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Norton - Noruile & Grey de Ruthyn

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bryon niemann

Oct 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/4/99

Todd A. Farmerie

Oct 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/4/99
bryon niemann wrote:
> The New England Hist. Gen. Register vol. 13 Jul. 1859 gives a pedigree
> of the Norton family of Sharpenhow, Bedfordshire taking the lineage back
> to a Le Noruie who is supposed to have come to England with
> William the Conquerer. The pedigree is sadly lacking in dates, but by
> approximation, c. 1440 Sir John Norton alias Noruile married a dau. of
> Lord Grey de Ruthyn. Is this pedigree still considered valid ?

No. There was a series of articles on the family which appeared in TAG,
and described what could be documented regarding the family.

The connection of Norton to Norville appears to be basedon nothing more
than a translation of the -ton (= town) to the French equivalent, and
then connecting the pedigree with a family of that name. There are
heraldic similarities between the two families, but these as likely
result from the pedigree makers assingning the Nortons the Norville coat
based on their mistaken reconstruction of the lineage.

> Secondly,
> which Lord Grey de Ruthyn would this be and what is the daughter's name?

It was never all that clear, and doesn't really matter.


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