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Student request

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D. Best

Oct 12, 2003, 9:02:04 PM10/12/03
See answers imbedded below...

-d. best-
Exercise Your Mind, Body & Freedoms
"Margarita D" <> wrote in message
> My name is Anne. I live in Greenville,Tx and I have to do my
> history project- take interwievs from war veterans. But I don't
> have Vietnam War veterans in my city. I ask you to answer
> following questions as soon as possible, please. I really need
> your help!
> Sincerely, Margarita.
> 1. What branch of the military did you serve in? When did you
> go in?

US Army

> 2. Were you a draftee or a volunteer?

Drafted then ... volunteered

> 3.Where were you trained and what was your training like?

Fort Knox Kentucky and Aberdeen Proving Grounds Maryland
Training was fast and intense.

> 4.How many years did you stay in?

2 years 7 months

> 5.What was you military rank and job description? What duties
> did your job actually involve?

E-5 was my rank and officially I was a Track Vehicle Mechanic
... but this varided upon need.

> 6. What did you do during the war?

I was attached to a combat engineer group.

> 7.What campaigns was your unit involved in?

Cambodian Incursion/invasion

> 8.Why do you think America was fighting in this war?

Politics and an irrational fear of communism in the orient.

> 9.What was your impression of the enemy? Was this impression
> from a wartime training or personal contact?

Dedicated and driven. Observations.

> 10. What does patriotism mean to you? How did your wartime
> service affect your sense of patriotism?

The responsibility to question our nations actions and to
improve on our system.
I feel I have the right and responsibility to add my 2 cents
worth due to my giving up 2 years and 7 months of my life to my

> 11. Looking back, what did America accomplish in this war? Was
> our involvement justified?

Very little was accomplished other than to divide our nation
for many years and the mistreatment of the Veteran. No,
having done extensive research on the subject ... it was
not justified.

> 12.Is there any last experience or advice you would like to share
> with kids my age?(13-17)

Constantly be on the vigil when it comes to our nation's
actions. Our nation should not be the bully, but the
compassionate nation that rectifies bad situations but not at the
expense of other people in the world's soveriegnity. Live by the
words of our founding fathers ... we have responsibility to
oversee our nation and it's actions ... otherwords be
involved, don't sit back ... voice your concerns ... be active ...
exercise your rights and freedoms ... or else they will be lost.
Whenever the politicians want to take a right away from you ...
remember ... people fought wars, shed blood and gave their lives
to obtain those freedoms ... once given up ... you will once again
have to fight wars, shed blood and die to re-obtain those
> Thank you very much for your kindness.

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