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Roesger, Moss, Kaiser Wilhelm

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Jim Eggert x6127

Jan 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/10/96
In article <4cuvqp$> Terry Rasmussen <ras...@WIND.CC.WHECN.EDU> writes:
> Before my husband's grandmother (Lucretia Cotton Roesger) died, she
> shared some family
> history -- which I am just now trying to validate. She claimed
> (and she was quite embarrassed by this) that she was a direct descendant
> of Kaiser Wilhelm (a "real tyrant," in her words.) Presumably,
> one of the Kaiser's sons had fallen in
> love with a dairy maiden and, in short, been disowned by the family.
> ... I've had trouble locating genealogy information
> on the two Kaiser Wilhelm's in Germany (all sources seem to focus on
> heirs to the throne rather than the complete family genealogy.)

You should get this book on the subject:

AUTHOR: Parisot, Jacques.
TITLE: La descendance de Guillaume Ier, empereur allemand, roi de
Prusse / Jacques et Nelly Parisot ; introduction de Michel
PUB. INFO: Paris : Editions Christian, [1987]
DESCRIPTION: 326 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
NOTES: Cover title: La descendance de Guillaume 1er, empereur allemand.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 309-311) and index.
ISBN: 2864960278

=Jim Eggert

Jade Higgs

Sep 26, 2023, 5:29:04 PM9/26/23
I know this page is old but my grandmother claims that she (therefore I am too) is a descendant of Kaiser Wilhelm. what research do you have that helped you link him to yourself? I cannot seem to find much to help support my grandmother's claim. her mother's maiden name was Kyser (Kyser Capo was our family business) she said that when my family migrated to the US they changed the spelling of the name.
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