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HERSCHER family from Budapest

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Selma J Sheridan

Mar 14, 2019, 1:33:28 AM3/14/19
X-No-archive: yes
Dear researchers,

I am trying to learn about the family of my cousin's husband. Here is the

My father's mother had a sister, Cecilia BAUCHMANN, who lived in Budapest.
Cecilia married David CENNOVER / SYNOBER. They had 3 daughters: Ilona, Sara,
and Anna.

Sarah married Mathias HERSCHER. His parents were Natan / Nachmann HERSCHER
and Dora / Dwora ASDERBALD / ASDERBALL from Budapest. The young couple
moved to France, in the early 1920s. They had 3 daughters, born in France:
Cecile (born in Roubaix), Odette (born in Paris), and Marguerite (born in
Lens). The family was deported from France on different convoys and
murdered at Auschwitz.

Thus far, I know nothing more about Mathias and his family. Where in
Budapest did his parents live, what trade or profession did they have? Did
Mathias have siblings, aunts and uncles? What school did Mathias attend,
what was his profession? Did he have a religious marriage and / or civil
marriage in Budapest, before moving to France?

Another question concerns Sara's older unmarried sister, Ilona CENNOVER, who
travelled to France around 1930 to help Sara with the children. We don't
know what route she took, whether through Switzerland or Germany. Family
lore says that Ilona was "lost" somewhere in France, and was never heard
from again. What happened?

I was in Budapest in 2002, visited the gorgeous Dohany synagogue. I don't
speak Hungarian, and could not get help at the archives. Any help from
researchers would be greatly appreciated.

Selma J Sheridan
Oswego NY USA
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