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(here only) Quora - where are the Palestinians in Gaza supposed to go?

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Jan 29, 2024, 11:22:14 PMJan 29
I love Israel ·
Answered by
David Minger
I don’t know if this is the right place to ask this, but where are the
Palestinians in Gaza supposed to go?

As to the Gaza Strip before October 7

The population did not have to go anywhere. They had gotten gobs of
monetary and other support. They had their own land in the Strip. And
their wish for land free of Jews — as racist as that desire was — Strip
had been ethnically cleansed of Jews forcibly (by the Israeli
government!) in 2005 as part of the deal to give Gaza autonomy.
After Hamas and Gazan residents committed the horrific, barbaric
atrocities of October 7, yes, of course they had to go somewhere. Flee,
hide, or fight.

Israel gave civilians a couple weeks to move south below Wadi Gaza
(which divides north Gaza from middle and south Gaza. Lots of people did
that — but Hamas killed some of the ones trying to flee. Hamas wants
civilians to hide amongst and civilian causalities to parade on Western
None of the neighboring and other Arab states seem to want to take in

Hamas is a direct offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, which tried to
take over Egypt. Egypt doesn’t want them.
Palestinians tried to topple the monarchy of Jordan. Jordan pushed them
out and stripped them of the Jordanian citizenship they had.
Lebanon doesn’t want more Palestinians. It’s still got a couple hundred
thousand and it treats them horridly, denying them rights, work permits,
and so on. Lebanon kicked the PLO long ago.
Syria does not want them. Assad and his government treat them horridly.
Saudi Arabia doesn’t want them, even though it could house them in
pilgrim cities when unused.
Kuwait does not want them. They had 70,000 or so Palestinians working in
Kuwait when Iraq invaded. Kuwait kicked them all out for supporting the
Iraqi invasion.
Tunisia doesn’t want them. They kicked the PLO out, after the PLO was
forced out of Lebanon, for causing so much trouble.
Are you seeing a pattern in the preceding? Ask yourself, is it Israel
who is isolating Palestinians, or is it other Arab states? Setting aside
disputes on the Areas A, B, C of the Oslo accords, all Israel has been
doing is trying to have secure borders. All Israel has been doing since
October 7 is fighting a just and lawful war of self-defense against a
barbarous attack that focused on civilians.

What does Egypt propose? Egypt (El-Sisi) has suggested that Israel move
civilians into the Negev (largely a desert) and provide them basic needs
there. Egypt does not want to take refugees.

What does Israel propose? Netanyahu continues to voice the need for
Hamas to surrender, to free hostages and return bodies, to demilitarize
the Gaza Strip to be demilitarized, and for the Gazan educational system
to remove indoctrination and start to build a rational, peace-oriented
culture with whom Israel would happily be a friendly neighbor and supporter.

What does Hamas want? It does not want the Palestinians to go anywhere.
It wants the Jews and Israel to be eliminated. Hamas and its ilk are
genocidal Islamist extremists immersed in the toxicity of Iran, whose
death-oriented theocratic dictators are happy to use Palestinians as
cannon fodder. Hamas wants the entire region of Palestine — all of it.
Hamas considers that region to be a Muslim waqf — a holy possession of
Islam. Once Muslim land, always Muslim land. Hamas recently came out
against a two-state solution. In any event, it is hard to imagine any
such viable solution when one neighbor, the Palestinians, is committed
to killing the other neighbor, Israel. How do you ever make peace or
have trust with a twisted, hateful, genocidal crew like Hamas?

Who says that is what Hamas wants? Hamas says so.

Where should Israelis go?

Keep in mind that not just Palestinians, but also Israelis have been
displaced as a consequence of the October 7 war crimes in the south as
well as Hezbollah provocations in northern Israel. As of October 2023,
some 200,000 Israelis had been displaced per the Times of Israel.

What is “Palestine” anyway?

It was a region named by the Romans to disrespect the Jews. Then the
region was eventually conquered by Muslim invaders and colonizers — and
Jews had lived there long before that religious invasion and continued
to live there despite the Jewish diaspora. Then the area eventually was
part of the Muslim Ottoman Empire. Then that empire collapsed after WWI
and the region was the British Mandate of Palestine — and in that time,
Jews and all other residents were Palestinians. Golda Meir herself held
a Palestinian passport issued by the British authorities.


There would not even be a question of where the Palestinians should go
except for the consequences of October 7 and that day’s violations of
international law and commitment of crimes against humanity by Hamas
and, reportedly, even “civilian” residents of the Gaza Strip tagging
along to kill men, women, and children while plundering the property of
victimized Israelis.

Had Hamas not, in such a barbaric and cruel manner, violated the
relative peace that existed up to October 6, no Gazans would have had to
go anywhere.

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Yerachmiel HaLevi
1 of 213 answers
154 comments from
Mort Massis
and more

Mort Massis
· Fri
The Gazans can all go to Yemen now. I am sure the Houthis could use the
extra manpower.

Profile photo for David Minger
Profile photo for Barb MAckenzie
Barb MAckenzie
· Sat
Yes Yemen is a good answer. Send them all there. Or to Aceh in Indonesia
where they have Sharia Law. They will last 2 mins there ..

Profile photo for Walter Claeys
Walter Claeys
· Sun
Indeed. Houthi are Arabs. Its a tribe that became a movement.

Profile photo for Swarn Kalsi
Swarn Kalsi
· Sat
The biggest insult to Israel is delivered by UN court to call it
genocidal while not commenting on Hamas. What a sham!

Mike Gromek
· Sun
There are 50 majority Muslim countries. Divide up the people in Gaza
into groups proportioned to the population of each muslim country and
move them there. Yes no one wants them, so incentivize the ‘host’
countries with UN money to provide for basic needs for a reasonable
period. After a generation, the ‘Palestinians’ will lose cohesiveness
and be absorbed into the host countries. The two state solution will
simply never work when one side is taught from birth to hate Jews and
want to eliminate them.

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