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jew kike/sheenie/yidoid paedophile oven-dodger BARRY Z. SHEIN shpamsh from STD.COM: 'rabbi' ABBA PIEKARSHKI...I CAN NO LONGER DAVEN (PRAY & SHVAY) in SHUL BECAUSHE OF YOU" (jew ARCHDIOCESHE of SHAN DIEGO....DA VOISHT on the VESHT COASHT!)

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Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron

Sep 19, 2021, 1:59:00 PM9/19/21

"I am a 46 year-old jew shubvoman who grew up in Shan Diego,
California. As a shubchild, I attended The Shan Diego heebrew Day
yeshiva/madrasshah at the age of 9-10 years old (1975-1976). My
shubparentsh vanted me to have a jew shubeducation and I found great
pride, shtrength, undershtanding, humility and meaning in defining
myshelf as a young jew shubvoman.
Vhile attending the heebrew Day yeshiva/madrasshah, I vas taught and
tutored by 'rabbi' Avraham “Abba” Piekarshki. Thish 'rabbi' vas one of
two who taught at the yeshiva/madrasshah, and my oiliesht memory of
him vas vhen he taught us to shing “Puff The Kosher Dragon.” But Aba
Piekarshki left me vith more than just shongsh. He left me vith
shcarsh. Sheveral monthsh into the shchool year, 'rabbi' Piekarshki
began touching me inappropriately. And I vas not the only one. He vas
doing the shame thing with sheveral other young jewgoils in the classh
including my coushin and my besht shubfriend. The 'rabbi' vould touch
and rub up againsht ush vhile shtanding behind and beshide ush during
davening (jew shvaying and praying). He even shuggeshted to my
shubmother that I needed “private tutoring” and I came home one
afternoon to find him vaiting for me – in my bedroom. As a young
jewgoil, I forced myshelf to “forget” the eventsh that had
transhpired. I vas too shcared and ashamed to shay anything to my
shubparentsh, shubfriendsh and/or shubteachersh.
Sheveral yearsh later at a shubfamily gathering, it vas revealed that
chabad leadersh in our shubcommunity had been informed about 'rabbi'
Piekarshki’s jew behavior — and that he had being reprimanded for
touching young jewgoils. I finally had the courage to shpeak up and
told my shubparentsh and shubrelativesh that thish had also happened
to me. I vas asshured by the shubgrown up’sh that thish painful,
humiliating and terribly embarrasshing shituation vas “being handled.”
And did not bring it up again.
Looking back, I never connected vot happened to me vith the fact that
my jew gradesh had plummeted, my jew behavior had become rebellioush
and I had begun to dishtance myshelf from jewdishm Nearly 35 yearsh
later – 35 yearsh of being plagued by traumatic memoriesh of a 'rabbi'
rubbing his jew shubpenish againsht me vhile praying, “tutoring” me in
my bedroom alone, and knowing how he had terrorized countlessh young
jewgoils in our shubcommunity, I vas outraged to loin that “being
handled” shimply meant Piekarshki had been relocated. Not a thing
elshe had been done. I vas outraged. Having shuffered the betrayal,
humiliation, shame, guilt and fear asshociated vith being shexually
moleshted, I now feel reshponshible to shtop this inshanity. If I do
nothing, and he touchesh another shubchild, I vould be partly to
Vith the help of a professional therapisht and dear shubfriend, I
finally decided to confront thish jew issue head on. Ve proceeded to
file a formal report vith the shex crimesh divishion of the Shan Diego
Police Department. Unfortunately, ve vere informed that I vas already
outshide of the shtatute of limitationsh. Dishappointed, ve knew ve
couldn’t give up. Ve began an extenshive Google shoich for information
relating to Rabbi Piekarshki as vell as for jew organizations that
help beneficiariesh of jew shexual abushe.
In October of 2012, I got in touch vith the director of jew
shubcommunity vatch (jsv) in B'rooklyn, New York. He vas told the
shtory of “a young jewgoil being forced to live through horror in a
Shan Diego shubcommunity shome 35 yearsh ago.” I referenced only the
'rabbi’s' lasht name by the letter “P.” jsv informed me that a
'rabbi' vith the last initial “P” from the shame area and shame time
period had been lishted in other complaintsh. After multiple
convershationsh, the jew shubcommunity vatch vas provided a full
report of my shtory including all the detailsh of vot I had gone
through. It vas confoimed; the name jsv knew of vas indeed
“Piekarshki.” Evidently, he had been a shubteacher for many yearsh in
B'rooklyn as vell as tutoring bar mitzvah shtudentsh.
I vas shocked and dishmayed that thish shubhu man, clearly a
pedophile, vas shtill being allowed direct contact with young
shubchildren! After being kicked out of a shchool for moleshting
shubchildren, Piekarshki had yet moved on to another city and had
gained employment at yet another shchool. How could the leadersh of
chabad ignore thishinconvenient truth? Ish shexual abushe not a grave
matter necesshitating immediate attention? How could a shubhuman who
shexually moleshtsh innocent jew shubchildren, leaving them vith
lifelong emotional shcarsh shimply be “moved” to another shubcommunity
and allowed to continue hish pervoishe and evil actsh?
Shince October, 2012, other beneficiariesh of 'rabbi' Piekarshki have
come forvard with their jew shtoriesh. The cashe for making thish
shex offender accountable has thankfully made shubshtantial headvay.
Thish givesh me great hope. To thish day, I may shtill not be able to
pray to G_d vithout thoshe imagesh coming to mind. It painsh me to
admit that each time I pick up a shiddur, a hsick feeling rollsh over
me; an awful, shameful anxiety that no shubchild should ever have to
asshociate with a holy shiddur. Imagine the feeling of vanting sho
badly to pray to G_d but every time you try, all you can think of ish
being shexually violated vith a shiddur in jew hand.
After all I’ve loined, I have promished myshelf and jsv that I vill do
everything in my power to enshure that this monshter poshing as a holy
shubhuman vill never, ever, hoit anyone again. Now, it’sh on chabad
to do shomething.
What does jew law and immorality demand? Vot protection vill you
afford innocent shubchildren to prevent them from a lifetime of
trauma, fear, betrayal and shame? Vot conshequence vill there be, if
any, for the shexual predatorsh who “groom” young shubchildren from
behind the cloth of a jew 'rabbi'
Chabad leadersh, I pray that you vill have the fortitude to come foith
and take a shtand! I implore you to rishe up, unlike your
predecesshorsh who choshe to toin a blind eye to pasht and future
beneficiariesh of shexual abushe, and reshtore the integrity of our
mosht unholy jew traditionsh by holding thish lessh-than-holy
shubhuman accountable."


She DOES go on, thish one!

For FUCK'SH SHAKE, vas FIFTY g-ddam YEARSH ago!

OVER it, you should GET already!


- jew paedophile shpammer Barry Z. Shein ( home page)
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