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Anita Wills

Aug 12, 2010, 1:07:14 PM8/12/10
Greetings Everyone,
My name is Anita and I am new to this group. This is to introduce myself and
my interest in Genealogy. I have been doing research for over thirty years
now, and have been blessed. I traced my maternal lines to Delaware,
Maryland, Colonial Virginia, Pennsylvania, South Carolina. The information I
found has so far filled two books, Notes and Dcouments of Free Persons of
Color, and Pieces of the Quilt: The Mosaic of an African American Family.
Both books detail my research and the Information I collected on my
ancestors. My books are available through <>. I
also have a radio show called, Anita Talks Genealogy, which airs on Blog Talk
Radio. My show Airs Friday nights from 8:00-8:45 pm, (pst), every Friday.

Anita Talks Genealogy <>

Another site I maintain is, the Minqua Site, which is about my Pennsylvania
ancestors, who resided in the Welsh Mountains.

Minqua <>

Prior to my researching our ancestors, the only information I had about our
family history, came from my mother. She told me everything she knew, but
she did not know everything. It was only by accident that I found the names
of my ancestors and that they resided in Virginia. That was the one clue
that set me off on a Journey that continues to this day. I connected to
ancestors who were in the Revolutionary War, and ancestors who were Mulatto
Servants to George Washington's Family, and to the Family of President James
Monroe. For me finding these ancestors were like opening a can of worms,
but it is my family's history.

I like forward to sharing with everyone.

Anita Wills

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