#1 creates a reference to the issue or pull request with that number. In this case, #1 refers to the issue asking for more jokes. When you create a PR, strive to be concise and reference related discussions. This gives more context to your PR and makes it easier for maintainers to review and give feedback.
If I type git status in the command line I get the following:
Bildschirmfoto 2020-06-27 um 18.53.401196526 187 KB
What does it mean: Your branch is behind origin/master by 2 commits, and can be fast-forwarded?
If I use git pull then it does not work
Should I use git pull -u or git pill -v or any other extension?
What will be you next command by looking at this picture?
Humor git pull -yourLifeTogether
I pull the git repository for offline view of the code and like to have the updated code for the different branches. How do I pull the code for all the branches easily without doing a pull for each branch manually?
If you only need the offline functionality, you can simple call git fetch -all to get all current information. Now you have all information at your disk and can work offline. Simple merge or checkout the branch you want to work on. Git pull is git fetch && git merge.
If you are working with other people you are also committing your sharedrepository on GitHub, you will need to pull to bring their modificationsinto your local copy of the repository.
It is not an understatement to say that Git revolutionized how source code management is done. Unlike centralized version management systems, Git branches are cheap and easy to manage. Today, pull (or merge) requests are the norm, and peer code reviews have become standard operating procedure for many. For many software organizations, GitHub has become a catalyst for change among application security testing tools.
The primary challenge we set out to solve with Synopsys Action was making application security testing a native part of the pull request workflow, automatically performing fast and deep analysis of source code, open source components, infrastructure-as-code (IaC) templates, APIs, and binaries. To achieve this, Synopsys solutions needed to provide feedback to developers as though it came from a peer code review, with clear and actionable insight, and without deviating from established development workflows. Synopsys Action provides developers with instant feedback about issues that would either require refactoring at later stages or become risks in production.
If you check the box, it will automatically create and commit a README file in your remote repo. Before you can push any commits to the newly created remote repo, you will need to pull the code from your remote repo into your local repo. You will learn more about this later in the chapter.
The entries under [remote "origin"] are settings specific to that remote. The settings under [branch "main"] set up the tracking. For example, remote = origin tells your local repo to use the origin remote as the default remote for the local main branch to push and pull against.
The -u flag tells Git to set the default upstream repo -- that is, the remote repo that you intend to use by default for push, pull, and similar operations. In this case, we'll be using the main branch in the origin repository, which is a shorthand name for your default remote repo. (The name origin is conventional in most cases, though other names sometimes get used.) Once you've run this command, you can use git push and git pull without specifically giving the repo or branch name.
Sometimes the code in your remote repository will contain commits you do not have in your local repository. In those situations, you will need to pull the commits from the remote repository into your local repository. There are four basic scenarios when you will run into this:
Note that you can also type git pull --ff-only origin main if you want to specify exactly from which remote repository (using the alias) and which remote branch you want to pull. The commits will be pulled and merged into the current branch you're on in your local repository.
There are other options that you can pass to git pull in order to combine the changes in different ways, but they are beyond the scope of this book. Until you start working collaboratively and/ or with multiple different branches, git pull --ff-only should be sufficient for the majority of situations where you need to pull changes from a remote repository.
If you use git pull without passing an option such as --ff-only, git will decide itself how best to combine the changes. Generally though, it is good practice to be specific about what you want git to do. Since version 2.26.0 of git, if you issue a git pull without an option you will see a message like this:
You can issue a git pull --ff-only without first using git fetch and checking the changes using git diff. You should only do this if you are sure that you want to combine the remote changes with your local branch without needing to check them first.
Thus far, we have been talking about connecting an existing remote repository with an existing local repository. But what if we don't have an existing local repository, and just want to pull down all the contents of a remote repository? This is where git clone comes in. It makes an exact clone of an existing remote repository, and copies it onto your local machine. The cloned local repository will include all the files, commit history, branches, and everything else associated to that git repository.
Another common use case is if you want to pull down an open source project. For example, if you wanted to check out the source code for the popular open source web development framework, Ruby on Rails, you can issue this command:
Git has many of these overlapping commands, which are used to provide flexibility and multiple avenues to reach the same result. Git merge stands on its own; Git pull first uses Git fetch to download commits and files from the remote to your local branch and follows up with a merge.
In December 2011, Torvalds responded to a pull request concerning kexec, a Linux system call which has to do with loading a kernel and booting into another kernel. For those not familiar with open source software development and the Git system (which, coincidentally, Torvalds also invented), a pull request is a way to submit contributions to a project.
Clearly Torvalds doesn't lack a sense of humor. And, reading and watching more about him, he doesn't seem to be that bad of a guy. Steve Jobs was known to have a thorny personality himself, and the Apple fanbois still revere him. And Torvalds is humorous and forthright about his personality quirks, unlike Jobs.
Creating & reviewing pull requests. Clicking one button in GitHub opens a desktop version of VS Code in the browser, where you can run code live and review/make changes without having to run or stash anything locally.
Deep git integration with built-in builds should make Continuous Integration tooling a lot less cumbersome and annoying (we hope). You just select the repo and the framework, and CF Pages will build and deploy changes for you. Each commit also gets its own unique Preview URL, so that you can do halfway decent code reviews without having to pull down the entire branch.