George and Maria had 5 children: Wenzel (oldest), Johann, Margareta,
Andrew, and Barbara. The two brothers, Wenzel and Andrew were the first
to settle in the U.S. Andrew was a blacksmith by trade. Both Wenzel and
Andrew homesteaded farms about 1872 - their first 3 years were very
difficult. Wenzel was married to Barbara Dusek on June 30, 1875. I know
that Barbara Dusek was born in Bozatice, Bohemia (again, I question
RONSPERK (POBEZOVICE) Czech Republic 84.0 miles WSW of Prague.
HOSLAU (HVOZDANY) Czech Republic 85.8 miles WSW of Prague.
GURATIN (KRTIN) Czech Republic 71.8 miles WSW of Prague.
BOZETICE Czech Republic 43.7 miles S of Prague .
There are some other similarly spelled towns in other countries, but these
look like the ones you want. Why do you mention Austria in your search?
Good luck.
Joe in Georgetown, Texas, USA
Return address is bogus.
to respond directly.
The reason I asked about Austria, was that there were some similar towns
(not all 4) in Austria. So you might take a look at them, unless you feel
the area around Prague is the right place. The confluence of all four towns
seemed to indicate they were the right ones.
Good luck on your searches.