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Time for Some Male Bashing of Our Own

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Jan 20, 2010, 1:00:18 AM1/20/10

By Paul Elam

I've been an MRA (Men's Rights Activist) promoting gender equalitarianism
for over twenty years. Recently I have been downright giddy over the
emerging voices of men and women who have had enough of feminists, and are
throwing the lies promulgated by them right back in their faces.

This is especially true on the internet. These days, if it gets loud enough
on the internet, even the sycophants in the mainstream media start paying

But I have to say it is time to stop, at least for a moment.

The real problem we have now isn't feminists, it's men. I am not talking
about MRA's, at least not most of them, but about Joe Average next door.

I might be talking about you.

And so I am here to do some male bashing of my own. And men now have that
coming to them far more than feminists.

I am not going to reinforce the stupid ideas about men that feminists have
spread for so long, but to point out the stupid actions of men that have
enabled feminists to keep grabbing more power without much of a challenge.

We have had a gender war, guys. The problem is that you didn't show up.

While men, and by that I mean you, your brothers, fathers, sons and friends
get bent over and raped in openly rigged family courts, you look the other

While your sons get marginalized and fall behind in ever more female
centered schools systems (they now only represent 42% of college students),
you have pretty much reacted by making sure the TIVO is set to get the next
ball game.

While the media has portrayed you as one dimensional idiots, bumbling fools
who couldn't buy an analgesic without instructions and supervision from your
wife, you have validated that idiotic treatment by tolerating it, and have
indeed begun to emulate it.

While your sons are used as cannon fodder in illicit wars and are
simultaneously excoriated by society for having too much power, your
response has largely been:

"Man, look at the caboose on her!"

You have taken to reading magazines like Men's Health, the COSMO for the new
age male, so you can learn how to get those six pack abs and make princess
take a second look at you.

And five years from now, when princess robs you of your children, your
income, your property and your dignity, your best friend will console you
with something really profound and helpful, like "Dude, that really sucks.
Want a beer?"

It will happen to more than half of you that get married, but somewhere
along your way in life, you hung a vacancy sign on your common sense, and
you are likely helping your sons hang that same sign on theirs.

It is enough to make someone say, "Wake the hell up!"

You know, that may be the wrong thing to say. Most of you aren't asleep,
you're in a coma; anesthetized by a thoughtless existence, you're crippled
by one of the few things feminists have said about you that happens to be

You think with your penis.

And you know, though you likely won't admit it, when you think with your
penis, the first thing it does is take your spine out of the picture. With
that goes your values and credibility.

And that is how most of you live, in a penis dictated servitude; as trained
seals fearful of saying or doing anything that might cause princess to get
upset with you, or, God forbid, that might keep you from getting laid.

Personally, I have seen enough of this garbage from men to last me a
lifetime. There are men and women out here right now, fighting an uphill
battle you can't imagine just to give you a fair shot at justice when the
wife calls in the lawyers and the state to dissolve your marriage and your
assets; to dissolve your life.

You don't owe them or me anything, but you might, if you can pull your head
out for five minutes, think about what you owe your sons.

Many of you who have already been destroyed by family courts are still
raising your daughters to be replicas the princess that handed you your
head, and your sons to be the pack animals that will carry the weight for
them through life, only to be discarded when they are used up. Just like you

And you are still more interested in big screens than the big picture. It's
completely pathetic.

This chosen ignorance is fatal. Men die more frequently of all the top
killer diseases than women, though women get the lions share of gender
specific medical research money. Women outlive men by seven years, and
though they have had a national office for women's health for decades, we
are just now hearing the first inklings that we might have one for men. It
hasn't happened yet, and wise men aren't holding their breath.

Maybe you don't care if you die of heart disease or prostate cancer before
you are sixty. But if you have a son, at least give him the honesty to turn
to him and tell him you don't care if he does either.

That's not shame, it's blame. And if you are the "average" man in western
culture, you deserve a boatload of it.

I imagine that more than a few of you won't much like what I have to say.
You'll have to just imagine my concern about that. But if it upsets you, it
won't last. All you need is fifteen minutes of acting like a lap dog for
the nearest feminist, or hiding your cowardice behind words like
traditionalism, manliness and chivalry. Say all three like you actually
believe yourself and you'll be right as rain.

But if you are so upset that you want to do something about it, then I have
a suggestion. Instead of buying those tickets to the ball game, or that
next 12 pack, send the money to a fathers rights organization that is doing
work for which you do not have the sense or the nerve.

Or how about this? The next time you hear someone take a stupid, bigoted
stab at men, say something about it.

And if it happens to be a woman, don't say something agreeable so you can
score points. Don't lie now, you know you have done it. After all, what is
self respect compared to some tail? Your sons can live on their knees, too,
though it is an ironic life for a species distinguished by it's ability to
stand upright.

But if you can't manage a single moment of real backbone, please just keep
your mouth shut. You are quite skilled at that one, anyway.

There are men our here trying to do for you and your sons what you won't.
There are already enough obstacles in the way. The last thing we need is
foolish beneficiaries to shoot us down. Just let us do what we do. Let us
be the advocates for your sons that you fail to be.

Like I said, feminists are not the real problem any more. Men are. You are.
They launched a gender war and, rather than fight back, men just blindly
followed, out of fear, out of biological programming and out of abject
weakness. What else can we call it but weak when men and their sons get
flogged with rampant injustice and they react, in a thunderous collective
voice, saying:

"How 'bout them cowboys?"

I know, this is a rant, and after I have unleashed all my hostilities I am
supposed heave a sigh of relief and say something conciliatory, like "Sorry
if I offended." But the truth is that if this stuff applies to you, then
you need to be offended.

You need, I dare say, whatever it takes to get you to spine up and learn to
think past the next ball game or round of the horizontal bop.

If that is as far as you can reach, then you don't deserve to be heard at

Authors note: John Dias has supplied the following descriptions and links
to organizations that deserve some of your hard earned bucks for the cause.
Thanks to Mr. Dias

1. Fathers and Families
The leading father's rights group in the United States. Employs two
full-time lobbyists. Extensive contacts throughout the national media and
academia. Articulates a clear vision about its goals. Has successfully
introduced, passed, and blocked bills in state and national legislatures.
Has led successful campaigns combating cultural misandry against men in
public television, anti-male advertising, anti-male public service
announcements, rash and/or ineffective child support collection policies,
and correcting inaccurate and ideological-based claims about female vs. male
victimization from domestic violence. The most effective and articulate
voice - culturally and politically - for fathers today in the United States.

2. National Coalition For Men
Uses lawsuits to challenge laws that discriminate against men. Successfully
overturned a law in California that denied public funds to male victims of
domestic violence. Advocates for men on a broad array of issues, not just

There are others, including RADAR and Fathers 4 Justice, but the above two
are head-and-shoulders above the rest in terms of their effectiveness in the
courts, legislatures, academia, and the culture at large.

Paul Elam is the Editor-in-Chief for Men's News Daily and the publisher of A
Voice for Men


Jan 20, 2010, 1:34:29 PM1/20/10
On Jan 19, 10:00 pm, "MCP" <> wrote:

Well, this is better than most MRA attacks on men but it's alittle too


> voice - culturally and politically - for fathers today in the United States.

> 2. National Coalition For Men
> Uses lawsuits to challenge laws that discriminate against men. Successfully
> overturned a law in California that denied public funds to male victims of
> domestic violence. Advocates for men on a broad array of issues, not just

> fathers.


Jan 22, 2010, 5:03:42 AM1/22/10
While I respect where this comes from, I think the biggest problem for
men isn't looking at big-picture issues but rather the small picture in
their own lives. If they put up with nonsense from the women around
them: At home and in the workplace, they not only undermine rights for
all men but also themselves and even cheat and rob women of strong
masculine role models they crave.

These single actions, by themselves, create a ripple effect. Women
firsters are well aware of this by the way they try to beat "uppity" men
down (and are usually easily defeated.)


In article <S_w5n.48810$4N3....@newsfe06.ams2>,
"MCP" <> wrote:



Jan 22, 2010, 12:57:02 PM1/22/10
On Jan 22, 2:03 am, PolishKnight <> wrote:
> While I respect where this comes from, I think the biggest problem for
> men isn't looking at big-picture issues but rather the small picture in
> their own lives.  If they put up with nonsense from the women around
> them: At home and in the workplace, they not only undermine rights for
> all men but also themselves and even cheat and rob women of strong
> masculine role models they crave.  
> These single actions, by themselves, create a ripple effect.  Women
> firsters are well aware of this by the way they try to beat "uppity" men
> down (and are usually easily defeated.)  

I agree and have been heartened lately by the effect some of us are
having in this respect. It's the net that has educated and emboldened
many men. I'm seeing the dynamics on Facebook more than anywhere
else. The Leftists are literally running for the hills. The Scott
Brown thing was the last straw. They were totally dependent on
censorship and the lamestream media. The net has both killed their
censorship efforts AND the lamestream medea's effectiveness. People
are finally feeling free to speak their minds. Leftists are literally
withering from the effects, kind of like the Wicked Witch of the
East's final demise in The Wizard of Oz. With her gone all the other
identity groups will feel the wrath as well. It's LONG overdue.

The whipping to death of a generation of white men, our best and
brightest, for 40 years needs to be addressed, but more importantly it
needs to be remembered for future generations. There's a huge object
lesson here not only for America, but for everyone.


> regards,
> PolishKnight
> In article <S_w5n.48810$4N3.39...@newsfe06.ams2>,

> ...
> read more »


Jan 22, 2010, 9:09:29 PM1/22/10
In article
Masculist <> wrote:

Tom, when I went to school in the 80's it was like being in a George
Orwell novel: The things people said, and believed, and believed in
openly were absurd.

Well-to-do wealthy white women ragged on and on about how oppressed they
were and even more amazing, many men fed them on! I could see it if the
men were trying to get some tail but in many cases the women treated
them as "nice guy" wimps and banged, and I do not make this up, Muslims
and frat boys who were about as far off of liberated as you can get.

It didn't make sense for me for why white men bought into this thinking
except, perhaps, this was a kind of state religion and they felt a need
to believe in it if only to at least not be on the bottom reserved for
heretics and non-believers. They were terrified of being outcasts and
blacklisted and fear drove them even beyond the public eye.

Without self-hating white males, what does political correctness have to
offer the nation? It's a fun party only when someone is willing to be
the pinata but when the pinata picks itself up and moves on, at best,
leftism is revealed as an ugly, racist, hypocritical, sexist hodgepodge
of increasingly contrarian special interests including hippy
sky-is-falling granola eaters and addicts to facebook and twitter.


> > regards,
> > PolishKnight
> >
> > In article <S w5n.48810$4N3.39...@newsfe06.ams2>,

> > read more �


Jan 26, 2010, 5:09:41 AM1/26/10

"PolishKnight" <> wrote in message
> "MCP" reported:

>> By Paul Elam
>> I've been an MRA (Men's Rights Activist) promoting gender
>> equalitarianism for over twenty years. Recently I have been
>> downright giddy over the emerging voices of men and women
>> who have had enough of feminists, and are throwing the lies
>> promulgated by them right back in their faces. [...]

>> The real problem we have now isn't feminists, it's men.
>> I am not talking about MRA's, at least not most of them,
>> but about Joe Average next door.
>> I might be talking about you.
>> And so I am here to do some male bashing of my own.
>> And men now have that coming to them far more
>> than feminists. [...]

> While I respect where this comes from, I think the biggest
> problem for men isn't looking at big-picture issues
> but rather the small picture in their own lives. [...]

> Women firsters are well aware of this by the way
> they try to beat "uppity" men down (and are usually
> easily defeated.)

And now MRA Paul Elam, confident that all will be well
if only we all fall in line with the way _he_ sees things,
tries to beat down the non-uppity men. Feminists beat on
men, Paul Elam beats on men. This is what makes him
different from the feminists.

As an online discussion
on the topic of human sexuality
grows longer, the probability
that someone will impugn
a male opponent's manhood
approaches one. --LaSalle's Law

Mike LaSalle at _Men's News Daily_
March 6, 2007

Paul Elam fits the profile.

I strongly suspect that as many men who have awakened from
a lifetime's indoctrination into habits of Women First thinking,
Paul Elam is experiencing frustration. In reaction, Paul Elam
turns on the very people - men - that he fancies himself 'saving.'

We live in an age of woman-think, _de facto_
censorship. ... But let me remind you
of one thing. Our congressmen go to work
every day inside a domed Capitol building
that is, in form and fact, a big tit.

Rich Zubaty


Jan 26, 2010, 1:10:56 PM1/26/10
On Jan 26, 2:09 am, "Society" <> wrote:
> "PolishKnight" <> wrote in message
> > "MCP" reported:
> >>
>    <>

> Paul Elam fits the profile.
> I strongly suspect that as many men who have awakened from
> a lifetime's indoctrination into habits of Women First thinking,
> Paul Elam is experiencing frustration.  In reaction, Paul Elam
> turns on the very people - men - that he fancies himself 'saving.'
> Strange.
> --
>    We live in an age of woman-think, _de facto_
>    censorship.  ... But let me remind you
>    of one thing.  Our congressmen go to work
>    every day inside a domed Capitol building
>    that is, in form and fact, a big tit.
>    Rich Zubaty

Thanks Society. This went right up on my Facebook status <smile> I
wonder how Zubaty is doing in his car in Hawaii. I know he's still
making podcasts.



Jan 26, 2010, 5:05:51 PM1/26/10
On Jan 26, 2:09 am, "Society" <> wrote:
> "PolishKnight" <> wrote in message
> > "MCP" reported:
> >>
>    <>

> Paul Elam fits the profile.
> I strongly suspect that as many men who have awakened from
> a lifetime's indoctrination into habits of Women First thinking,
> Paul Elam is experiencing frustration.  In reaction, Paul Elam
> turns on the very people - men - that he fancies himself 'saving.'
> Strange.
> --
>    We live in an age of woman-think, _de facto_
>    censorship.  ... But let me remind you
>    of one thing.  Our congressmen go to work
>    every day inside a domed Capitol building
>    that is, in form and fact, a big tit.
>    Rich Zubaty- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Rich is correct about that

the Capitol dome in the District of Columbia is an overt shrine to the
Goddess Columbia (or matriarchy, in ideopolitical terms) which is well-
illustrated by the interior dome paintings, which show george
washington (the male state/godling) surrounded by goddesses

we've been brainwashed since childhood about what america truly is,
and always was


Jan 26, 2010, 5:18:54 PM1/26/10

gee, where have i encountered that before in the MRM? hmmm

> > tries to beat down the non-uppity men.  Feminists beat on
> > men, Paul Elam beats on men.  This is what makes him
> > different from the feminists.

i didnt have a problem with the article -- it's an attack on the
complacency of u.s. males vis a vis feminism, and an attack on the
american males' complicity and acceptance of the matriarchy

that indeed DOES make him different from feminists

> Tom- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

car-living seems to be the accomodations of (non) choice for many

gets tough once you hit yr fifties.... try to secure a van,-- second
choice is a p/u with shell


"America! America! God shed His Grace on thee"

so you stabbed him in the back, nice going toots

Dec 26, 2014, 8:40:59 PM12/26/14
Let's not forget the men who, rather than hiding in sports or parties, hide in their work, ignore their families, claim to be great providers, and can't figure out why they have no relationship with their wives when their only time with them is in bed. I think most of us want a man, not a bank account.


Dec 28, 2014, 2:21:34 PM12/28/14
change the way you act may be hell want to be around you . i win
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