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Re: New 0ptout?

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Jan 4, 2005, 6:36:35 PM1/4/05
has been diverted in the woman into the form of the above gift.
Deception is therefore born in her, and is almost as much the property
of the stupid as of the clever woman. To make use of it on every
occasion is hence as natural to her as it is to the animals in question
when attacked to employ their weapons, and she feels it, to a certain
extent, as making use of her right. For this reason a perfectly true,
unsophisticated woman is almost impossible. For the same reason they see
through deception in others so easily, that it is not advisable to
attempt it as regards them. But from the fundamental failing indicated
and its accessories, arises falseness, disloyalty, treachery,
ingratitude, etc. Women are much more often guilty of judicial perjury
than men, indeed it may be fairly questioned whether they ought to be
allowed to take an oath. The case has repeated itself everywhere, from
time to time, of ladies who wanted for nothing, going into a shop and
secretly pocketing and stealing something.

Young, strong, and fine men are called by nature for the propagation of

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