and East German and ...) people if we were to begin to
think of the reasons for the fall of the Soviet Union.
G. Simon Harak, S. J.
Date: 22 Aug 1993 22:40:42 GMT
From: bullard morgan j <>
Subject: Re: Hummer vehicle
>Hi, I am new to the list, and I was hoping to see if anyone out
>there had ever heard of the Hummer vehicle. It is produced by AM
>General Int'l and is an all-terrain tank-like vehicle. I am
>searching for information on it. If anyone knows where I can
>find some, please write me back. Thanks.
It's a 1 1/4 ton 4X4 truck. It replaces the M151A2 jeep. It's
powered by a GM 6.2 liter diesiel engine. It is not a tank.
Like the jeep it comes in many variants form TOW lanuchers to
ambulances to maintance vehicals. Top speed is 75+mph, trust
me.:) I've found two opinions about replacing the jeep with the
HUMMV (pronounced hum-vee). First, those who think the military
is making a huge mistake replacing the jeep with the "inferior"
HUMMV and those who have driven/worked on the HUMMV.:) BTW, I was
a mechnic in the US army, 2 years active and 3 yrs. in the Guard.
Morgan Bullard at
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 93 12:14:12 CDT
From: "Robert L. Perry" <N145AB@TAMVM1>
Subject: Re: Arms-Discussion Digest V11 #6
In reply to M. Cobb's question as to whether the US won the Cold
War, my first response is to ask what is meant by "winning" the
Cold War? Is Mike's question a serious one?
If anything, the US's "victory" is Pyrrhic at best. Our spoils
include: the world's highest national debt, an ever-increasing
crime rate, and a deteriorating standard of living, etc., etc.
So let's revel while we can.
Bob Perry
Texas A&M Univ.
Date: 25 Aug 1993 18:24:20 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Hummer vehicle
In reply to Keith Wolfe's request for information on the Hummer Vehicle
(3 August), there's an editorial on it in the 25 August 1993 Washington
Post, p. A20. It's the civilian version of the jeep-like vehicle that
was known as the Humvee during the Gulf War. It doesn't seem to be
selling very well...
End of Arms-Discussion Digest