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Materials on religion in Vietnam?

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Dai Uy

Oct 12, 2003, 8:14:25 AM10/12/03
to (Michael) wrote in message

> Dear all,
> I have two questions and would appreciate your kind help:
> 1. Could you suggest some good books on the issue of religion and
> its reception by the state in Vietnam?

> 2. Is it true that when you talk about freedom of religion in
> vietnam today, it is a gray area (not so black and white)? I mean,
> normally human rights organizations would criticize what they call
> the state's suppression towards religious practice in Vietnam. But
> in the case of those people against the state, they too have their
> own agenda?

It's pretty clear-cut. All objective reports indicate that
Catholics, Buddhists of all sects, and particularly Montagnard
evangelical Protestants, face increasing persecution.
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