I know this is off-topic but I cannot find a way to ask a question on
Ancestry. I have been trying to do a "quick" search in the 1910 US Federal
Census today at Ancestry. I am using the "Old Search" form, clicking the box
for "exact match", letting the surname be handled with Soundex, and entering
information for a person whom I have viewed before (at least once). I know
where it is, have found him before, and have recorded the way his name is
spelled on the census.
I have filled in the first name exactly as I found it before, used Soundex
with the correctly spelled last name, and using the advanced search options, I
have entered the state and county where this person resided. For simplicity's
sake the person is Finley Vaughn of Greenville County, Soutth Carolina.
With Soundex on the last name I get 1 person (Frank C. Vaughn of Arapahoe
County, Colorado. I remove the first name and my search results include 324
people whose surname is possibly Soundexed same as "vaughn" but most of them
are not residing in the county and state I filled in.
I have tried unsuccessfully to find a way to contact Ancestry. I have been a
user for at last 15 years so I pretty much don't need to learn how to use
Ancestry's interface.unless something has change. Would really like to know
if this is an issue others are having. So I don't keep doing what I've done
expecting it to work :-)
Cheryl Freeman
"Cheryl Freeman" <