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Oleg Smirnov

Nov 22, 2023, 2:41:10 PM11/22/23
Thirty years after Ukraine gained independence .. it lacks a
functioning waste management system and requisite resources to
tackle a garbage crisis that is perpetuating public health and
ecological concerns .. Most landfills are overflowing and fall
short of safety standards. It estimates some 33,000 illegal dumps
have proliferated throughout the country .. "It's not a secret to
anyone that Ukraine is drowning in garbage. And every day, every
minute the situation is getting worse," .. The entire country
could turn into a landfill .. <>


Новость за три месяца до.

Oleg Smirnov

Nov 23, 2023, 10:14:48 AM11/23/23

EU leaders should not favour the Ukraine over the western
Balkans .. Orbán has signalled he may block the start of
accession talks with the Ukraine .. Other countries have
concerns over enlargement .. There could be long transition
periods for new members ..


<> 2013-07
"I am for the Ukraine in Europe", - nationwide campaign to
collect signatures for the EU membership has begun.

<> 2013-12
PM Azarov to the 'pro-EU' activists: Nobody still invited us
to become a EU member, so what are you agitating about?

<> 2014-04
"EU Parliament by the absolute majority upheld the right of
the Ukraine to become a EU member."

<> 2014-04
Italian Senator Mario Mauro: I think, the Ukraine has
every reason to obtain the EU membership quickly and easily.

<> 2014-04
Prime-minister Yaytsenyukh explains the EU trade agreement
will allow the Ukraine to be a full EU member pretty soon.

<>, <> 2014.09
President Poroshenko to nation: Ukraine will apply for EU
membership in 2020.

<> 2014-11
Johannes Hahn - 'Commissioner for European Neighbourhood
Policy' - confirms that taking the Ukraine to the members of
the EU in the 2020 is a realistic expectation. The EU
officials notice 'impressive progress' in the Ukraine.

<> 2014-11
Swedish ambassador says he sees no obstacles to the Ukraine's
EU membership, it's not such a big deal, it will be easy.

<> 2014-12
Polish minister of defense: The Ukraine will soon be in the
NATO and in the EU too, this is unavoidable.

<> 2015-06
President Poroshenko confirms that the Ukraine will become a
candidate for EU membership in the very next few years.

<> 2015-11
Prominent Polish MP explains: obtaining the EU membership
should be 'just a formality' after the EU trade agreement.

Oleg Smirnov

Nov 24, 2023, 10:17:31 AM11/24/23
| Польские перевозчики выдвинули целый список требований ..
| Украина терпит большие убытки .. Возник дефицит автогаза.
| На границе стоят грузовики .. Поднимается волна возмущения
| по поводу "вероломства поляков", которые наносят удар в
| спину .. <>


В польском массовом восприятии утверждён образ недоразвитых
окраинцев, которых можно (и нужно) окультуривать. Но бывшую
колонию для начала надо отсоединить от России - окончательно.
Требование неких явных-неявных привилегий для поляков, иных
правил для окраинцев, там вполне естественно.

Oleg Smirnov

Nov 27, 2023, 2:17:01 PM11/27/23
Организатор протеста на украинско-польской границе .. назвал
блокаду украинской границы <воспитанием избалованного
ребенка>. <Есть страна, поведение которой похоже на поведение
избалованного ребенка. Когда родитель дарит сладости,
покупает игрушки, многое позволяет, ребенок вежлив. Однако,
когда родитель находится в сложной ситуации .. ребенок
начинает топать, кричать .. <>


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