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Men's wiki

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Andrew Usher

Dec 20, 2008, 10:18:56 PM12/20/08
I said this before in my thread about RW, but I think we should have a
Men's Wiki.

I think that this is the best way of presenting the whole picture to
newcomers, and
of getting more people involved. I really at this point don't know
what's involved,
and I couldn't fund it myself, assuming that it costs money. But I
think someone
here should be able to, or know of people that will. Is there one

Andrew Usher

Andrew Usher

Dec 25, 2008, 9:27:26 PM12/25/08

Why has there been no response to this?

Andrew Usher

Andrew Usher

Dec 27, 2008, 12:16:58 PM12/27/08
On Dec 20, 9:18 pm, Andrew Usher <> wrote:

Why has there been no response to this?

Andrew Usher

Dec 27, 2008, 3:25:49 PM12/27/08

Work and money is involved.

And will this wiki allow anyone to modify entries?

I modified a wiki entry on gender once. Nohting harsh, just
enlightening. It was kabashed n 10 minutes. I easily saw the dude --
through wiki's '[whos on now feature]' --since there was only one
other human there at the entry at that ungodly hour. ...And wouldn't
you know --his link took me to his conservative blog. (Conservatives
don't like change and they believe in "authority" --meaning already
established fashion-- as template.)

I feel ya. But the blog and vlog- oshpere --where there are apparently
antifems-- will have to for now.

Andrew Usher

Dec 27, 2008, 4:26:33 PM12/27/08
On Dec 27, 2:25 pm, wrote:

> Work and money is involved.

Not too much - there are so many wikis already.

> And will this wiki allow anyone to modify entries?

Only registered users, I supposes, we don't want trolls.

> I modified a wiki entry on gender once. Nohting harsh, just
> enlightening. It was kabashed n 10 minutes. I easily saw the dude --
> through wiki's '[whos on now feature]' --since there was only one
> other human there at the entry at that ungodly hour. ...And wouldn't
> you know --his link took me to his conservative blog. (Conservatives
> don't like change and they believe in "authority" --meaning already
> established fashion-- as template.)

This is exactly why we need our own.

> I feel ya. But the blog and vlog- oshpere --where there are apparently
> antifems-- will have to for now.

Blogging is a horrible way to communicate or organise anything. This
group is much better but not very populated; a wiki is the one thing
would unify us as it is a natural monopoly in its field. Besides
reading such an encyclopedia would be a good way too introduce
new people to the idea.

Andrew Usher


Dec 27, 2008, 4:45:18 PM12/27/08

I worked on Wikipedia's "Masculism" article when it started up and the
damn feminists, with the help of the feminist wikipedia staff, took
over. I call Wikipedia Ms Wikipedia. They don't allow "Mrs".

So this men's wiki would do what now?


> Andrew Usher

Andrew Usher

Dec 27, 2008, 10:10:40 PM12/27/08
On Dec 27, 3:45 pm, Masculist <> wrote:

> I worked on Wikipedia's "Masculism" article when it started up and the
> damn feminists, with the help of the feminist wikipedia staff, took
> over. I call Wikipedia Ms Wikipedia. They don't allow "Mrs".

You're right. Wikipedia isn't honest on this topic. RW is even more
extreme. So we need to have our own.

> So this men's wiki would do what now?

What I said. It woud also be a great place for me to post my stuff
- I think everything except the science and math would be suitable.

Andrew Usher


Dec 28, 2008, 10:59:18 AM12/28/08
On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 13:45:18 -0800 (PST), Masculist
<> wrote:

>I worked on Wikipedia's "Masculism" article when it started up and the
>damn feminists, with the help of the feminist wikipedia staff, took
>over. I call Wikipedia Ms Wikipedia. They don't allow "Mrs".

Can you give any more details?


Dec 28, 2008, 3:32:59 PM12/28/08
On Dec 28, 7:59 am, Viking <> wrote:
> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 13:45:18 -0800 (PST), Masculist
> <> wrote:
> >I worked on Wikipedia's "Masculism" article when it started up and the
> >damn feminists, with the help of the feminist wikipedia staff, took
> >over.  I call Wikipedia Ms Wikipedia.  They don't allow "Mrs".
> Can you give any more details?

If you go to the early "talk" pages on the masculism article it's all
there. "April" was one of the early feminists to hit that article and
you can see the discussion there. It was all downhill from there and
our early work has been totally eliminated.

As for the "Ms" requirement, Wikipedia set up one of their special
projects on "Gender" in which they mandated that all of Wikipedia had
certain requirements regarding gender one of which was banning the use
of "Mrs" and requiring the use of "Ms".


Andrew Usher

Dec 28, 2008, 7:50:27 PM12/28/08
On Dec 28, 2:32 pm, Masculist <> wrote:

> If you go to the early "talk" pages on the masculism article it's all
> there. "April" was one of the early feminists to hit that article and
> you can see the discussion there. It was all downhill from there and
> our early work has been totally eliminated.

Wikipedia is dominated by political correctness. See this page,_the_truth,_and_the_light/What_I_believe
to read my complaints against them (written before I was banned). Also
look at
this .

> As for the "Ms" requirement, Wikipedia set up one of their special
> projects on "Gender" in which they mandated that all of Wikipedia had
> certain requirements regarding gender one of which was banning the use
> of "Mrs" and requiring the use of "Ms".

I don't doubt they have such style guidelines. Although I really don't
about the use of 'Ms.', the fact that they need to do such a thing

Andrew Usher

Andrew Usher

Dec 28, 2008, 8:34:06 PM12/28/08
On Dec 20, 9:18 pm, Andrew Usher <> wrote:
> I said this before in my thread about RW, but I think we should have a
> Men's Wiki.
> I think that this is the best way of presenting the whole picture to
> newcomers, and
> of getting more people involved. I really at this point don't know
> what's involved,
> and I couldn't fund it myself, assuming that it costs money. But I
> think someone
> here should be able to, or know of people that will. Is there one
> already?

By the way, here are my proposed rules for this wiki:

1. No women are allowed. Anyone discovered to be female will be
blocked permanently.

2. There is to be no tolerance for trolls or parodists, either.

3. No humor in main space, unless it's inherently part of the subject.

4. The subject of the wiki is masculism, men's rights, and other
philosophical, ethical, or political issues specific to men. This is
to be understood in a broad sense.

5. No pictures.

6. No editing by reversion. No one should make an edit more than once
without explanation, and anyone that does may be blocked. When both
sides are abusing reversions, the article will be locked.

7. On any issue disputed among masculists, both sides should be
presented fairly.

8. While citations to good sources are usually preferred to original
speculation, no general rule can be made.

9. Free speech should prevail on talk pages. Nothing should be removed
except vandalism, spam, trolling, and other non-constructive

10. All users must have an e-mail address. Anyone without a working e-
mail entered will be blocked until they do.

Andrew Usher


Dec 29, 2008, 2:24:26 PM12/29/08

Sounds good. Set it up but my participation may be sparse until
things normalize for me alittle.


> Andrew Usher

Andrew Usher

Dec 29, 2008, 5:41:01 PM12/29/08
On Dec 29, 1:24 pm, Masculist <> wrote:

> Sounds good. Set it up but my participation may be sparse until
> things normalize for me alittle.

I don't know anything about setting up a web page. That's why I
included the word 'proposed' in that last post! If there's any
in it, someone should be willing to do it, though.

Andrew Usher

Message has been deleted

Andrew Usher

Dec 30, 2008, 10:02:07 PM12/30/08
On Dec 30, 7:09 pm, Jill <> wrote:

> >By the way, here are my proposed rules for this wiki:
> >1. No women are allowed. Anyone discovered to be female will be
> >blocked permanently.

> Apparently you never saw that old New Yorker cartoon. Good luck with
> that one.

That rule is quite necessary. Even if women seem to be on the right
and honestly believe they are, they are almost certain to be wacky,
subversive, and/or distracting. See this group for enough examples!

Andrew Usher

Message has been deleted


Dec 31, 2008, 12:33:32 PM12/31/08

Here's where YOU can start one...



> Andrew Usher

Andrew Usher

Dec 31, 2008, 4:44:31 PM12/31/08
On Dec 31, 11:33 am, Masculist <> wrote:

> Here's where YOU can start one...

OK. I've started it here: .

But I'm not going to keep at it unless I get some other editors
creating and modifying pages.

Note that I will back up the wiki in case they remove it or I need
to move to a different server.

You have to request an account from me - I'm not going to make
it public because PBwiki doesn't have any good protection from
vandals. You would receive a confirmation e-mail, and on cliicking
the link there be prompted to make a username and password.

Since there are no user pages there, I require that you first create
a page under your name as your user page. Put an e-mail address
on the page so that people can contact you.

My user name there is 'Andreas', and I would appreciate it if
others would also use the Latin form of their first name, if possible.
But you don't have to; I can't change your name.

Andrew Usher

Andrew Usher

Dec 31, 2008, 5:36:08 PM12/31/08
On Dec 31, 3:44 pm, Andrew Usher <> wrote:

> OK. I've started it here:

15 articles created now. I need someone to help with this thing ...
And yes, I want to move to a better server when possible.

Andrew Usher

Andrew Usher

Jan 4, 2009, 1:53:02 AM1/4/09
I started a new wiki, and copied all the stuff I already had: .

This is the best I can do. I know I would like to use the Wikipedia
interface (mediawiki), as that's what I and everyone else that uses
wikis is familar with, and what all important wikis run on, but I'm
afraid that I can't get any service that uses that and is otherwise

To navigate, for now, use the 'list all pages' feature. If there gets
to be too many pages I'll come up with something else.

So, please start using it, even if you only have small things to
contribute. You need to sign up for a Wikidot account first, and since
they allow but one account per e-mail address, you might want to
creating a new e-mail account just for this. Then request an account
using the provided form (you don't need to add a comment, I'll accept
all requests) - I'll get to it as soon as possible.

Once you have joined, please create a user page named 'user:USERNAME',
containing an e-mail address (the one you want to be contacted at) and
whatever else you want. Then start editing; as stated above, any edits
are welcome, if I object I might revert them and then comment on talk.

Any further questions should be posted right here.

Andrew Usher

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