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RSL: New T Surnames, May 2012 Update

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RootsWeb Surname List

Jun 27, 2012, 8:00:00 AM6/27/12
May 2012 Update to RootsWeb Surname List
New and Modified Surnames starting with T

- To learn more about the RSL, including how to access the full RSL which has
over a million surnames (these postings are only the NEW or CHANGED names).
how to submit surnames, etc., visit
- Write directly to the submitter if you would like to exchange information.

Entries are formatted as follows:

Surname Date1 Date2 Migration Comments & Nametag
Surname: The surname being researched
Date1: The earliest date for which the submitter has information.
Date2: The most recent date.
Migration: Where people of this line lived during the period listed.
Comments: Additional information (not always included)
Nametag: What you need to actually contact the submitter.

Abbreviations used in the migration are listed on this web page:

OK, so you see a surname listed below and want to share and compare
with the person who submitted it. How do you find the submitter?
It's not all that bad: to obtain the address info for the submitter
whose nametag is "example" (just for example), go here:

Reminder: the nametag is the last word on each line in the list below.

5 June 2012

Talbot 1674 1726 STS.ENG>PA>OH vanyoh
Tedeschi 1865 1925 Bari>USA hintonjn
Theoharis 1800 2000 greece/hungary cjtbrown
Thomas 1937 now Fitzgerald, GA to Moultrie Ga alnthom1
Thomsen 1871 now Esbjerg,Denmark>Alameda,CA DED225
Thurston 1800 1850 LDN,MDX,ENG lynnunn
Tilney 1450 1950 norfolk england cjtbrown
Tolbert 1674 1726 STS.ENG>PA>OH vanyoh
Tomkins 1500 1800 Abingdon, BRK, ENG jpbrad
Tucholsky 1864 1920 Russia Great Grandfather married a Mary Smith in 1894 in Pennsylvania had one known daughter in 1915 whom name was changed to Wanda Lasky from Mary Touchalosky spelling may be wrong.y Elishabe
Tugwell 1640 VA to MO Tuggle, Kidd glkelly
Turgeon quebec usa 1765-1880 michel fils de pierre rolande

See directions at the top of this message for information on how to
retrieve the submitters' contact information.
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