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a Quora - on Zelensky

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Nov 13, 2023, 4:19:24 PM11/13/23
Doug Armey
Author, Entrepreneur, Adventurer, World TravelerNov 7
What is your opinion on the way Zelensky is handling the war in Ukraine?

Zelensky was an actor and comedian. He played the President of Ukraine
on a TV show.

Then, really as a joke, he ended up running for President and was
elected. Ukrainian friends were horrified for the future of their country.

When Russia invaded Ukraine they thought he would turn and run. The U.S.
offered to evacuate him and his family.

Russia and the world thought Kiev would collapse within a week as the
fearsome Russian army rolled into Ukraine.

Yet, something totally unexpected happened. The actor truly became the
President. The comedian truly became the resistance leader.

The leader of Russia hid in his bunker far from the front lines and sat
meters away from his own officers in fear. While the leader of Ukraine
wore an armored vest and walked the war torn cities with his troops.

And while the fearsome war machine of Russia attacked, Zelensky like
Churchill, rallied his people to fight back and never give up.

Has Ukraine made mistakes? Of course.

Is there too much corruption in Ukraine? Perhaps.

Could they have conducted the war better? Battle is foggy. Hind sight is
always crystal clear.

Yet, Zelensky is the man of the hour inspiring and leading Ukraine.

And, in a way, the whole world.

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Michael F. Stemper

Nov 13, 2023, 4:56:41 PM11/13/23
On 13/11/2023 15.19, a425couple wrote:
> Doug Armey
>  ·
> Follow
> Author, Entrepreneur, Adventurer, World TravelerNov 7
> What is your opinion on the way Zelensky is handling the war in Ukraine?
> Zelensky was an actor and comedian. He played the President of Ukraine on a TV show.
> Then, really as a joke, he ended up running for President and was elected. Ukrainian friends were horrified for the future of their country.
> When Russia invaded Ukraine they thought he would turn and run. The U.S. offered to evacuate him and his family.
> Russia and the world thought Kiev would collapse within a week as the fearsome Russian army rolled into Ukraine.
> Yet, something totally unexpected happened. The actor truly became the President. The comedian truly became the resistance leader.

I never thought of it in quite those terms before. But there are serious
echos of _Double Star_ in there!

(Note the followups)

Michael F. Stemper
Deuteronomy 10:18-19

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