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Viewing the 1940 Census Pages

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bob gillis

Apr 19, 2012, 11:47:40 AM4/19/12

Steve Morse's Unified 1940 Census ED Finder found at
has several viewer choices: NARA, FamilySearch, Ancestry, MyHeritage and
Family Link

I started using the NARA viewer but recently tried the FamilySearch viewer
and found at least one very nice feature, being able to rotate the image.
This makes searching for the street much easier.

I am not familiar with MyHeritage or Family Link; the former sells Family
Tree Builder and has little used Message Boards and the latter is a
MyHeritage company. I wonder why two part of the same company each have a
1940 Census viewer if they really do.

I do not intend to use either of these especially if I have to register.

What impressions do readers have of the various viewers

bob gillis

bob gillis <>
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