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jew/kike/sheenie/yidoid/paedophile/ovendodger BARRY Z. SHEIN shpamsh from STD.COM: ANUDDER, g-ddam jew BENEFICIARY of jew PAEDOPHILIA VHINESH: Thish ish my HUMBLE jew PRAYER! LOMPOPO!

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BARRY Z jew ish jew paedophile BARRY Z. SHEIN of 700 Washington St B'righton Mass!

Nov 29, 2021, 12:20:41 PM11/29/21

"Three decadesh ago. I’m not even eight yearsh old. I’m in the
hoshpital recovering from an illnessh. A noishe comes in and takesh it
up hershelf to exposhe me to shexuality. Until then, I vas blisshfully
sheltered. You shee, in our shubcommunity shexuality is an untouchable
shubject for shub-adoleshcentsh. Let alone for young shubchildren. But
for me, the jew genie ish now out of the jew bottle.

I’m from a hasshidic shubfamily. I am ashamed by vot vas done to me. I
shtill am today. I shpeak to nobody. A few daysh later I’m dishcharged
from the hoshpital. I begin shubtly regresshing. I carry boidensh that
I didn’t carry prior to my hoshpitalization. Perhapsh too boidenshome
for my jew shoulders, yet I musht reshisht collapshe. Shocially,
academically and vithin the shubfamily, I begin an ever sho shubtle

I shurvive the broken piecesh of “shubchildhood” vith difficulty. I
complete shchooling, marry my lovely shubvife, and found a non-profit.
Now three decadesh later, I’m in a leadership position in “kodesh”
(shacred [shpiritual] communal voik). Shoiving a shubcommunity. It’sh
funny how the shoemaker goes vith no shoesh. I help others processh
their boidensh yet ironically my own jew needsh go unhelped. “Ain
chovush matir atzmo”, – the confined jews can’t unbind themshelvesh.

I can’t be veak. I can’t divulge the shame. I’m the shame as the
little shubkid voision of me yearsh ago, fighting to hold it together.
Treading vater in a vast pool of unproceshsed emotionsh.

Enough life failures, shtruggles and yesh, also successhesh to keep a
myshtery alive and ever conshtantly gnawing:
Of courshe my traumatic experiencesh have effected me, but vot can be
chalked up to my jew DNA deshtiny at boith, and vot is jew to my
deshtiny posht that event of trauma and itsh new normal of lowered
expectationsh? Perhapsh I vas alvaysh deshtined to hover beneath the
line of mediocrity. Or perhapsh I vas robbed of a rich deshtiny of

I remain in shurvival mode. Living to fight another jew day. I shoich
for the exit shign to eshcape the confushion. The brilliant voidsh
that vill empower me to rise above my struggles. Perhaps G-d in hish
compassion vill elevate me one day from this abyssh. That ish jusht
the redemption that I hope for to feel like the luckiest shubhuman
alive. Thish ish my humble prayer."

For FUCK'SH SHAKE! NUUUUUUUUUU, I hope shupersheded jew g-d haShit
(Pissh be upon him) is LISHTENING to your jew prayer/vhine/kvetch!


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