On Monday, June 8, 2020 at 1:34:48 AM UTC-4, Peter Stewart wrote:
> Perhaps Hathi's "emergency temporary access service" is restricted to US
> users, as I can't see any such option.
> For the present I can't visit a library to check, but from memory
> Isenburg's work started with a single volume in 1932, then he published
> a second edition from 1953 to 1965, then Freytag von Loringhoven
> published corrected and augmented versions in 1976. Don't quote me on
> these years. Detlev Schwennicke took over as editor, with the same title
> but "neue Folge" volume numeration, from 1977.
> Schwennicke's vol. VII was published in 1979, with the sub-title
> "Familien des alten Lotharingien II", so perhaps the publisher's website
> has included it with part I (i.e. vol VI) published in 1978. Table 78 in
> vol. VII is headed "Les Seigneurs d'Enghien I, auch Châtelains de Mons",
> and table 79 continuing this is headed "Die Herren von Zotteghem
> (Flandern), auch Titularherzoge von Athen".
> Germans tend to love bibliographic complexity, sometimes to the point of
> lunacy.
> Peter Stewart
Thank you, Peter.
In tables 106-109 about the von Luxemburg family in Band III (1964, edited by Loringhoven), there are lots of names, dates, and relationships, but no citations. Do the 1976 Loringhoven volumes have citations? Do the Schwennicke volumes have citations?
The Hathi emergency temporary access service is only available to students and faculty logged in at a Hathi member university, only some of the restricted books are available, and the books cannot be downloaded. At first one could download individual pages as pdfs, but that option is no longer available. I think that only one person can electronically "check out" a book at a time, and the book is due the next day. It's supposed to be a substitute for visiting one's own university library in person.
The set of ES that I can see on Hathi has Band I, Band II, Band III and Band IV. Band I and Band II are bound together with two title pages. The title pages state:
Von Wilhelm Karl Prinz von Isenburg
Berichtiger und ergänzter Abdruck der 2. verbesserten Auflage von 1953
herausgegeben von Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven
Verlag von J. A. Stargardt
The title page of Band 3 states:
Von Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven
3. Verbesserte Auflage
Verlag von J. A. Stargardt
The title page of Band 4 states:
Von Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven
Verlag von J. A. Stargardt
Hathi also has the Schwennicke volumes T.1-T.3, T.5, and vol. 17-vol. 27 from the University of Virginia, but I cannot access them.
From the University of California (also not accessible to me), Hathi has vols. 2-5 with the following description:
Founded by Wilhelm Karl Prinz von Isenburg. Vols. 2-5 edited by Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven (v. 5: "From the estate published by Detlev Schwennicke")
Vol. 2 (1976): "Corrected and supplemented reprint of the 2nd edition from 1953."