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Re: Osho on Ambedkar and Gandhi

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Mar 31, 2010, 6:23:48 PM3/31/10

"uNmaivirumbi" <> wrote in message
On Mar 30, 12:23 pm, Mirza Ghalib <> wrote:
> Osho's factual error: One fourth of India is not untouchable. The
> "Constitution" of India used the 1931 census to put it at 15 percent.
> Ambedkar himself was not a pure blessing.
> ============================================

The problem of the untouchables then and now is clearly their
behavior. They have habits which are not acceptable to others. They
eat dead animals, rats, carry feces and other behaviors I need not
list. Any one who lived/lives in India knows. Those who gave up this
behavior are accepted everywhere now and before. No problems. People
are afraid of untouchables because of their habits. I am saying all
this as I do not care about political correctness. I want to be frank
as that is the way *they will progress*. Face facts. They have so many
reservations they are still not coming up. Why?
Now the best way to improve their lot is to inculcate good habits and
leave filthy habits. No one says this. They cannot demand respect,
they have to command respect by conduct. No one advises them, no one
talks about it. All that people say is that they are oppressed by
others! People like Ambedkar and others even today want a political
solution only, reservations and money thrown at them. Still this is
the case. No one improved their lot. Christians and muslims use them
for conversion!

Gandhiji at least offered them dignity and wanted them to be accepted,
be acceptable and said they are children of God! First step. Ambedkar
used them to rise as a leader, fan hatred and promote his political
status! He did not give them any real solid advice.

Let us face facts. Teach them hygiene, good behavior, speech, conduct,
eating habits, worship etc etc.

Osho is wrong if he wrote this

i will be very surprised if acharya rajnish ji in fact said this because he
was a pretty smart guy. he is unlikely to say things like "you are a fool"
to a national leader ambedkar - although i know many indians are quick to
use these words, often uncalled for in a vain attempt to sound
authoratitive, which leaves me cringing. the piece does not sound like the
rajnish i have heard.

you are right on mahatma wanting to change dirty habits - not only of the
harijans but also of others. that's the reason he was busy showing the
citizens how to clean their "toilets" (such as they were) - at considerable
health risk to his ownself during the times dieases like plague had struck
india. you can be sure ambedkar never visited anybody's toilet after he came
back from usa with education paid for by "high caste" people. i think more
than likely ambedkar felt encouraged by the british whose govt he served
in. he did good for himself, but hardly an inspiring leader, mainly a bomb
thrower - on the very people who were going extra miles to change things for
the better for the people he claimed to lead. another great leader was swami
shraddhanand who worked tirelessly for the harijan.


Mar 31, 2010, 7:04:55 PM3/31/10
> i will be very surprised if acharya rajnish ji in fact said this . . .

After Rajneesh's death, the westerners who profited from marketing
him continue to write stuff under the name "Osho" to keep the cash
cow alive. There are a bunch of folks who are writing all kind of
things in order to appeal to a wide spectrum of people. Their
objective is to sell books, CDs and DVDs, and to sell tours.

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

In article <4bb3cb77$0$12459$>,
"harmony" <> posted:


Mar 31, 2010, 8:21:32 PM3/31/10
i hear you, and won't be surprised at that. rajnish ji's lectures are still
available in the original; some are quite a delight. i have yet to hear
anything inapprpriate.

< and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)> wrote in
message news:20100331C9JeVq0nELfOX7zXAg6Vv24@Uhn5e...


Mar 31, 2010, 8:58:42 PM3/31/10
His lectures were modified for western audiences and then published, but I am
certain that original tapes are available from some of the early followers. I
interviewed a few of them and wrote notes.

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

In article <4bb3e733$0$12436$>,
"harmony" <> posted:

> i hear you, and won't be surprised at that. rajnish ji's lectures are still
> available in the original; some are quite a delight. i have yet to hear
> anything inapprpriate.

> Dr. Jai Maharaj posted:

> >> i will be very surprised if acharya rajnish ji in fact said this . . .
> >
> > After Rajneesh's death, the westerners who profited from marketing
> > him continue to write stuff under the name "Osho" to keep the cash

> > cow alive. There are a bunch of folks who are writing all kinds of


Apr 1, 2010, 5:37:31 PM4/1/10
On Apr 1, 12:21 am, Mirza Ghalib <> wrote:
> On Mar 30, 6:16 pm, uNmaivirumbi <> wrote:

> If Gandhi's leadership of the untouchables was more
> beneficial for them, how come they curse and malign the
> Mahatma (listen to Mayawati's utterances).

Gandhiji was never divisive. These people including Amby. They
capitalize on politics of hatred like in TN

In fact they abhor
> the use of the term "Harijan", as being too patronizing,
> preferring "dalit" instead.

Scheduled caste commission said they do not approve of the term
dalit.. They prefer sc/st. Dalit implies they were oppressed. They
were not. They oppressed themselves

> The real culprit is post-independence politics that is
> openly anti-national and extremely divisive. They are playing
> with fire.

I agree fully. People need good advice and guidance. Not hatred. Amby
wrote a lot of lies about Hindus. Because he was sc and a lawyer,
people kept quiet. Some people still think he spoke facts. He was a
liar on many issues and ruined the community including sc/st

Mirza Ghalib

Apr 2, 2010, 1:46:27 PM4/2/10
On Apr 1, 2:37 pm, uNmaivirumbi <> wrote:
> On Apr 1, 12:21 am, Mirza Ghalib <> wrote:

I have in my personal library a book which exposes the
Ambedkar myth:

Ambedkar, and the facts which have been erased

by Arun Shourie
Rupa & Co, 1997
About 700 pages.

Ironically, Ambedkar made it a point to marry a Brahmin
woman the second time around. As for the actual service
to his own community. the record is nil. Even Gandhi did

No wonder he is worshiped only by crooks like Mayawati
and her mentor/paramour Late Kanshi Ram.


Apr 2, 2010, 2:09:10 PM4/2/10

I did not know about Mayavathi as Mrs. Ram!

Mirza Ghalib

Apr 3, 2010, 3:09:09 AM4/3/10

Kanshi Ram and Mayawati were never married. They
were just lovers.


Apr 5, 2010, 5:25:35 PM4/5/10
i have heard many of his original.
there is no hint he would say things of the nature ascribed to him here by
motivated mirza and his commie partner in crime arseneous arindam.
so here we challenge the galib guy to produce the evidence in original. now,
watch him dodge and run.

< and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)> wrote in

message news:20100331T671CQf0y046Dw2m1UfQ294@TdQ8y...

Arindam Banerjee

Apr 6, 2010, 4:00:01 AM4/6/10
On Apr 6, 7:25 am, "harmony" <> wrote:
> i have heard many of his original.
> there is no hint he would say things of the nature ascribed to him here by
> motivated mirza and his commie partner in crime arseneous arindam.

hello bundree, kya baat, kaisee hoe? Am I being too much of a
pesticide for you? Stop being a pest, then. See, you managed to
spell "jealous" correctly, now that is a start.
Cheers, up your tail, swing in joy, go eat a banana.


Apr 7, 2010, 6:03:24 PM4/7/10
as predicted, mirza is runnning and hiding.
he can't produce any link to rajnish's spoken words in original.
until then laal jhandewala arsenous arindam should restrain his commie self
on mahatma gandhi - and that too predictably won't happen.

so, we have a hit-n-runner and an over the top verbose bomb thrower.

"harmony" <> wrote in message

Mirza Ghalib

Apr 7, 2010, 7:18:04 PM4/7/10
On Apr 7, 3:03 pm, "harmony" <> wrote:
> as predicted, mirza is runnning and hiding.
> he can't produce any link to rajnish's spoken words in original.
> until then laal jhandewala arsenous arindam should restrain his commie self
> on mahatma gandhi - and that too predictably won't happen.
> so, we have a hit-n-runner and an over the top verbose bomb thrower.
> "harmony" <> wrote in message
> news:4bba5551$0$12431$

> > < and/ Jai Mah

The website was quietly removed. You can see it in
my original post, but is empty now. However, the
contents of the post are in my original post. May be
Osho did not want any more publicity. After all, they
have to live in India, do they not.


Apr 7, 2010, 7:27:37 PM4/7/10
Rajneesh was a physics teacher and likely agreed with Einstein.

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

In article <4bbd0133$0$12444$>,
"harmony" <> posted:

> as predicted, mirza is runnning and hiding.
> he can't produce any link to rajnish's spoken words in original.
> until then laal jhandewala arsenous arindam should restrain his commie self
> on mahatma gandhi - and that too predictably won't happen.
> so, we have a hit-n-runner and an over the top verbose bomb thrower.
> "harmony" <> wrote in message
> news:4bba5551$0$12431$
> >i have heard many of his original.
> > there is no hint he would say things of the nature ascribed to him here by
> > motivated mirza and his commie partner in crime arseneous arindam.
> > so here we challenge the galib guy to produce the evidence in original.
> > now, watch him dodge and run.
> >
> >

> > Dr. Jai Maharaj posted:


Apr 12, 2010, 5:22:11 PM4/12/10
quite. and he disapproved of laal jhandewala folks. arindumdum would have
been kicked out of his ashram.

< and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)> wrote in

message news:20100407Ww75H7xleaB7RZ40VRKQaE2@Be79A...

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