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Unable to post to SGM in Google Groups

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Jan Wolfe

Feb 7, 2024, 11:18:50 AMFeb 7
For about three weeks I have not been able to post replies to SGM posts
in Google Groups. When I select the button to post the reply I get a
screen with a captcha. Checking the box to indicate I am a human has no
effect and the reply never appears in the thread.

I heard via email from another SGM participant having this same problem.
This is unfortunate since SGM participants unable to post via Google
Groups can't ask questions to help them in getting set up to participate
using a newsgroup reader.


Feb 7, 2024, 1:20:29 PMFeb 7
I had this problem for a couple of days, about a month ago, then it
resolved itself.


Jan Wolfe

Feb 7, 2024, 2:37:10 PMFeb 7
On 2/7/2024 1:20 PM, taf wrote:
> I had this problem for a couple of days, about a month ago, then it
> resolved itself.
> taf

That's interesting. Perhaps Google is blocking posts to SGM from certain
IP addresses or domains (or something like that). It's not the email
address of the poster. (I tried other email addresses.)

I sent a test post via Google Groups to a Google Group that has been
inactive since 2020. That post went through immediately with no captcha
nonsense. The Google Group to which I sent the test message is a regular
Google Group and not connected to a newsgroup. It has not received any
spam messages.
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