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Loss of Google Groups Usenet NTTP to HTTP bridging

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Teamviewer Tech Helper

Feb 20, 2024, 11:52:26 AMFeb 20
Would it not be more prudent to at least start another SMG site at for future postings and then use
to view the past posts at least in the meantime until the dust settles.

Questions : Does the Usenet support exporting the posts or messages in MBox format or other formats? supports importing is some formats

Just trying to suggest another option.


Ian Goddard

Feb 20, 2024, 12:55:45 PMFeb 20
Teamviewer Tech Helper wrote:
> Would it not be more prudent to at least start another SMG site at for future postings and then use
> to view the past posts at least in the meantime until the dust settles.
> Questions : Does the Usenet support exporting the posts or messages in MBox format or other formats?

Your Usenet client should save posts in Mbox format. Mbox is basically
a means of saving standard internet message format messages which is
what Usenet starts at.

> supports importing is some formats

Note also pricing:

I'd guess SMG must be in the Tb range

> Just trying to suggest another option.
> Robert

Usenet is the original. It has no reliance on a single provider.
Although many here are moving to Eternal September it's not the only
server available. In the past I've used and currently
simply use my ISP's reselling of GigiNews.

Google Groups was a latecomer and, as it has transpired, an early
leaver. If it were not for Usenet the future would be empty. If it
were not for Usenet it would have been what's called in the IT business,
a single point of failure. We determine such things by looking at them
and asking "If that broke down would everything break?"

As I said, the reason Google wasn't a SPoF is because the link to Usenet
was there.

So the test for any other option is just that: if it went the same way
as GG would the whole thing disappear?

Neither Eternal September nor any other single Usenet server is a SPoF.

Just about any bulletin board, group service or social media site is a
commercial reinvention of Usenet. There have been enough of them which
have come and gone to show that the single service provide is a single
point of failure.

I see nothing about which suggests it wouldn't be but for
those interested here's a useful link:


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