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The Great Day Arrives!

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Robert Mulain

non lue,
8 nov. 2016, 10:42:2808/11/2016
Yes, it is November the 8th, and I can hardly contain my excitement! Even Felix can hardly stay away from the keyboard, doubtless eager for news from across the pond as it comes in...

I was highly amused to see that pudgy craven coward Donald Trump being hustled off stage by a couple of burly security staff, frightened almost to death by the idea of someone having (shock horror!) a GUN only thirty yards away from him, the poor fellow. Easy to mistake for a poster saying "Republicans Against Trump" I suppose, even though it wasn't apparently even rolled up.... so much for all his bleating about the Second Amendment! And what were that troop of chaps dressed up as Marines in full combat array doing there I wonder? What a bunch of pansies!

Meanwhile his distinctly lacklustre opponent Hilary is also bleating and croaking in a most undignified fashion, "supported " by her clownishly grinning husband, who seems to be being kept away from any microphones, consigned to clapping out of time... can't they at least find the poor fellow a tambourine? The word 'circus' keeps coming to mind more and more often, and I never found those entertaining either...

Well, it's "neck and neck" we are told over and over again - if only they were both on the block.


non lue,
8 nov. 2016, 11:30:0008/11/2016
Usual delays at the voting booth are much worse this time, I hear.

People go in and don't come out. When those in line start jeering the voter
that takes ages to cast his or her vote, they usually emerge explaining that
the choices are so fantabulous that they just can't make up their minds.

Choice choke.

Robert Mulain

non lue,
9 nov. 2016, 12:24:5509/11/2016
Your vote would have made no difference Tiggers! Don't beat yourself up about it old chum...


non lue,
9 nov. 2016, 14:19:4809/11/2016

Eric Stevens

non lue,
9 nov. 2016, 15:11:5809/11/2016
It depends on how many other people voted the same way as Tiggers.
Vocal opinions are no substitute for electoral responsibility.


Eric Stevens

Paul J Gans

non lue,
9 nov. 2016, 15:16:3509/11/2016
You are falling for the "one more thing doesn't add to the total"
fallacy. Think about it.

--- Paul J. Gans


non lue,
9 nov. 2016, 15:54:0109/11/2016
On Wednesday, November 9, 2016 at 3:16:35 PM UTC-5, Paul J Gans wrote:

> >> Your vote would have made no difference Tiggers! Don't beat yourself up about it old chum...
> You are falling for the "one more thing doesn't add to the total"
> fallacy. Think about it.

It's not a fallacy.

When the choices are all bad and the system is rotten to the core, and
election winners are beholden to the donor class, a vote becomes complicity.

If more people did not contribute to campaigns or vote, elections' turnout
would be so low that eventually something would have to be done about it.

And that is not a fallacy.

I would have voted for Bernie, though. And I voted on the local issues, but
the president section I left blank -- Not interested. It's called. taking a stand.

You vote for Hillary and she owes you nothing, you are a patsy. She owes
her donors and lobbyist, as per usual. You just got used to enable the
continuation of long time, evident political corruption.

Donald's message was a lot more attractive, "draining the swamp" sounds great.
He owes less to donors and has few ties with lobbyist, I imagine. But,
unfortunately, the man makes his own facts and rules and is simply not
qualified for the job, with his proud ignorance and raw ego.

You are not better than me just because you voted for Hillary.

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