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Illegitimate child possibly brought up as brother rather than son

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Claire Couttie

Feb 25, 2022, 3:13:01 PM2/25/22
I am researching my husband's family tree and am trying to find out the link to someone showing up as 1st/2nd Cousin on Ancestry DNA. It is possible that the person concerned may have been brought up as a son by his grandmother. He has an older half sister who would have been 24 when he was born whereas his 'mother' would have been 40. Does anyone know of any similar circumstances where the registration of the birth shows the detail of the 'adopted' mother rather than the actual mother?

Leo Isenteze

Mar 17, 2022, 9:56:09 PM3/17/22
On 2/25/2022 3:13 PM, Claire Couttie wrote:
> HI,
> I am researching my husband's family tree and am trying to find out the link to someone showing up as 1st/2nd Cousin on Ancestry DNA. It is possible that the person concerned may have been brought up as a son by his grandmother. He has an older half sister who would have been 24 when he was born whereas his 'mother' would have been 40. Does anyone know of any similar circumstances where the registration of the birth shows the detail of the 'adopted' mother rather than the actual mother?

It has been known to happen. Most anything is possible. In my family
tree I have a male ancestor who was conceived in Norway, but born in
Denmark under an assumed name. It only was possible because the father
knew the parish priest in that town. Once word of the birth made its way
back to Norway it became a well known scandal of the time.

You will need to use multiple DNA matches to determine the correct

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