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Which Genealogy programs run on Windows XP and connect to FamilySearch?

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Steve Hayes

Oct 20, 2021, 11:18:08 AM10/20/21
The moment I have deaded has arrived -- RootsMagic 8.0 has been
released, and won't run on my Windows XP computer.

It's only a matter of time before the people at FamilySearch change
their API, and then I will no longer be able to connect, and that is
where I do most of my genealogy these days.

So does anyone know of another genealogy program that runs on Windows
XP and connects to FamilySearch?

Steve Hayes

Enno Borgsteede

Oct 20, 2021, 1:41:05 PM10/20/21
Op 20-10-2021 om 17:17 schreef Steve Hayes:
> The moment I have deaded has arrived -- RootsMagic 8.0 has been
> released, and won't run on my Windows XP computer.
> It's only a matter of time before the people at FamilySearch change
> their API, and then I will no longer be able to connect, and that is
> where I do most of my genealogy these days.
> So does anyone know of another genealogy program that runs on Windows
> XP and connects to FamilySearch?

You may try Ancestral Quest. I don't know whether that really runs on XP, but IMO it's the best alternative to RM, so you may give it a try.

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