I am searching for information on my gr-gr-grandfather, John
KEATING/KEATON/CATON, born in Ireland, Jun 1841 (1900 census, Cleveland OH)
and wife Grace (surname unknown), born in Ireland, Jun 1851. They had the
following children: Margaret, b Jan 1871 in Buffalo NY; Sarah/Sadie b Jul
1872 in Ohio; Mary (m Turnbull, 1899) b Sep 1874; Kathryn/Katie b Nov 1877;
Lydia/Eliza b Aug 1878; Michael b Aug 1888; Patrick b Nov 1883; and Hugh b
May 1885. John and Grace were married 30 years in 1900. John emigrated to
the US in 1864, Grace in 1861. Margaret m in Cleveland, 1887, to Charles
Otto Anderson, a native of Norway.
I would be grateful for any information anyone may have on this family.
Claire Mache
ozob...@netnitco.net, hcme...@usa.net