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New AOL Hometown Pages

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Sep 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/20/98
to* (Silver Bullet) writes:

>Has anyone had experience with the new "Hometown" setup? How do you
>like it?

I signed up by simply pointing to one of my existing AOL web pages. They claim
they will double my available web space just for signing up.

It appears to me that this is just a marketing thing. AOL is building a
catagorized index of web sites their members have developed. Sort of like an
AOL-only Yahoo. In return for adding content, your normal AOL web space is
doubled. No other changes needed.

It seems like a good idea, and heck, I can always use more space. If you have
overly complex pages, or make use of frames, you need to check how it comes
out. "Hometown" wraps your page in a frame containing a header and navigator
bars. I always try to keep my stuff simple and friendly, so the added compexity
didn't turn out too bad on my page. I sort of like it. Plus, it's more free
"advertising" for your site.

- Tom

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