The History of the First Measurements of Big G by
International Bureau of Weights and Measures
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Anonymous 02/02/24(Fri)15:59:48 No.16228020▶>>16230128 >>16230147 >>16230183 >>16230329 >>16230470 >>16230562
Any good sources that prove he was a devout muslim? I have good reasons to believe this but I shall not share them. Requesting help in this investigation that could lead to a groundbreaking discovery.
Anonymous 02/03/24(Sat)04:00:44 No.16230126▶>>16230329
self bump
Anonymous 02/03/24(Sat)04:01:47 No.16230128▶>>16230329 >>16230352
>>16228020 (OP)
the burden of proof is on the one making the claim
Anonymous 02/03/24(Sat)04:13:47 No.16230147▶>>16230329
>>16228020 (OP)
No he converted to judaism.
If Newton was alive today he'd be a professor in Israel.
Anonymous 02/03/24(Sat)04:23:26 No.16230176▶>>16230280 >>16230329 >>16230364
Benjamin Franklin decrypted Rev. 12-13 whilst in England in the 1700s
Sir Isaac Newton in his "Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel
and the Apocalypse of St. John" re-named Two (2) Ol' Metrologists
IOHN: "seven heads, ten horns, and seven crowns"
seven heads (.0000000), six-one-six (.616), ten horns (x 10),
and seven crowns (^-7), and Metrologist (cm^3/g-s^2) tale.
gravitation G, the Letter of God, the mark.
gravitation John, the Word of God, the name.
gravitation G on!, the Sentence of God, the image.
gravitation .616 x 10^-7, the Wisdom of God, the number.
G = .616 x 10^-7 cm^3/g-s^2
World 1st G measurement.
Definitions original "cgs"
IESUS: "seven heads, ten horns, and ten crowns"
seven heads (.0000000), six-six-six (666.), ten horns (x 10),
and ten crowns (^-10), and Metrologist (cm^3/g-s^2) tale.
gravitation G, the Letter of God, the mark.
gravitation Jesus, the Word of God, the name.
gravitation G's us!, the Sentence of God, the image.
gravitation 666. x 10^-10, the Wisdom of God, the number.
G = 666. x 10^-10 cm^3/g-s^2
World 2nd G measurement.
Definitions original "cgs"
G = 2/c, c = 2/G, 2 = G*c (natural units)
IOHN John and IESUS Jesus
just Two (2) Ol' Metrologists
Anonymous 02/03/24(Sat)04:25:59 No.16230183▶>>16230228 >>16230329
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>>16228020 (OP)
muslims are christians
Anonymous 02/03/24(Sat)04:28:33 No.16230191▶>>16230329
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>I have good reasons to believe this
Anonymous 02/03/24(Sat)04:42:50 No.16230228▶>>16230329
Jews too. Team Abramic: the Jews and the Christians and the Islamics.
Anonymous 02/03/24(Sat)04:58:15 No.16230280▶>>16230329
>cm^3/g-s^2 is the tale of the beast
cm^3/g-s^2 is the tail of the beast
JWanon 02/03/24(Sat)05:09:34 No.16230329▶
>>16228020 (OP)
He was a JW
Anonymous 02/03/24(Sat)05:15:34 No.16230352▶
See the "Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John" wherein Hindu-Islamic Numerals abound. Sir Isaac Newton was a devout Hindu-Islamic.
Anonymous 02/03/24(Sat)05:21:12 No.16230364▶
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>Benjamin Franklin decrypted Rev. 12-13 whilst in England in the 1700s
Extracted from the Diary of the late Mrs. Silence Dogood
Anonymous 02/03/24(Sat)06:03:27 No.16230470▶
>>16228020 (OP)
see "The History of the First Measurements of Big G"
by International Bureau of Weights and Measures
using Hindu-Muslim numerals of Isaac Newton
Anonymous 02/03/24(Sat)06:30:15 No.16230537▶
Old Story, New Names
Particle Physics is a Plagiarism of Revelation.
Shame on Science for Plagiarising the Bible.
Rev. 4
>4 beasts are 4 charges.
father charge .333... e (spin)
son charge .666... e (spin)
ghost charge .999... e (spin)
spirit charge .000...1 e (spin)
>24 elders are 24 fermions.
father charge .333... e quarks
(1st gen) down quark - down antiquark (spin 1/2)
(2nd gen) strange quark - strange antiquark (spin 1/2)
(3rd gen) bottom quark - bottom antiquark (spin 1/2)
son charge .666... e quarks
(1st gen) up quark - up antiquark (spin 1/2)
(2nd gen) charm quark - charm antiquark (spin 1/2)
(3rd gen) top quark - top antiquark (spin 1/2)
ghost charge .999... e leptons
(1st gen) electron - positron (spin 1/2)
(2nd gen) muon - positive muon (spin 1/2)
(3rd gen) tau - positive tau (spin 1/2)
spirit charge .000...1 e leptons
(1st gen) electron-neutrino - electron-antineutrino (spin 1/2)
(2nd gen) muon-neutrino - muon-antineutrino (spin 1/2)
(3rd gen) tau-neutrino - tau-antineutrino (spin 1/2)
Rev. 6-8
>4 horses are 4 forces.
white charge .999... e higgs force
red charge .999... e strong force
black charge .999... e electro .000...1 e weak force
pale charge .999... e gravitation force
144,000 seals are 144,000 particles.
>7 spirits are 7 bosons.
white charge .000...1 e higgs (spin 0/1)
red charge .000...1 e gluon (spin 1/1)
black charge .000...1 e photon .999... e WWZ bosons (spin 1/1)
pale charge .000...1 e graviton (spin 2/1)
Rev. 12-13
[see Sir Isaac Newton and
Benjamin Franklin above]
Rev. 21
>1 great city is 1 standard model.
12 gates are 12 particles
12 foundations are 12 antiparticles
Particle Physics is a Plagiarism of Revelation.
Shame on Science for Plagiarising the Bible.
Anonymous 02/03/24(Sat)06:43:48 No.16230562▶
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>>16228020 (OP)
He wasn't a Muslim he's was white
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