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Please sign your name to support Freedom of Religions for Vietnamese people

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Thuan Do

Oct 20, 2003, 5:52:24 AM10/20/03
Dear Sirs and Mesdames,

Please come to this webpage to sign your name to support Freedom
of Religions for Vietnam:

Since their taking over South Vietnam by force in April 1975, the
Vietnamese Communists (VC) have carried out a policy of repression
against all religions, including Buddhism, Catholicism,
Protestantism, Hoa Hao Buddhism and Caodaiism. Religious freedom
has been strangled, especially since 10-8-2003 when the VC
authorities harassed the vehicle carrying the Most Ven. Thich
Huyen Quang, Patriarch of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam
(UBCV), and his deputies, Most Ven. Thich Quang Do and Ven. Thich
Tue Sy, on their way leaving Binh Dinh for Saigon. Faced with
fierce protest by monks and Buddhists, the VC authorities let them
go, just to stop and arrest them afterwards near Nha Trang city.
The leaders were then wrongly accused of possession of
"state secret documents", and consequently, Most Ven. Thich Huyen
Quang was forced to go back to Binh Dinh while his deputies were
taken to Saigon, both in dangerously fragile health and under
supervision. Most Ven. Thich Quang Do declared to go on an
indefinite hunger strike as a protest, beginning 10-12-2003. Ven.
Thich Tue Sy, exhausted, was ordered under 2- year house arrest..
Other monks were also held under house arrest or tight

Thank you very much,
Thuan Do
Orange County, California
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