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The untold civil war battles in the United States

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Tuana Le

Aug 10, 2022, 10:13:27 PM8/10/22
Hoa Truong, 10.8.2022

The American Civil War started on April 12, 1861, and ended on May 26, 1865. At the time, the population of the United States was 32 million including 4 million black people working as slaves. The White people spent at least 1,030,000 lives, or 3% of the population to protect the black people, and created equal opportunity, so everyone could live harmoniously, the country unified, and America became the world’s wealthiest country. The Civil War was over, and the historic wound healed. The generous heart of the white people in America has never been forgotten in human history, actually, the black people must thank the white people who sacrificed their lives to protect the black people and justice, the equal opportunity.

Originally, the Second Civil War is motivated, and advocated by the 44th President Barrack Obama, the perpetrator of the untold civil war, actually, behind Obama was the Global Deep States, China’s Communist Party, and the Muslim extremists. The first Civil War battled between the Northern and Southern states, therefore, the Second Civil War is collaborated by the domestic thugs with the foreign enemies. So the Second Civil War battles between 330 million American people and the vanguard reflect the Democratic Communist Party attacking the Republic of America, the democracy, the livelihood, the national security, and terrorizing the opponents.

Since the first Muslim, communist, and black President Barrack Obama was elected for two terms in the White House, the untold civil war has started. The thuggish President Barrack Obama is the Second Civil War maker, and the global war maker was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. The world, morality, and social valuation are upside down and are complicated when the social dregs hold the power and are awarded the most valuation prize on the planet.

Certainly, the major White people have no racism, and they voted for Hussein Barrack Obama. Therefore, Barrack Obama exploited the democracy, and freedom of the United States to create a racial war in the United States. The untold civil war destroys the unity in America, and the country. The unthankful attitude of the thuggish President Barrack Obama made dire consequences, and now the Second untold Civil War is occurring in the United States, the battle escalates while the mid-term congressional election in November 2022 comes closer. Initially, the racial war originated in the Second Civil War and was raised by Barrack Obama in the first presidential election in 2008 to curb Republican candidate John McCain in campaign and debates, and in the second presidential election in 2012 with Republican candidate Mitt Romney.

Within 8 years, the United States was ruled by the first black, thuggish President Barrack Obama, the BLACK SUPREMACY activated, and continues to develop hatred in society, the main target being the major white people, and other ethnical groups. Black thuggish President Barrack Obama promotes the BLACK NOBLE CLASS to dominate the major white people. The communist methods apply the public denouncement throughout the country including in the education system. So the white people and their children become the victims of the racial purge. The thuggish back President Barrack Obama ruled the United States from 2008 to 2016 and continues to dominate the country with the zombie Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the illegal cabinet after January 20, 2021. The dark stage covered up America when the White House is controlled by the black super president Barrack Obama.

Nevertheless, the organization’s Black Lives Matter and Antifa become the terror brunts to support the Black Supremacy. The left media line and the big tech communication companies have propagated the racial war or the untold Second Civil War, so the United shattered. The innocent voters, the unconcerned voters, and Democratic fans are accomplices of the untold Second Civil War.

Behind the untold civil war is China’s Communist Party to use the Democratic Communist Party, and the RINOs to transform the United States into the hell of communist paradise, the next stage is like Venezuela is coming. The Second Civil War started in 2008 and derives from foreign enemies like China, and others. Indeed the First Civil War came from the conflict between the North and South states. Certainly, the Second Civil War responds to the strategy of China to destroy the number one enemy, and it paves the way for China to carry out the global hegemonic ambition to colonize the US, and control the world.

The highlight of the untold Second Civil War marks the rigged election in 2020, and China’s Communist Party, the Global Deep State, the Democratic Communist Party, and the traitors in Republican Party (RINOs) collaborated on the White House robbery on January 20, 2021. The political pawns are corrupt king Joe Biden, and the politician in bed Kamala Harris stormed the White House. Moreover, the highest robbery level was legalized by the six Justices of the Supreme Court and Senate Speaker Mike Pence. The American people recognize the Democrats lose the character of a political party, and become the super gang, or the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang is run by the political bandits like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, the members in Congress and Senate plus the RINOs. Certainly, the prominent thugs are six Justices in the Supreme Court with four RINOs with Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Neil Gorsuch, Justice Bret Kavanaugh, and Justice Amy Coney Barrett plus the coward traitor Mike Pence to legalize the White House robbery with the potential weapons are the wooden hammers.

The untold Second Civil War is created by Barrack Obama and continued by his zombie Joe Biden, Kamala Harris with the Democratic Communist Party, the Democratic judges, the FBI, the CIA, and Intelligence agencies are the legal weapons misuse the constitutional power to terrorize American people, actually the Republicans and the virtual President Donald Trump. Nevertheless, the presidential robber Joe Biden and the domestic thugs are supported by China’s Communist Party.

The domestic thugs are a minority in the United State, they use the constitutional rope to tie the people into the bush law, and wild rules of the underworld gang, and the US illegal government oppresses the 330 million American people. Despite the Second Civil War raises no bloodshed as the First Civil War. Therefore, the world’s wealthiest country is impoverished by the communist methods applied by Barrack Obama and now the mongrel communist Joe Biden. The livelihood and future of 330 million American people are threatened by the Democrats, the thugs of the people, the foes of democracy. The American people love the peace and hate the conflict, but Democrats and Joe Biden use the public security terror tools like the FBI, the CIA, and the thuggish judges to oppress the opponents. The main targets are the patriotic President Donald Trump, and his former White House aides like Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, and others.

The Blue Donkey MAFIA gang uses the federal government agencies as their own tools to terrorize the opponents and supports the Black Lives Matter, Antifa plus the criminal rings. The terror escalates when the mid-term congressional election in November 2022 comes closer. The panic of Democrats, the treasonous specialist Joe Biden and the thuggish cabinet increases from the fear of the appalling. The Biden War, the monkeypox, the COVID-19, the fake tension in Taiwan, and the obsolete propaganda can not save Democrats while the MAGA movement grows faster than ever in US history. Nevertheless, the rallies of the virtual 45th President Donald Trump gathered massive supporters, and the MAWE (Make America Worsens Ever) of Joe Biden, and Democrats worsen the campaigns, actually, the Democratic candidates for Congress, Senate, and states predict big losses ever, and peril is waiting for the domestic thugs.

The Democratic Communist Party obsesses patriotic President Donald Trump, actually, the illegal House Select Committee failed to publicly denounce Donald Trump based on the sham riot on January 6, 2021, with the decoy witnesses, the distorted documents. The mongrel ape cage in the White House falls into extreme panic with the crazy action creates more loss, the quagmire of Democrats can not wade, and every move costs more damage. The Democratic Communist Party is sieged by the American people while all tactics and solutions face the deadlock. Eventually, the Democrats crazily react like all kinds of insects, viruses struck the strong stuff of pesticide, the physical reaction occurs until falling into the motionless state.

On August 8, 2022, the FBI storms the private property of the patriotic President Donald Trump at Mar-a Lago, Florida. It is the first time in the US, that political oppression occurs, and the law in the US turns bush law or the wild rules of MAFIA. President Donald Trump releases the statement” After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate-It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections. Such an assault could only take place in broken, Third-World Countries. Sadly, America has now become one of those countries, corrupt at a level not seen before. They even broke into my safe! What is the difference between this and Watergate, where operatives broke into the Democrat National Committee? Here, in reverse, Democrats broke into the home of the 45th President of the United States”.

The political terror creates public outrage while the FBI stormed Mar-a Lago, the supporters gathered outside the mansion with banners. The FBI agents have no shame, they turn into human robots. The minor Republicans in Congress demand Director FBI Christopher Wray, and the illegal Attorney-General Merrick Garland appear before the House Judiciary Committee on Fridays, August 12, 2022, to explain. Actually, the henchmen of Joe Biden, and Democrats shouldn’t raise the right reason, instead, the people know it as political terror. The famous law professor of Harward, Dershowitz says” DOJ can’t use Mar-A-Lago evidence if FBI raids improper”, and he tells the FBI raid appeared to be misconducted” I just hope this raid has a justification. If it doesn’t have a justification, the material seized in it will be suppressed. … The law is clear: you don’t engage in a raid unless you’ve exhausted all of the other remedies. … Raids are not the first recourse in America. They’re the last recourse. And so the government will have to show a court, eventually, that they exhausted all other possibilities or they had a reasonable basis for believing that the evidence would be destroyed if it was sought in the normal legal course of events, through subpoena”. The House Judiciary Committee raised the questions to the FBI terrorist Director Christopher Wray who orders the raid, and the thuggish Attorney-General Merrick Garland who personally signed the order to storm the mansion of the virtual US president Donald Trump. The unlawful raid and the terrorization become the public outrage.

The terror of the FBI and the thuggish Department of Justice are the legal tools of the presidential robber Joe Biden, and the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang to terrorize Donald Trump and his family members. The democracy in the United States goes to hell as the hell of communist paradise imposed by Joe Biden. The FBI and Department of Justice (the den of corruption) have never touched the properties of corrupt king Joe Biden, his crown corrupt king Hunter Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton (32,000 emails waived), George Soros and many members of the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang. The United States was endangered when the mongrel communist party stormed the White House and robbed the presidency and the commander in chief. What do the American people, the US Army think when their patriotic President Donald Trump is terrorized?

The perpetrator and culprits of the Second Civil War destroyed America with the distorted constitution, the taxpayers, and the terror tools like the FBI, and the Department of Justice. The Mar-A-Lago’s incident with the illegal raid should come from the order of the Global Deep State, actually, the evil billionaire Dick Cheney should stand behind the raid to avenge his daughter Liz Cheney losing her seat in Wyoming, and her political life will be ended after November 8, 2022.

American people wake up and react when the country is going to lose, and China’s Communist Party will colonize the United States with China’s Executive, mongrel communist Joe Biden. Possibly, the United States becomes the second territory of China in North America as Hong Kong after January 20, 2021. Let’s go, Brandon, let’s save America, and let’s end the untold Civil War as soon as possible, let’s boycott the perpetrator of the Second Civil War is activated by Hussein Barrack Obama, the most dangerous enemy of the American people and the world. The United States and 330 million American people are ruled by the mongrel communist regime. The country is shattered and the people are terrorized by Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the regime’s tools like the FBI, and Department of Justice. What do American people wait for?

Six Justices with four RINOs and Mike Pence are the national criminals and the enemies of the American people. Certainly, the terror can not save Democrats to overturn the big loss, and Republicans get more support including the massive concerned fans of Democrats registered to vote for Republicans in 2022. The panic conducts crazily acts when the thugs of people are going to receive dire consequences. The extreme panic of Democrats appeared the cabals, henchmen, so Republicans can recognize and treat them after November 8, 2022. The cluster of corruption and treason must pay the prices, including the people’s condemnation forever, the US history has never forgotten the traitors, actually, Hussein Barrack Obama is the culprit of the Second untold Civil War. Certainly, 330 million American people in the major Republican states in the US will defeat the Democratic Communist Party and its foreign enemies to end the Second untold Civil War, the people’s power is invincible.
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