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TAYLOR, William; IRL > CAN > AUS > NZL; 1830-1870

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A & M Clipperton

Jun 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/19/00
TAYLOR, William; IRL > CAN > AUS > NZL; 1830-1870

RE: TAYLOR, William; TAYLOR, Walter; NZL; 1861

With so many correspondants from Australia and New Zealand on this list, I
am hoping that some one can put me in contact with a descendant of this
TAYLOR Family.

I have a copy of a letter from William TAYLOR of Picton, Queen Charlottes
Sound, New Zealand. It was written in May 1861 to his sister, Mrs.
Eliza(beth) Mooney, my gggrandmother, of North Onslow, Pontiac Co. Quebec.
He had gone from Ireland to Canada, but chose to move first to Australia,
then on to New Zealand. In the letter he mentions that when he first 'came
out to Melbourne things did not go as well as expected'. He says that his
brother Walter after leaving the Bank of Bombay became a merchant but times
were not good and they suffered a great loss. "When sister Ann came out we
started for New Zealand, myself and my daughter Ann and her husband (Patrick
Dunn) - and Joe and John Taylor, and James Fuller with the family." I am
not sure who James Fuller and Joe and John Taylor are,or how they fit into
the family tree.

I would be happy to share info regarding Eliza Mooney's many descendants in

Margaret Clipperton
Margaret & Austin Clipperton

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