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God is the Dark energy (G-D)

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Denoco Inc.

Jan 31, 2024, 1:45:57 PM1/31/24
God is the Dark energy (G-D)

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Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)00:06:12 No.16216275▶>>16216300 >>16216315 >>16216332 >>16216357 >>16216638 >>16216645 >>16216752 >>16216880 >>16216910 >>16217749 >>16217802
>In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded
And they call us retarded...
Just don't check the JWST data unless you have a rope handy athiests...
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)00:08:16 No.16216280▶>>16216309
Something cannot come from nothing. Unless the "something" is an all powerful space jew, he's an exception.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)00:19:19 No.16216300▶>>16216859
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>>16216275 (OP)
>In the beginning there was darkness energy, which exploded
darkness energy "dark energy" ("garry denke" anagram)
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)00:22:06 No.16216309▶>>16216323
Every knee shall bow.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)00:25:28 No.16216315▶>>16216330
>>16216275 (OP)
>In the beginning there was nothing
The uneducated ramblings of an amerimutt christcuck refusing to study what he thinks he's "owning"...
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)00:29:10 No.16216323▶
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it's a "dark matter" ("trademark t" anagram)
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)00:32:02 No.16216330▶>>16216351 >>16216390
There are no real christians in europe, Only catholics.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)00:33:10 No.16216332▶>>16216374 >>16216387 >>16216406
>>16216275 (OP)
I already made a thread about this

>>16214507 →
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)00:46:35 No.16216351▶
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1st law of thermodynamics - dark energy cannot be created or destroyed
2nd law of thermodynamics - for a spontaneous process, the entropy of the universe increases.
3rd law of thermodynamics - a perfect crystal at zero kelvin has zero entropy.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)00:50:43 No.16216357▶>>16216372
>>16216275 (OP)
>In the beginning a Jewish wizard who is is own son created everything because he is all powerful but then had a rest
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)00:53:43 No.16216372▶>>16216373
can't be disproved, the big bang however can and has been by jwst. checkmate scientists.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)00:55:09 No.16216373▶
>The Jewish wizard who is his own son and created the universe but then had a rest and is scared of iron chariots, can't be disproven
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)00:55:52 No.16216374▶
>implying yhwhjak doesn't have 10 identical atheist threads a night.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)01:05:58 No.16216387▶
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Go with dark energy desu. It will never let you down.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)01:07:01 No.16216390▶>>16216509

>anglicans, presbyterians, and lutherans don't exist in europe
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)01:11:12 No.16216406▶
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)01:53:23 No.16216505▶>>16216650
So you be telling me the universe formed in 3 minutes
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)01:54:55 No.16216509▶

And a shitload of Orthodox as well.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)01:55:19 No.16216510▶>>16216638
>daily christcuck shitskin seethe thread #9001
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)01:56:21 No.16216512▶
I have never been given a reasonable explanation for how an infinite and omnipotent being would be able to function.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)02:41:03 No.16216638▶>>16216738 >>16217505 >>16217561
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>>16216275 (OP)
IN the beginning was the Devil, and the
Devil was with God, and the Devil was
God, the Same was in the beginning
with God. All Things were made by
him; and without him was not any
thing made that was made. G-D


في البداية كان الشيطان و
كان إبليس مع الله ، وكان إبليس
الله ، نفس الشيء كان في البداية
مع الله. كل الأشياء صنعت بواسطة
له؛ وبدونه لم يكن هناك أي
الشيء الذي تم صنعه. G-D

الله الشيطان
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)02:46:17 No.16216645▶
>>16216275 (OP)
It wasn't nothing and it didn't explode
Everything that exists now existed already, in fact it always existed
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)02:48:03 No.16216650▶
that's not really unreasonable, its wild speculation, but not unreasonable by extrapolating.

whats unreasonable is clinging to dead theory which the data doesn't remotely support anymore with religious devotion, while also calling religious ppl sheep.

the church of scientism is just as real, and often more fanatical, and the big bang is a pet doctrine of theirs, along with other nonsense like dark matter/energy which is less plausible than the world being on the back of turtle.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)03:21:07 No.16216738▶
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this, cheers.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)03:24:06 No.16216752▶>>16216774 >>16217519
>>16216275 (OP)
Big Bang =/= Atheist.
I'm an atheist and I believe in an eternal universe. There was no "creation" event.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)03:30:15 No.16216774▶>>16216776

us atheists hate science
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)03:30:45 No.16216776▶>>16216871
Dark matter and dark energy are both bullshit.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)03:33:38 No.16216785▶>>16216799 >>16216807
"Dark Matter (Non-baryonic matter,)" isn't bullshit, its just not something we can observe directly but rather indirectly, so it often just gets treated like a placeholder [Embed]
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)03:37:12 No.16216799▶
placeholder, yeah exactly, or in other words, bullshit. something that isn't true, useless matter, sawdust.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)03:38:49 No.16216807▶
>it doesn't exist
>but its not bullshit!
Yes, it is bullshit. 99% of the Universe is not dark matter, there is no expansion driven by dark energy. It's all free parameters to make math work, and has never been shown to exist, even after multiple programs and billions of dollars to try and find it. Whereas "dark mode" plasma HAS been shown to exist, and indeed DOES exist, and is simply matter as all other matter is, no magic fairy dust involved.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)04:01:18 No.16216859▶>>16217505
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>"dark energy" ("garry denke" anagram)
garrydenke™ is the trademark of darkenergy. the bastard's invisible.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)04:06:40 No.16216871▶>>16216877
Absolutely. If you can't see them, then they don't exist.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)04:08:22 No.16216877▶>>16217612
No, because after multiple long programs and billions of dollars wasted on chasing mathematical phantoms, we have 0 evidence they exist.
Seeing them is irrelevant. Electricity cannot be "seen" until it's interactions, but it's easy to prove that it exists. Same with radio waves, or the atmosphere.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)04:09:15 No.16216880▶
>>16216275 (OP)
>>In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded
>And they call us retarded...
>Just don't check the JWST data unless you have a rope handy athiests...
Even if god exists, he doesn't ccare about us. Gods created by humans are false.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)04:29:54 No.16216910▶
>>16216275 (OP)
in the beginning im betting there was atleast 2 people and a car, one of the people being irish
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)08:27:34 No.16217373▶>>16217505
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Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)08:58:06 No.16217505▶
Jewcuck here. Is the dark energy G-D?
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)09:02:21 No.16217519▶
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That's impossible by the known laws of the universe. Take the law of thermodynamics, extend it into an infinite past, you would've had the heat death of the universe infinite years ago. You could go to any point on an eternal universe run by the laws we have and life would never be possible since you would've had the heat death infinite years ago. It's not logically sound.

Or they'll say the laws evolved or changed, but magically stopped changing once life could be sustained, it's absurd and you just need to believe in all that on blind faith anyway.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)09:14:06 No.16217561▶
Hey in Cuckology are Allahcucks Godcucks?
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)09:31:11 No.16217612▶
Lightning is a giant spark of electricity in the atmosphere or between the atmosphere and the ground. Sadly, electricity can be seen, retard. Lmao
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)10:26:15 No.16217749▶>>16217754
>>16216275 (OP)
Why would a theory created by a Catholic priest not being true debunk atheism?
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)10:29:43 No.16217754▶>>16217758
pick one.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)10:31:56 No.16217758▶>>16217789 >>16217795
Well I didn't comment on that,are you implying anyone who isn't a Christian by your definition is an atheist?
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)10:42:29 No.16217789▶>>16217832 >>16217934
i'm implying jesuits are mostly atheists
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)10:44:04 No.16217795▶
The Jew religion is the Atheist religion the Christian religion says. Neither believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Interesting enough, Islam religion does.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)10:46:06 No.16217802▶>>16217822
>>16216275 (OP)
>nothing, which exploded
No one says this. Why do you need to lie?
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)10:52:02 No.16217822▶
OP doesn't believe God is dark energy.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)10:58:19 No.16217832▶>>16217934
That seems a bit unlikely.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)11:32:38 No.16217934▶
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jesuits aren't seeking god anymore 'cause dark energy is in all things
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Donna Stone

Feb 1, 2024, 5:55:37 PM2/1/24
Anonymous 02/01/24(Thu)07:56:24 No.16222242▶
Atheism was disproven by Dark Energy formulae of the Creator Devil Satan

Power of the Holy Ghost = Ec^3 / Gm
Force of the Holy Ghost = Ec^2 / Gm
Speed of the Holy Ghost = P / Force

with Dark Matter in nineteen hundred four score and four (1984)
Anonymous 02/01/24(Thu)08:00:03 No.16222261▶
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>>16218938 (OP)
And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.
Anonymous 02/01/24(Thu)08:05:52 No.16222284▶
>He didnt create the universe out of nothing, he spoke it into existence.
>Power of the Holy Ghost = c^5/G
>Force of the Holy Ghost = c^4/G
>Speed of the Holy Ghost = P/F
Anonymous 02/01/24(Thu)07:56:24 No.16222242▶
Atheism was disproven by Dark Energy formulae of the Creator Devil Satan

Power of the Holy Ghost = Ec^3 / Gm
Force of the Holy Ghost = Ec^2 / Gm
Speed of the Holy Ghost = P / Force

with Dark Matter in nineteen hundred four score and four (1984)
Anonymous 02/01/24(Thu)08:00:03 No.16222261▶
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>>16218938 (OP)
And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.
Anonymous 02/01/24(Thu)08:05:52 No.16222284▶
>He didnt create the universe out of nothing, he spoke it into existence.
>Power of the Holy Ghost = c^5/G
>Force of the Holy Ghost = c^4/G
>Speed of the Holy Ghost = P/F
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