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Montello -----Bona Vita

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Jan 12, 2008, 9:12:49 PM1/12/08
I just received my great grandfathers death certificate...As you all know
Names where changed when our ancestors came through Ellis island...I have my

ggrandfathers Ellis island information but what I want to know is how I
find his parents in Italy? His Papa's Name was Michael and his Mama's Name
Rose Bona Vita...At Ellis Island the last name Was Montello but....Can
anyone help or throw suggestions at me as to what to do next?

**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.

Joe Pessarra

Jan 12, 2008, 11:33:42 PM1/12/08

<> wrote in message

>I just received my great grandfathers death certificate...As you all know
> Names where changed when our ancestors came through Ellis island...I have
> my
> ggrandfathers Ellis island information but what I want to know is how I
> would
> find his parents in Italy? His Papa's Name was Michael and his Mama's
> Name
> was
> Rose Bona Vita...At Ellis Island the last name Was Montello but....Can
> anyone help or throw suggestions at me as to what to do next?

What was your ggrandfather's full name? When did he come through Ellis
Island? If we could take a look at the Ellis Island record, we might be
able to help you.

Joe in Texas

Jan 12, 2008, 11:51:00 PM1/12/08
Mr. Joe,
Thank you, For your response he is what I have
His full name : Damiano Montello born Jan 9, 1883
in Pietrelicina, Campania, Italy
Immigrated April 29, 1901 Listed as Damiano montella
He married Theresa D'Andrea
He stayed in Little Italy for a time then moved to Elmira New York where he
married and lived out his life.

I have his mother as rose Bona Vita or Bonavita and his Father as Michael...
Because of the fact that The name was changed to MANDELL By his sons in the
1920's I am not sure what it might of been.....I am grateful for any help you
can give.


Richard Seriani

Jan 13, 2008, 7:19:15 AM1/13/08

Since you know the place and date of birth of Damiano Montello, you may want
to try finding his birh record at That will
have the names of his mother and father. It will, of course, be in Italian
and require translating, but lots of help is available on this newsgroup and
through the fine folks at the Comunes of Italy mailing list; go to to subscribe.

The Family Search site is run by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
Saints and their archives contain a wealth of genealogy information. Many of
the birth, death, and marriage records from Italy (and other countries) have
been microfilmed and the films may be rented. There is a place on the home
page where you can find a Family History Center near you. Once you locate
the correct films, you can have them sent there and go in to view them on
the microfilm readers and, in many cases, print copies of the appropriate

The Surname Database on the Comunes of Italy site shows only one other
person searching Montello. Their Montello is from Grammichele, Catania,
Sicilia, so I don't know if there would be any connection.

Good luck in your search.


<> wrote in message


Jan 13, 2008, 10:02:13 AM1/13/08

The correct name of the village is PIETRELCINA in Benevento province.
In Italy theren't surname as Bona Vita but there are many BONAVITA.
bye Maria Luisa

Joe Pessarra

Jan 13, 2008, 10:00:45 AM1/13/08

<> wrote in message
> Mr. Joe,
> Thank you, For your response he is what I have
> His full name : Damiano Montello born Jan 9, 1883
> in Pietrelicina, Campania, Italy
> Immigrated April 29, 1901 Listed as Damiano montella
> He married Theresa D'Andrea
> He stayed in Little Italy for a time then moved to Elmira New York where
> he
> married and lived out his life.
> I have his mother as rose Bona Vita or Bonavita and his Father as
> Michael...
> Because of the fact that The name was changed to MANDELL By his sons in
> the
> 1920's I am not sure what it might of been.....I am grateful for any help
> you
> can give.
> Catherine

Catherine, I believe you have misspelled the name of the town. Multimap at|Pietrelicina finds a Pietrelcina,
leaving out one of the "i" letters.

Italy phone directory at does not
find any Montello listings in Pietrelcino. I was hoping we might find some
distant relatives you could contact for information about the family.

However, there are 2 listings of Montella in Pietrelcino. Possible correct
spelling of the surname? Maybe someone to contact?

Montella Giuseppina Donata
82020 Pietrelcina (BN) - Via Moro, 7
0824 991344

Montella Libera
82020 Pietrelcina (BN) - Via Prof. Masone
0824 991225

There are also 4 Bonavita listings in Pietrelcino.

Bonavita Antonio
82020 Pietrelcina (BN) - Via Roma, 46
0824 997437

Bonavita Cleo
82020 Pietrelcina (BN) - Via Cappuccini, 90
0824 991925

Bonavita Prof. Antonio
82020 Pietrelcina (BN) - Via S.giuseppe, 4
0824 991328

Leso Enzo Bonavita
82020 Pietrelcina (BN) - Contrada Fontanelle, 10
0824 997433

Looks like you have quite a few distant relatives to contact for
information. Good luck on your search.

Joe in Texas

Sep 30, 2018, 1:21:01 PM9/30/18
Not sure you will even get this but I was googling my family surnames and came across this. All of those Bonavita’s are my relatives in Pietrelcina. I was just wondering what you might have found out.
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