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"Thou Shalt Not Kill or Murder!" and The Holiness of Life

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fault tolerant systems

Feb 21, 2024, 3:18:23 PMFeb 21
A couple of articles ago, I wrote how certain circles are wrong
claiming that "artificial conception" does not adhere to holiness of life.

This is outright wrong: scientists and medical doctors have yet failed
to create living embryo from non-living matter or amino-acids, so
the term "artificial conception" is utterly flawed.

It can be called "medically or scientifically assisted conception",
after which the embryo inherits all rights of the "naturally conceived"
ones - there is no discrimination and absolutely no ethical nor
moral right to terminate life of the embryos "who do not turn out right,
perfect, flawed, or simply not as expected" in some possible mass-
artificially assisted fertilisation which is by eugenics meant to create
a super race or superhumans.

Which would mean creating genetically perfect humans by terminating
the flawed ones already in the womb by the prenatal diagnostics or
genetic tests that would indicate predisposition to illnesses, whether
congenital, physical, or mental that would impose significant cost
to the social and medical resources or simply be "genetically inferior"
as determined by future anticipated AI genetical tests that would
tend to predict features of a human being, animal or plant with
the aim of redesign of God-given creation and design by the
Holy Creator of the Universe, Maker of Adam and Eve, Merciful
and Longsuffering.

Ethics usually come after an invention, but here the invention is
already there for decades, and "mother farms" with State-planned
species of humans designed for special social purpose like the types
of bees in the hive coming from the same larvae and being given
different hormones had already been anticipated in science fiction.

Science fiction, though, is often wrong.

Killing so many BORG drones whose sole fault was that they
were forcibly assimilated against their will, via a sort of rape,
much like Alien but technological ... Is eliminating the entire
network of BORG infrastructure of the people who actually resisted
BORG themselves but have been overcome by a stronger force -
is it really a victory?

Another example is fighting against the Dominion and the founders.
The Federation "wins" by infecting Odo, one of the members of Dominion
who was sent to investigate our Quadrant, with a deadly virus, for
which only the Federation had a cure. Apparently, this is another
"victory" by a WMD (biological weapon of mass destruction).

This syncretism between science, holiness of life and the ultimate
Law of God Creator leads to the conclusion that scientific and
technological achievements do not make us superior, and especially
not genetically superior race.

The Ten Commandments extend to space and the Universe, because
they cannot be attributed to a Tribe that never upheld them completely
in the first place - being so scientifically proven correct, the Ten
Commandments have obviously a source in a higher principle
or Creator.

There is an obvious question: Did God Creator have a choice in
the gravity constant to make Universe stable and evolving unto
creating intelligent life to ask this question?

Also, could He had made a Universe in which murder, theft, false
witnessing, envy, mounted trials and adultery would be a norm and
a Law?

We can only repeat what is written:

1. Thou shalt have One God Creator of the Universe, Maker of Adam and Eve.
No other worship will bring deliverance from the material Universe that
will eventually either collapse or endure a thermic death, cooling to
average several Kelvins.
The saints and demigods are creation themselves, and their manifestation
in the material or spiritual world subject to corruption and eventual collapse
of the material Universe or eventual dying of any process that could
transform energy from one state to another supporting any form
of life in the process.

2. Thou shalt not make or worship any statue, image, amulet or object
and expect from them any help except from One God Creator.
No material object can deliver from the collapse of the material Universe.

3. Thou shalt not call the Name of God in vain, nor curse any holy thing.
The spiritual and material Universe are made by Word, and Truth.
Lie and curses destroy the creation. Using the Name in vain or cursing
God, Jesus or any holy angel or blood will bring only curse upon us and
severe the channel for prayers. Those cursing God will find themselves
surprised if He doesn't hear them on the battlefield or in a traffic
accident, earthquake, flood or other disaster.

4. Thou shalt hallow a weekly holy day.
Occupation with material problems of the work is God's will, but
we must not become entangled with work either. It is all going to
be destroyed in a Big Crunch. We only need to work to support
the civilisation, not for work to become an idol.
But laziness and idleness are also sin from the Devil.

5. Thou shalt honour thy father and mother, thy ancestors, teachers,
elders and priests!
Through all of these channels we receive education from one
fertilised cell of embryo ("tabula rasa") to the potential spiritual birth
that is supposed to transcend the collapse of the Universe and
the end of the material elements that are prophesied to dissolve
in fire (2 Peter 3:10).

6. Thou shalt not kill or murder!
First murder was committed by Cain, who slew his brother Abel
out of envy, for Abel made a better sacrifice to God.
So, the first sin was a lie: "Thou shalt not die, but become like gods,
knowing good and evil!"
The second sin was disobedience: Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit.
The third sin was envy, followed by the fourth sin, murder.
It is significant that God did not murder Cain, but set a mark on him,
so Cain would be sevenfold avenged if murdered. (Not twentyfold
nor fiftyfold).
The second limit to vengeance is the Law: there was a requirement
of two witnesses and decree of judges, one was not permitted to
avenge himself.

7. Thou shalt not steal!
A society in which everything can be stolen make no effort worth trying.
Thereof people attempt nothing, and this is encouraged by the system
which considers private enterprise dangerous - everything must be
under the control of the Party, the State or the Corporations.

8. Thou shalt not false witness!
Mounted trials are one of the greatest examples of the evil of
false witnessing, often increased by envy and greed for the material
compensation for the informers.

9. Thou shalt not commit adultery!
In a society where no one would know who his father is, the incidence
and the possibility of incest would be enormous, with congenital
defects and mental retardation possibility. This is of course an
abomination. A woman who cannot know who the father of her
children are is an abomination.

10. Thou shalt not want nor envy!
Many people were accused in mounted trials just because someone
reported them out of envy or to keep their status (starting from
the Pharisees delivering Jesus Christ to Pontius Pilates).
Desire to have what someone else has, but without work, saving, learning,
prayer, trial and error and associated pain is especially evil, creating
"copies" and "clones" that resulted from "brain transplant", or
any other feature or stamina which a person could have without doing any
effort but selling to the System.

These Commandments and their proof are not limited to the Earth -
the inquisition was wrong for burning Giordano Bruno for claiming
there are other worlds and that the Earth was not the center.
The Ten Commandments are universally true to the material and
spiritual Universe.


In addition to all sins, children who are conceived through rape, incest,
adultery or genetic manipulation, or medically assisted conception
are themselves without sin or fault, though we see in real life they
end up suffering for the sin by which they came into being.
Unfortunately, this is one of the consequences of Eve wanting to
be like goddess, wise and knowing good and evil.

To this day, we see women seeking the easy way out and "doing some
evil for the greater good".

1 Timothy 2:14
And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into

Proverbs 23:28
She also lies in wait as for a victim, And increases the unfaithful among

But the good news is that there is a way to reconcile for both man and
woman by the way of the cross of the Calvary, Jesus Christ's sacrifice
and agony on the cross and the grace of God.

The traditional blemish of being a result from incest, rape, adultery or
a "bastard" can be removed by the way of the cross of the Calvary.
God is unable to contact them directly without disturbing something
greater order just like we cannot save a subject of a foreign
totalitarian regime or a land under occupation which prevents aid
- we are born under the god of this evil world.

Now is the day of salvation, and time to deny Satan and accept
Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord! Tomorrow you can be drafted
and sent in a "human wave" or as "cannon fodder"! Against an unprivileged
brother (no oligarchs are being sent, and anyone who has money buys out
their way).

Just pray with me:

Holy Father in Heavens!
I deny Satan the Devil, and I acknowledge that I am a sinner.
I have done wrong, lied, stolen, murdered, committed adultery,
envied, transgressed.
Please forgive me and make Lord Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour,
by the grace of God and the cross of the Calvary.
In Jesus holy name

in the name of the LORD God Merciful, Longsuffering, Almighty,
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