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Rivers Barracks at Giessen/Germany

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May 26, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/26/98

Hi there

We are reasearching the area of the Riverbarracks in Giessen, Germany.
There during WW II was located a com-center. Existing are 4 shelters,
every 2 floors deep, and a little shelter outside the fence, 2 floors
deep. In this last system the dirt-water of the tank-wash pumped.

Now, there are rumours about more underground systems there. Does
anyone knows anything? Maybe, a former GI of the Rivers has some

So, there should exist a large tunnel leading from the Rivers
??? It (as rumours say) is large enough for trucks. Beside this one
should exist others, smaller tunnels.

Any hepp is appreciated!



May 27, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/27/98

Don't know about Rivers Barracks, but the base hospital in Wurzburg has/had
something like 6 sub-basements, which were all flooded, and boobytrapped,
prior to capture and by the late sixties (or so my mother who worked there in
the 70's tells me) were finally sealed off after several failed, and fatal,
attempts to clear them of the boobytraps.



May 28, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/28/98
to wrote in message
>Hi there

A possible source of information is the Center for Military History,
Department of the Army, Washington, DC 20310. You should ask for "Reports
of Security Inspections", "Military Police Post Security Inspections", and
"Counterintelligence Operations Security (OPSEC) Surveys". In your letter
to them request that if the documents are classified that they be reviewed
for declassification and release for historical research purposes. I have
a vague recollection of performing a security survey at Rivers Barracks in
1980 after Red Rudi's group set off a bomb at the local Army
Counterintelligence "Rezidentura". Seems to me that we had a complete set
of blueprints of the Barracks area dated about 1943 and totally accurate und
alles in ordunungs, naturlich! I am sorry that I don't recall if there were
extra tunnels which were sealed off, but the water collecting pool tunnel
went somewhere out of the post boundries, I think. At least you don't have
to try to map out and explore the Tempelhof tunnels! I heard that there are
still booby traps down around the 7th level underground where the old
waterway leading to the Wannsee is located. Good Luck!

>We are reasearching the area of the Riverbarracks in Giessen, Germany.


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