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The True Defence

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fault tolerant systems

Dec 16, 2023, 3:53:50 PM12/16/23
We are often surrounded by the people who look like friends, and are
friendly as long as we are strong and in our winning streak. But in our
time when we are weak, weary or wounded, losing support of friends,
they will come on top of us like a pack of wolves on a wounded
member of the pack.

Of course, this is not a good company to dwell with in some Paradise,
Heaven, or any form of eternal life.

When they are approaching and even when giving aid, they already
observe and install devices to control us and destroy us if we become
a danger. Sometimes, one doesn't have to build weapon arsenal or
to be aggressive to be classified as "dangerous". Being free and
keeping integrity will suffice. Just like with example of John the Baptist
and Lord Jesus Christ.

A complete Lamb is likely only to be eaten.

Often by the "good people", for who could be better than the Pharisees
and the scribes in the times of Jesus Christ, when they were the keepers
of knowledge and guardians of spirituality among the despised Gentiles
and pagans ("goyim"), as God's chosen nation. The possibility of
reexamination of the spiritual path and - even more - converting Gentiles
like Roman soldiers and Canaanite woman to the faith in God which
would mean they are not the only chosen people God intended to save -
these looked like blasphemy to Pharisees. Probably equal to praying
for Islam, Palestine and Hamas nowadays.

But worse are the hypocrites: in Slavonic, they were called
"licemjeri" - "the face measurers": while helping, even giving medical aid
and first aid, they are already searching out your weaknesses and weak spots, and establishing the means of control and your destruction
if you become dangerous.

While you are fighting a war for survival, there is enough help so you
are not overcome, but never enough so you would become completely
independent, free, strong and self-sufficient. The danger of foreign
aggression of the enemy is replaced with danger of debt slavery,
while aid comes, but never enough so you could build your own
independent food production, industry, military complex and at
least - ammunition for the weapons you already have.
We are given the defence capability by the spoon: only to survive
to the next day and to deplete common enemy's human potential
and deplete his military supplies - but we were never meant to be
independent and free. The means and loans that are helping us now
in aid are meant to enslave us and control us in the long run,
replacing one hostile dominion with another.

True defence means we would never have to use them.
But it depends on the inner strength. The inner strength
is a deterrent to any attackers, for the beasts prey on the weakest
and ill members of the herd.

Indeed, freedom is prerequisite to achieve the will of God.

The two prime Commandments:

1. Love the LORD Thy God with ... all thy being.
2. Love the neighbour as thyself.

We cannot implement those Commandments without being free first.
If our being is not whole and parts of our organism are still in the hand
of the Enemy, we will be triggered, manipulated and controlled.
The Enemy ultimately watches to enslave us, devour us and destroy us,
trampling under his feet what he could not devour, so nobody else would
have it either.

We cannot love our neighbour either while he still dominates us.
We can only be subservient, while loving enemy assumes strength
and freedom.

The people who attack the wounded members of the pack have
the nature of ravenous wolves, even if they appear like "good people"
and wear "sheep's fleece". Ravenous wolves will not inherit the Kingdom
of Heaven, Paradise or Heaven - many of the "good people" we know
will have to deny Satan, confess sins, accept faith in God and Jesus
as Saviour. But also be "born again", from a materialistic mentality
which looks only at gain and material prosperity, to a mindset that
seeks spiritual growth.

Accepting ravenous wolves that are clever enough to wear sheep's
clothing is even worse idea.

Jesus told us to keep our sword in the sheath, because the one
that lives by the sword will die by the sword. But until Satan
and his legions are defeated for good - make sure that you have
that sword.

But it is to be noted that 1. only God can truly save 2. whoever commits
the sin is a slave of sin.

We see that after Adam and Eve have eaten from the forbidden tree,
the good things can also kill us. We cannot live without Sun, Moon,
water, bread, air, ... But too much Sun will burn our skin or even kill us.
We can eat food, but we have to restrain ourselves or we will become
fat and it will damage our cardiovascular system. We can merry in
one glass of wine, but if we take too much and each day, we can
develop dependence or alcoholism.

It would not be exaggeration to say that we were evicted
from Eden and we are in the world where everything is trying to subdue
us, destroy us and kill us. But as in one anecdote, Satan was not
pleased by killing a bus full of Christians going to prayer, because
their souls were saved. He was cheerful with dragging one believer
from prayer and faith, because that soul was his!

Woe to us!

What is then the remedy? With each poison there should be a remedy!

In fact, there is one: reconciliation with God.

Psalm 147:14
He maketh peace in thy borders, and filleth thee with the finest of the wheat.

Psalm 147:3
He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.

In this fallen world, where everybody seeks to extract the last cent of
the external debt from the wounded and the bleeding, and only
maximises their strategy to weaken the enemy and deplete his resources ...
the promise of God is to guard your borders for you, and give you plenty
of food.

In this the promise of the blessings of Abraham, the father of faith,
it comes with blessings to Gentiles too:

Galatians 3
13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse
for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: 14 That
the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus
Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

What can be learned from this?

However much this sounded blasphemous for the Pharisees and scribes,
it is evident that:

1. Galatians and the other Gentiles were under the curse of God's Law,
because they were not obeying it, and God's Law is universal, not only
for the tribe of Israel.
2. From the example of Rahab, Ruth, Roman soldier, Canaanite woman
with demon-possesed daugther, Greeks ... it is evident that the true
Israel is not by genetic inheritance, but through faith in God of Abraham,
the Creator of the Universe, as apostle Paul said in the Holy Spirit:

Romans 2
27 And shall not uncircumcision which is by nature, if it fulfil the law, judge
thee, who by the letter and circumcision dost transgress the law? 28 For he
is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is
outward in the flesh: 29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and
circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

So, yarmulka doesn't make a Jew, in the meaning of God's chosen people,
but keeping the Ten Commandments and the Law of Moses.

If a man goes to a woman in her monthly impurity, he cannot consider
himself a "Jew" or a member of the God's chosen people, and neither
a young woman who calls abortion an "ab" instead of being murder of
the unborn child and readily gives her sexual services for the purposes
of the tribe, even while she has monthly uncleanness.

We all know how dangerous it is to warn a Jew or especially Jewish
woman if he or she is in sin, even about the Ten Commandments.
Refusing their "presents" or honey sweet brides makes you a danger
they cannot control and that has to be destroyed. One way or another,
they cannot let you "just be", even if you have zero political ambitions.
They have to buy or enslave everyone on the planet.

What does the Scripture say about them?

Hebrews 12:8
But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are
ye bastards, and not sons.

And why would one want to have all earth and mankind with their
riches, when a loaf of bread and a pair of clothes are sufficient?
First reason: today's women will not live on oatmeal and porridge -
they will pile up on top of a rich alpha male guy who has ten.
Second reason: wanting to have and/or all the gold in the world
means that they still hold on the archetype of the "golden calf",
which was their deity in Egypt and they built one under Moses
when he went on the mount to receive the Ten Commandments.

This means that they believe that gold gives prolonged life,
and having all gold in the world would grant them immortality.

in the LORD God Merciful, Longsuffering
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