The source for this information is Moriarty's excellent article on the
Throckmorton family which appeared in NEHGR, 98 (1944): 67-72, 111-123.
All for now. Douglas Richardson
Jane Baynard (no dates), dau of Philip Baynard (d. 1522) and Jane Stuckley
Jane Baynard (no dates), dau of Robert Baynard (d 1501) and Elizabeth Ludlow
This Jane m. William Temmes, Gentleman, of Steple Ashton, Wilts.
Jane Baynard (no dates), dau of Robert Baynard (d. 1536) and Anne Blake
This Jane m. Leonard Knoell, of Sanford Orcas, Somerset
All this information was forwarded to me by Grace Thomason of Houston TX,
also a descendant of John Baynard (1640-1704, who m. Elizabeth Blackwell),
and has been collecting information for many decades. She doesn't have a
computer or e-mail. If you'd like her address, e-mail me privately.
Francesca Sutton